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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : Arduino anyone?

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Joined: 23/03/2007
Location: Romania
Posts: 1697
Posted: 05:38am 24 Aug 2009
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Is here anyone familiar with Arduino and Arduino language?
Hobbit name: Togo Toadfoot of Frogmorton
Elvish name: Mablung Miriel
Beyound Arduino Lang

Joined: 12/11/2008
Posts: 2
Posted: 10:14pm 11 Sep 2009
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I have used a Freeduino board (based on the arduino board) purchased as a kit from HVW Technologies{

The Freeduino is used for monitoring my wind turbine(RPM, Amps, Watts, wind speed, TSR), solar panels (Amps, Watts), battery charge status(Volts, Amps, temperature, SOC%), and controlling battery charge rate(bulk, absorption, float).

All the real time data is viewed using the 4x20 LCD display. The only data that has history is Watt hour production by the turbine and solar panels which is recorded for a 24hr period. The same goes for load consumption.

Eventually I will have remote data logging through wifi but for now I use a MSI Wind netbook that I hook up to the usb on the Freeduino to do long term data logging.

All the code was written in c/c++ and I did make use of the Arduino core library. The "Arduino Language" is just a high level c/c++ library that wraps the lower level Atmel AVR c library. The Arduino IDE hides the AVR gcc command line tool chain and makes development a little easier for us non programmers.

Here is a picture taken in June 2009 of the prototype setup before I made the final pc board and enclosure.



Joined: 23/03/2007
Location: Romania
Posts: 1697
Posted: 10:59pm 11 Sep 2009
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Hi Jeff,
Nice project, thank you. I wanted to see how many forum members are familiar with Arduino language. I'm working at a board PIC based which can also be programed using Arduino language via Pinguino, an IDE developed by Jean-Pierre Mandon. Pinguino translate Arduino language for SDCC compiler - (only) C language for PIC microcontrollers.

Maybe you can give us more details and new pictures?

Hobbit name: Togo Toadfoot of Frogmorton
Elvish name: Mablung Miriel
Beyound Arduino Lang


Joined: 29/04/2011
Location: Saudi Arabia
Posts: 1
Posted: 08:41am 29 Apr 2011
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I think Arduino is a great low-cost solution for power control and monitoring.

I have been working on Educational materials about Arduino here: YourDuino.com

Tutorial / Information on power control here

And here for low-cost Arduino compatible boards, Sensors and more

DISCLAIMER: I mentioned stuff from my own Shop...
Regards, Terry King terry@yourduino.com


Joined: 23/03/2007
Location: Romania
Posts: 1697
Posted: 12:49pm 29 Apr 2011
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I saw your advertising elsewhere (can't remember right now) but for sure it wasn't from Saudi Arabia...

Correction, it was from Saudi Arabia:

Second edit:
I remember it! I first saw your post on Pinguino Google Group:
https://groups.google.com/group/pinguinocard/browse_thread/t hread/78ab5d5dafa26b55Edited by vasi 2011-04-30
Hobbit name: Togo Toadfoot of Frogmorton
Elvish name: Mablung Miriel
Beyound Arduino Lang
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