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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : SPI and the Maximite

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Joined: 31/10/2012
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Posted: 02:30pm 25 Apr 2013
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I haven't yet got the hardware to test it but I'm hoping this code won't be too far off... Any corrections or tips would be great!

'Maximite 74HC595 Shift Register Test
'Adapted from the Arduino ShiftOut Tutorial - Hello World Code
'Original Code available from http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ShftOut11

'Pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595
latchPin = 13
'Pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595
clockPin = 12
'Pin connected to DS of 74HC595
dataPin = 11

'Setup pins to digital output
SETPIN latchPin, 8
SETPIN clockPin, 8
SETPIN dataPin, 8

'create an unused RX pin for SPI function
rxPin = 14
'set rxPin as a digital input
SETPIN rxPin, 2

' count from 0 to 255 and display the number on the LEDs
for numberToDisplay = 0 TO 255
'take the latchPin low so the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits
'shift out the bits
junk = SPI(rxPin, dataPin, clockPin, numberToDisplay)
'take the latch pin high so the LEDs will light up
'pause before next value
NEXT numbertoDisplay
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Posted: 11:54pm 25 Apr 2013
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@ Shaz_AU

Essentially, you have it correct, but the command for SPI changed @ V3 I think, and the new format is

received_data = SPI( rx, tx, clk, data_to_send, speed, mode, bits )

bits default to 8 and can be omitted for a single 595 chip. Two chips daisy chained together and you could set bits as 16 (send two bytes) to send both chips the desired output. Bits maximum is 24 I think. My command for SPI_DMD() has this bits set to 32.

I also found the mode may need to be changed to 3 for the 595 chip.. Just try the default of zero. If no output try setting the mode to 3.


junk = SPI(rxPin, dataPin, clockPin, numberToDisplay, H, 0)


junk = SPI(rxPin, dataPin, clockPin, numberToDisplay, H, 3)

An extract from Tronixstuff Arduino Tutorial Chapter 4

1) set the latch pin low (pin 12)

2) send the byte of data to the ’595 (pin 14)

3) toggle the clock pin (pin 11)

4) set the latch pin high (pin 12)

Pin 10 (reset) is always connected to the +5V, pin 13 (output enable) is always connected to ground.

Thankfully there is a command that has parts 2 and 3 in one; you can use digitalWrite(); to take care of the latch duties. The command shiftOut(); is the key. The syntax is:


a = the digital output pin that connects to the ’595 data pin (14);

b = the digital output pin that connects to the ’595 clock pin (11);

c can be either LSBFIRST or MSBFIRST. MSBFIRST means the ’595 will interpret the binary number from left to right; LSBFIRST will make it go right to left;

d = the actual number (0~255) that you want represented by the ’595 in binary output pins.

for an example I supply my code from version 3. It opens a file for output and stores the junk variable in a spreadsheet file. The junk gets this returned from pin 9 (rx)of the 595 chip ( connect pin 9 to pin 14 to daisy chain two 595 together..)

SetPin 18, 2 'set rx pin AS a digital input
SetPin 19, 8 'set tx pin AS an output
Pin(20) = 1 : SetPin 20, 8 ' set clk pin high THEN set it AS an output
Pin(17) = 1 : SetPin 17, 8 'pin 17 will be used AS the enable signal
Option base 0
Open "SPI-DATA.xls" For output As #1
Do While temp <255
temp=(temp+1) Mod 255
Pause 50
GoSub senddata
Close #1
SendData: ' send spi data routine

Pin(17) = 0 'assert the enable line (active low)
Pause 1
junk = SPI(18 , 19 , 20 , temp , H , 0) 'send the command
Pause 1
Pin(17) = 1 'deselect the slave

Locate 100,100: ? " "
Locate 100,100 : ? temp;",";junk
Print #1 " ";temp;",";junk


Regards DennisEdited by MM_Wombat 2013-04-27
Keep plugging away, it is fun learning
But can be expensive (if you keep blowing things up).

Maximite, ColourMaximite, MM+

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Posted: 01:53pm 26 Apr 2013
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Hi Dennis,

Thank you for the comprehensive reply, it has helped a lot! I think I understand it now anyway...

