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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : Aquarium (or general purpose) controller

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Posted: 08:47am 18 Apr 2024
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In most such links you can omit everything after the "?". The rest is specific to that persons history on the site.

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Posted: 03:37am 19 Apr 2024
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Looks like you've all hit the nail on the head and yep, the new page has taken the display length back to normal.

  Mixtel90 said  On another forum that I've used long links are trimmed at the maximum line length, but only for the display. The full link is still there if you bring your post up for editing. It works very nicely.

Maybe if Gizmo is reading this he could do the same with TBS's code?
Volhout and Phil's point about not needing anything after a "?" in the URL might be a fix too but it would mean fiddling with members' posts - maybe not so bad.

Edited 2024-04-19 13:38 by paceman


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Posted: 05:06am 19 Apr 2024
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Or if could be a matter of educating members to only copy-n-paste up to the "?".
The rest doesn't do anything useful.
In fact it often results in the displayed page language and currency settings being those of the poster, not the reader.

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Posted: 06:58am 19 Apr 2024
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  phil99 said  Or if could be a matter of educating members to only copy-n-paste up to the "?".

Yes but I remember that point being mentioned several times in the past.
The description of the correct way to do a link in the forum software has been there for years and mentioned often enough. If people don't read how to use forum links or if they're new members and haven't yet read them, then they'll always end up with the same problem.
I think copying and pasting long links directly will always be a problem because people are so used to doing it, and it's quicker.


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Posted: 08:03pm 14 May 2024
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I am also having this issue, but not only when there is a long URL inside an earlier post - it happens every place I go on this forum. It is very awkward having to scroll left and right, back and forth to be able to read every post in any thread.  Is there any way to correct this?

I do know about the zoom level, but I need to zoom out so far to fit the posts within the width of my (wide screen - 19" display) browser that I am unable to see the text. I usually need to have my zoom set to about 150% in order to see comfortably.


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Posted: 08:05am 15 May 2024
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I use the horizontal scroll bar if necessary. If I zoomed out the text would become mere dots!

This is an issue with the display side of the forum software. The best way is for everyone to bear it in mind and
a) Ideally use the link facility built into the software, which is very easy to use and can handle huge links.
b) alternatively, keep links to a sensible length (and it's nice to put them on a new line).

While I'm here, lets get this thread back on topic. :)

All happy ever after. :)

Something I should have done is to put suppression on the filter pump relay contact. The motor is small, but there is sometimes enough interference when switching it to crash the processor. I thought I might have been ok, but it appears that there is nothing built into the (encapsulated) motor.

I'm considering adding 2 more fish and three cherry shrimp.
Edited 2024-05-15 18:24 by Mixtel90

Zilog Inside! nascom.info for Nascom & Gemini
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Posted: 09:06am 15 May 2024
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looking good.

two things you might consider;

bit late for now maybe, but, you could use an opto relay for the mains switching. G3MB-202P OPTO SSR for switching mains upto 2A (~400W) SIL module with ZCD. No switching spike and silent operation too datasheet They are my go-to for switching low wattage mains loads, I have used dozens of them - I still have loads here - PM me if you'd like me to bung a handful in a jiffy bag. I think it is an obsolete part but still tons available as old-new.

Beware the yellow coin cell on the RTC module - that is the same module that gave me all the problems a while back and it turned out the cell had an internal resistance of 45K(!) so when it went on load (VCC off) the voltage dropped to 0.6V. I had a few of them and all the cells were grabage.

looking very nice. Must say your internals are a *LOT* tidier than mine - not a blob of hot-glue to be seen  
Edited 2024-05-15 19:08 by CaptainBoing


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Posted: 09:57am 15 May 2024
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I did consider using SSRs for the mains switching but I'd already been given the relays. Being a bit tight I decided not to spend more money on it. :)  I'd mainly have gained PCB area, but the width of each relay system is decided by the width of the connector used. That's a 3-pole as they don't make a 2-pole in a screwless type.

The PCB contains an area for a CR2032 holder to replace the RTC cell. I've already had one go dead on me, but I don't see why it can't be replaced by something bigger as there are no components on the module for charging.

Nope, no hot-snot. Even the fuse holder is fastened properly. :) As the board is on pillars it's a bit of a pain lining up all five though. lol!

Zilog Inside! nascom.info for Nascom & Gemini
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Posted: 11:04am 15 May 2024
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  Mixtel90 said  
Something I should have done is to put suppression on the filter pump relay contact. The motor is small, but there is sometimes enough interference when switching it to crash the processor. I thought I might have been ok, but it appears that there is nothing built into the (encapsulated) motor.

Put a 10n cap on the RUN pin. In my case that solved the issue.


Alternative: put come concrete in the water. That dampens the pump like hell...
Joke.. honestly, it is a beautiful little tank Mick.
Edited 2024-05-16 05:00 by Volhout
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