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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : Micromite eXtreme (MMX) V5.07.00 betas

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Joined: 07/08/2011
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Posted: 08:57pm 17 Oct 2023
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  circuit said  I am puzzled about the behaviour of the command "FILES".  It appears in the command listing and works just fine from the console.  If I put this command into a program it stalls with "command not recognised".  Is this correct behaviour?

Look at DIR$()
f$ = DIR$("*.*", FILE)
DO WHILE f$ <> ""
f$ = DIR$()

MMedit   MMBasic Help


Joined: 07/09/2016
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Posted: 11:20pm 31 May 2024
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Hi Peter. Just updated my MMX to 5.07.01b5 - was on 5.04.01  

fixed some bugs I ran into - thanks.

small point, variables don't seem to be reported in MEMORY. Currently loaded prog has loads but I get

> memory
 24K ( 4%) Program (713 lines)
  4K ( 0%) 1 Embedded Fonts
516K (96%) Free

  0K ( 0%) 0 Variables
  5K ( 1%) General
239K (99%) Free
> ?cgy

not a show stopper


Joined: 18/12/2014
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Posted: 02:41am 01 Jun 2024
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  Quote  small point, variables don't seem to be reported in MEMORY

This is likely introduced with the use of hashed variables. Is the same in the latest F4 code as well. Needs to iterate up to MAXVARS in lieu of the now 0 valued varcnt.


   //for(i = VarCnt = vsize = var = 0; var < varcnt; var++) {
     for(i = VarCnt = vsize = var = 0; var < MAXVARS; var++) {

Latest F4 Latest H7


Joined: 07/09/2016
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Posted: 07:43am 01 Jun 2024
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good detective work  

Bug:  CPU SLEEP <n>

MMX goes away and requires a reset to bring it back

Bug: I suspect SETTICK keeps running after CTRL-C

I have a prog which outputs some values every two seconds, this is managed by my own ticker setup with a single SETTICK on timer 4 used to call it.

see here: I run the code (which set up the ticker), then stop the prog, clear the variables then run a function from the code. I get an error involved with the timer array - this can only have happened because the the timer fired and the ISR tried to do some work with the now, non-existent array that controls all my timers. The error has nothing to do with the MAP() function but seems to require me to dive into the prog for the error to occur (maybe queued?), it doesn't come out at the console prompt.

 0.0,  0.0
 0.0,  0.0
 0.0,  0.0
> clear
> ? Map(2.94,0,5,-5,5)
[479] f=TMRini(n) And &hC000000000000000
Error : TMRINI is not declared   <--- this is involved with the timer, nothing to do with MAP()

EDIT: Oh wait! I have just confirmed the same action on a '170 MicroMite (running 5.04.08 - I have my reasons)... It seems odd action but has it been like this from the beginning? In which case is it a "feature" not a bug?  


Edited 2024-06-01 19:14 by CaptainBoing
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