- So is there a reason why you set the clock and latch pins high at the start of the program? Would this not display whatever junk is in the shift register at startup?
- Is the pauses you have in the sendData function necessary?
- Expanding on your idea of 2 registers daisy chained together; if I wanted to send data to 4 registers is it just a matter of pulling the latch pin low, dividing up the 32bits into two 16bit spi commands and sending them one after another, then pulling the latch pin high again? I don't actually want to do this, I'm just curious.

My first goal is to use two 74hc595 chips to build a 8x8 switch matrix that along with 8 NPN(TP102), 8 PNP(TP107) transistors and a lot of diodes can control 64 separate lamp outputs.

Now if only the postie would hurry up and do his part so I can get started

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Posted: 09:48pm 26 Apr 2013
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@ Shaz_AU

Yes you would do just that.

When I had four 595's connected together, and The command was 8 bits, I would send 4 8 bit commands.

Pin(17) = 0 'assert the enable line (active low)
junk = SPI(18 , 19 , 20 , temp1 , H) 'send the command
junk = SPI(18 , 19 , 20 , temp2 , H) 'send the command
junk = SPI(18 , 19 , 20 , temp3 , H) 'send the command
junk = SPI(18 , 19 , 20 , temp4 , H) 'send the command
Pin(17) = 1 'deselect the slave

but now would be

Pin(17) = 0 'assert the enable line (active low)
junk = SPI(18 , 19 , 20 , (temp2*256)+temp1 , H, 0, 16) 'send the command
junk = SPI(18 , 19 , 20 , (temp4*256)+temp3 , H, 0, 16) 'send the command
Pin(17) = 1 'deselect the slave

I suppose I set the pins high, so as there would be a transition from high to low. I don't know if it would make any difference, as it would only be a approx 35 nano seconds per line before my data was sent....

Regards Dennis

PS. With the DMD panels, you only have to tell the program how many horizontal and vertical panels you have, and then draw everything to the screen, and it will display on the panels automatically.

Maybe I should add it to the library, with a .hex of the Maximite version which holds the SPI_DMD() command added to the source..

Am still working on getting it to work on the CMM though....
Keep plugging away, it is fun learning
But can be expensive (if you keep blowing things up).

Maximite, ColourMaximite, MM+
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Posted: 10:11pm 26 Apr 2013
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@ Shaz_AU

I also experimented with an 'Austria Micro Systems' AS1107 8x8 controllers

This is the thread link

It may be easier than using the 595's

There is also a Maxim chip, 7219, but I think it was discontinued?

Regards Dennis

PS. The code for the 3x 8x8...from the link...

mytext$=" Maximite by Geoff Graham, MMBasic V3.2 . Program by Dennis Wyatt."
SetPin 18, 2 'set rx pin AS a digital input
SetPin 19, 8 'set tx pin AS an output
Pin(20) = 1 : SetPin 20, 8 ' set clk pin high THEN set it AS an output
Pin(17) = 1 : SetPin 17, 8 'pin 17 will be used AS the enable signal
hex1 = 0 : test1 = 0
Option base 0
Dim blink(3) : blink(0)=160 : blink(1)=176 : blink(2)=144
Dim bcodeHEX(2) : bcodeHEX(0)=0 : bcodehex(1)=4
Dim displaydigit0(1500) ' 250 Characters 6 column wide
Dim characters(96,5)
GoSub dataread
GoSub builddisplaydata
'setup chips

temp1=&H0900 ' no decode mode
GoSub senddata

temp1=&H0b07 ' scan limit
GoSub senddata

temp1=&H0A04 'intensity global
GoSub senddata

temp1=&H0C81 ' wake up
GoSub senddata


If text$="3" Then 'test display
test1=Not test1
temp1=&H0F00 + test1
GoSub senddata

If text$="8" Or text$="q" Then 'shutdown
GoSub senddata

If text$="q" Then End

If text$="b" Then 'blink
blinker=(blinker + 1) Mod 3
GoSub buildfeature
GoSub senddata

'write all digits then increment textpos to scroll text

temp1=&H0100+displaydigit0(textpos Mod scrollcount)
temp2=&H0100+displaydigit0((textpos+8) Mod scrollcount)
temp3=&H0100+displaydigit0((textpos+16) Mod scrollcount)
GoSub senddata
temp1=&H0200+displaydigit0((textpos+1) Mod scrollcount)
temp2=&H0200+displaydigit0((textpos+9) Mod scrollcount)
temp3=&H0200+displaydigit0((textpos+17) Mod scrollcount)
GoSub senddata
temp1=&H0300+displaydigit0((textpos+2) Mod scrollcount)
temp2=&H0300+displaydigit0((textpos+10) Mod scrollcount)
temp3=&H0300+displaydigit0((textpos+18) Mod scrollcount)
GoSub senddata
temp1=&H0400+displaydigit0((textpos+3) Mod scrollcount)
temp2=&H0400+displaydigit0((textpos+11) Mod scrollcount)
temp3=&H0400+displaydigit0((textpos+19) Mod scrollcount)
GoSub senddata
temp1=&H0500+displaydigit0((textpos+4) Mod scrollcount)
temp2=&H0500+displaydigit0((textpos+12) Mod scrollcount)
temp3=&H0500+displaydigit0((textpos+20) Mod scrollcount)
GoSub senddata
temp1=&H0600+displaydigit0((textpos+5) Mod scrollcount)
temp2=&H0600+displaydigit0((textpos+13) Mod scrollcount)
temp3=&H0600+displaydigit0((textpos+21) Mod scrollcount)
GoSub senddata
temp1=&H0700+displaydigit0((textpos+6) Mod scrollcount)
temp2=&H0700+displaydigit0((textpos+14) Mod scrollcount)
temp3=&H0700+displaydigit0((textpos+22) Mod scrollcount)
GoSub senddata
temp1=&H0800+displaydigit0((textpos+7) Mod scrollcount)
temp2=&H0800+displaydigit0((textpos+15) Mod scrollcount)
temp3=&H0800+displaydigit0((textpos+23) Mod scrollcount)
GoSub senddata
Pause pausetime

If text$="i" Then
Print "Please enclose in quotes, for punctuation to be displayed"
Input "Enter text "; mytext$
Print Len(mytext$)
GoSub builddisplaydata

If text$="p" Then
pausetime = (pausetime +10) Mod 200
Print pausetime


' rem
Pin(17) = 0 'assert the enable line (active low)
Timer = 0
junk1 = SPI(18, 19, 20, temp3, H, 0, 16) 'send the command
junk1 = SPI(18, 19, 20, temp2, H, 0, 16) 'send the command
junk1 = SPI(18, 19, 20, temp1, H, 0, 16) 'send the command
tempcount=(tempcount+1) Mod 256
junk2 = SPI(18,19,20,tempcount,H,0,8)
Pin(17) = 1 'deselect the slave

temp1= temp1 Or bcodehex(hex1)
temp1= temp1 Or blink(blinker)

For i= 0 To 95
For j= 0 To 4
Read a
characters(i,j)= a
Next j
Next i
Data &b00000000, &b00000000, &b00000000, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' space
Data &b00000000, &b00000000, &b01111001, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' exclamation_mark
Data &b00000000, &b01110000, &b00000000, &b01110000, &b00000000 ' double_quotes
Data &b00010100, &b01111111, &b00010100, &b01111111, &b00010100 ' hash
Data &b00010010, &b00101010, &b01111111, &b00101010, &b00100100 ' dollar_sign
Data &b01100010, &b01100100, &b00001000, &b00010011, &b00100011 ' percent
Data &b00110110, &b01001001, &b01010101, &b00100010, &b00000101 ' ampersand
Data &b00000000, &b01010000, &b01100000, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' apostrophe
Data &b00000000, &b00011100, &b00100010, &b01000001, &b00000000 ' left_parenthesis
Data &b00000000, &b01000001, &b00100010, &b00011100, &b00000000 ' right_parenthesis
Data &b00010100, &b00001000, &b00111110, &b00001000, &b00010100 ' asteriska
Data &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00111110, &b00001000, &b00001000 ' plus
Data &b00000000, &b00000101, &b00000110, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' comma
Data &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00001000 ' minus
Data &b00000000, &b00000011, &b00000011, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' full_stop
Data &b00000010, &b00000100, &b00001000, &b00010000, &b00100000 ' forward_slash
Data &b00111110, &b01000101, &b01001001, &b01010001, &b00111110 ' zero
Data &b00000000, &b00100001, &b01111111, &b00000001, &b00000000 ' one
Data &b00100001, &b01000011, &b01000101, &b01001001, &b00110001 ' two
Data &b01000010, &b01000001, &b01010001, &b01101001, &b01000110 ' three
Data &b00001100, &b00010100, &b00100100, &b01111111, &b00000100 ' four
Data &b01110010, &b01010001, &b01010001, &b01010001, &b01001110 ' five
Data &b00011110, &b00101001, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b00000110 ' six
Data &b01000000, &b01000111, &b01001000, &b01010000, &b01100000 ' seven
Data &b00110110, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b00110110 ' eight
Data &b00110000, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b01001010, &b00111100 ' nine
Data &b00000000, &b00110110, &b00110110, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' colon
Data &b00000000, &b00110101, &b00110110, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' semicolon
Data &b00001000, &b00010100, &b00100010, &b01000001, &b00000000 ' less_than
Data &b00010100, &b00010100, &b00010100, &b00010100, &b00010100 ' equals
Data &b00000000, &b01000001, &b00100010, &b00010100, &b00001000 ' greater_than
Data &b00100000, &b01000000, &b01000101, &b01001000, &b00110000 ' question_mark
Data &b00100110, &b01001001, &b01001111, &b01000001, &b00111110 ' at
Data &b00111111, &b01000100, &b01000100, &b01000100, &b00111111 ' A
Data &b01111111, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b00110110 ' B
Data &b00111110, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b00100010 ' C
Data &b01111111, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b00100010, &b00011100 ' D
Data &b01111111, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b01000001 ' E
Data &b01111111, &b01001000, &b01001000, &b01001000, &b01000000 ' F
Data &b00111110, &b01000001, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b00101111 ' G
Data &b01111111, &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00001000, &b01111111 ' H
Data &b00000000, &b01000001, &b01111111, &b01000001, &b00000000 ' I
Data &b00000010, &b00000001, &b01000001, &b01111110, &b01000000 ' J
Data &b01111111, &b00001000, &b00010100, &b00100010, &b01000001 ' K
Data &b01111111, &b00000001, &b00000001, &b00000001, &b00000001 ' L
Data &b01111111, &b00100000, &b00011000, &b00100000, &b01111111 ' M
Data &b01111111, &b00010000, &b00001000, &b00000100, &b01111111 ' N
Data &b00111110, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b00111110 ' O
Data &b01111111, &b01001000, &b01001000, &b01001000, &b00110000 ' P
Data &b00111110, &b01000001, &b01000101, &b01000010, &b00111101 ' Q
Data &b01111111, &b01001000, &b01001100, &b01001010, &b00110001 ' R
Data &b00110001, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b01001001, &b01000110 ' S
Data &b01000000, &b01000000, &b01111111, &b01000000, &b01000000 ' T
Data &b01111110, &b00000001, &b00000001, &b00000001, &b01111110 ' U
Data &b01111100, &b00000010, &b00000001, &b00000010, &b01111100 ' V
Data &b01111110, &b00000001, &b00001110, &b00000001, &b01111110 ' W
Data &b01100011, &b00010100, &b00001000, &b00010100, &b01100011 ' X
Data &b01110000, &b00001000, &b00000111, &b00001000, &b01110000 ' Y
Data &b01000011, &b01000101, &b01001001, &b01010001, &b01100001 ' Z
Data &b00000000, &b01111111, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b00000000 ' left_square
Data &b00100000, &b00010000, &b00001000, &b00000100, &b00000010 ' back_slash
Data &b00000000, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b01111111, &b00000000 ' right_square
Data &b00010000, &b00100000, &b01000000, &b00100000, &b00010000 ' circumflex
Data &b10000000, &b10000000, &b10000000, &b10000000, &b10000000 ' underscore
Data &b00000000, &b01000000, &b00100000, &b00010000, &b00000000 ' grave_accent
Data &b00000010, &b00010101, &b00010101, &b00010101, &b00001111 ' a
Data &b01111111, &b00001001, &b00001001, &b00001001, &b00000110 ' b
Data &b00001110, &b00010001, &b00010001, &b00010001, &b00010001 ' c
Data &b00000110, &b00001001, &b00001001, &b00001001, &b01111111 ' d
Data &b00001110, &b00010101, &b00010101, &b00010101, &b00001101 ' e
Data &b00000000, &b00001000, &b00111111, &b01001000, &b00100000 ' f
Data &b00001001, &b00010101, &b00010101, &b00010101, &b00011110 ' g
Data &b01111111, &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00000111 ' h
Data &b00000000, &b00000000, &b00101111, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' i
Data &b00000010, &b00000001, &b00000001, &b01011110, &b00000000 ' j
Data &b00000000, &b01111111, &b00000100, &b00001010, &b00010001 ' k
Data &b00000000, &b01000001, &b01111111, &b00000001, &b00000000 ' l
Data &b00011111, &b00010000, &b00001110, &b00010000, &b00011111 ' m
Data &b00011111, &b00001000, &b00010000, &b00010000, &b00001111 ' n
Data &b00001110, &b00010001, &b00010001, &b00010001, &b00001110 ' o
Data &b00011111, &b00010100, &b00010100, &b00010100, &b00001000 ' p
Data &b00001000, &b00010100, &b00010100, &b00010100, &b00011111 ' q
Data &b00011111, &b00001000, &b00010000, &b00010000, &b00001000 ' r
Data &b00001001, &b00010101, &b00010101, &b00010101, &b00010010 ' s
Data &b00010000, &b00010000, &b01111110, &b00010001, &b00010010 ' t
Data &b00011110, &b00000001, &b00000001, &b00000001, &b00011110 ' u
Data &b00011100, &b00000010, &b00000001, &b00000010, &b00011100 ' v
Data &b00011110, &b00000001, &b00000110, &b00000001, &b00011110 ' w
Data &b00010001, &b00001010, &b00000100, &b00001010, &b00010001 ' x
Data &b00010000, &b00001001, &b00000110, &b00001000, &b00010000 ' y
Data &b00010001, &b00010011, &b00010101, &b00011001, &b00010001 ' z
Data &b00001000, &b00110110, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b00000000 ' leftcurly
Data &b00000000, &b00000000, &b01111111, &b00000000, &b00000000 ' vertline
Data &b00000000, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b00110110, &b00001000 ' rightcurly
Data &b00000100, &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00001000, &b00010000 ' tilde
Data &b01111111, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b01000001, &b01111111 ' del
For k=1 To Len(mytext$)
If chartext=63 Then
Next k

Keep plugging away, it is fun learning
But can be expensive (if you keep blowing things up).

Maximite, ColourMaximite, MM+

Joined: 31/10/2012
Location: Australia
Posts: 11
Posted: 01:04pm 27 Apr 2013
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Wow that code just went flying right over my head :) You are way in front of me, I haven't done any programming in years! I only just put my mono maximite together last month. It's been sitting in a cupboard patiently waiting for me for a long time.

Thanks for the further tips, I'll have a look into the AMS 8x8 controllers too. The 595s are good because there is lots of example code and tutorials available for novices like me. I did look at the maxim chips but I think they were like $20 each so that put me off.
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Posted: 06:19pm 27 Apr 2013
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Thats ok

Any questions just ask..


Keep plugging away, it is fun learning
But can be expensive (if you keep blowing things up).

Maximite, ColourMaximite, MM+

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Posted: 03:54pm 06 May 2013
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So the postie delivered some goodies and I got straight into it. Guess what... It actually worked first time! That never happens.

Can you tell I haven't used breadboard before?

Now to add a 2nd shift register and modify my basic code to use those leds too before I play with any matrixing

Thanks for the help Dennis

ShazEdited by Shaz_Au 2013-05-13

Joined: 31/10/2012
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Posted: 09:17pm 11 May 2013
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2 shift registers
16 LEDs
3 light effects (knight rider + additive scroll from left & right)

Here is the breadboard:

Here is the code (some of the repetitive comments could of been removed!):
'Maximite 74HC595 Multiple Shift Register Test
'Knight Rider style display with 16 leds
'Code by Shaz_Au, with thanks to MM_Wombat, the Maximite Library contributors and the Arduino Shift Out Tutorials
'Last updated 12/5/13

'Pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595
latchPin = 13
'Pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595
clockPin = 12
'Pin connected to DS of 74HC595
dataPin = 11

'Setup pins to digital output
SETPIN latchPin, 8
SETPIN clockPin, 8
SETPIN dataPin, 8

'create an unused RX pin for SPI function
rxPin = 14
'set rxPin as a digital input
SETPIN rxPin, 2

repeat = 5 'Number of times to repeat each light sequence
dim knight(17) 'Create array to store light sequence
GoSub dataRead 'Read light sequence into the knight array
GoSub knightRider 'Run the knightrider light sequence
GoSub scrollFillLeft 'Run fill from left light sequence
GoSub scrollFillRight 'Run fill from right light sequence
GoSub turnOffTheLights

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''
'input data into array
For i=0 To 16
READ knight(i)
Next i
Data &b0000000000000000 'all lights off
Data &b1000000000000000
Data &b0100000000000000
Data &b0010000000000000
Data &b0001000000000000
Data &b0000100000000000
Data &b0000010000000000
Data &b0000001000000000
Data &b0000000100000000
Data &b0000000010000000
Data &b0000000001000000
Data &b0000000000100000
Data &b0000000000010000
Data &b0000000000001000
Data &b0000000000000100
Data &b0000000000000010
Data &b0000000000000001

'' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''
For i=0 to repeat
For leftToRight = 1 To 15
'take the latchPin low so the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits
'shift out the bits
junk = SPI(rxPin, dataPin, clockPin, knight(leftToRight), H, 3, 16)
'where junk is a dummy variable,
'H is the speed (high - default)
'3 is the mode (Clock is active low, data is captured on the rising edge and output on the falling edge - default)
'16 is the number of bits to transfer
'take the latch pin high so the LEDs will light up
'pause before next value
NEXT leftToRight
If i = repeat then 'if this is the last cycle then cycle all the way down to 0 lights
Else 'light sequence is going to repeat so cycle down to 2nd to last light ready for next leftToRight loop
For rightToLeft = 16 To lastcycle STEP -1
'take the latchPin low so the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits
'shift out the bits
junk = SPI(rxPin, dataPin, clockPin, knight(rightToLeft), H, 3, 16)
'where junk is a dummy variable,
'H is the speed (high - default)
'3 is the mode (Clock is active low, data is captured on the rising edge and output on the falling edge - default)
'16 is the number of bits to transfer
'take the latch pin high so the LEDs will light up
'pause before next value
NEXT rightToLeft

''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''
For i=0 to repeat
For remainLit = 1 to 16
For j=16 to remainLit STEP -1
PIN(latchPin)=0 'take the latchPin low so the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits
junk = SPI(rxPin, dataPin, clockPin, total+knight(j), H, 3, 16) 'shift out the bits
'where junk is a dummy variable,
'H is the speed (high - default)
'3 is the mode (Clock is active low, data is captured on the rising edge and output on the falling edge - default)
'16 is the number of bits to transfer
PIN(latchPin)=1 'take the latch pin high so the LEDs will light up
PAUSE 60 'pause before next value
Next j
Next remainLit
Next i

'''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''
For i=0 to repeat
For remainLit = 0 to 16
For j=0 to 16-remainLit
PIN(latchPin)=0 'take the latchPin low so the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits
junk = SPI(rxPin, dataPin, clockPin, total+knight(j), H, 3, 16) 'shift out the bits
'where junk is a dummy variable,
'H is the speed (high - default)
'3 is the mode (Clock is active low, data is captured on the rising edge and output on the falling edge - default)
'16 is the number of bits to transfer
PIN(latchPin)=1 'take the latch pin high so the LEDs will light up
PAUSE 60 'pause before next value
Next j
Next remainLit
Next i

'''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''
'take the latchPin low so the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits
'shift out the bits
junk = SPI(rxPin, dataPin, clockPin, knight(0), H, 3, 16)
'where junk is a dummy variable,
'H is the speed (high - default)
'3 is the mode (Clock is active low, data is captured on the rising edge and output on the falling edge - default)
'16 is the number of bits to transfer
'take the latch pin high so the LEDs will light up

If you have any other ideas for cool lighting effects I should try then please let me know.

Thanks for looking!
Edited by Shaz_Au 2013-05-13
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