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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : MMX - date calculations

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Joined: 22/06/2014
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Posted: 08:29am 02 Mar 2017
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This post presents double precision calendar and Julian day subroutines for the Micromite eXtreme. The following is the output from an interactive program that converts a calendar date to its corresponding Julian day and vice versa.

The program also computes the number of days between two calendar dates which is simply the difference between their corresponding Julian days.

Many countries currently use the Gregorian calendar implemented by Pope Gregory XIII in the sixteenth century. Thanks to the pope, October 5, 1582 to October 14, 1582 are invalid calendar dates!

The Julian day is the number of continuous days that have elapsed since noon on January 1, 4712 B.C. The Julian day begins at noon because astronomers don't like to change their clocks during the night while they are observing. Also note that the Julian date, based on the calendar implemented by Julius Caesar, is not the same as the Julian day number.

program demo_dates - demonstrate date conversions

please input the calendar date

(month [1 - 12], day [1 - 31], year [yyyy])
< for example, october 21, 1986 is input as 10,21,1986 >
< b.c. dates are negative, a.d. dates are positive >
< the day of the month may also include a decimal part >

? 10,21,2017

please input the time

(hours [0 - 24], minutes [0 - 60], seconds [0 - 60])

? 10,20,30.4589

convert calendar date and time to julian day

calendar month = 10
calendar day = 21
calendar year = 2017

time = 10 hr 20 min 30.4589 sec

jday = 2458047.930908089

convert Julian day to Gregorian date and time

jday = 2458047.930908089

calendar month = 10
calendar day = 21
calendar year = 2017

time = 10 hr 20 min 30.4589 sec

number of days between two dates

first date

please input the calendar date

(month [1 - 12], day [1 - 31], year [yyyy])
< for example, october 21, 1986 is input as 10,21,1986 >
< b.c. dates are negative, a.d. dates are positive >
< the day of the month may also include a decimal part >

? 3,30,2017

second date

please input the calendar date

(month [1 - 12], day [1 - 31], year [yyyy])
< for example, october 21, 1986 is input as 10,21,1986 >
< b.c. dates are negative, a.d. dates are positive >
< the day of the month may also include a decimal part >

? 10,21,2017

number of days between dates = 205

Here's the source code for the main program and subroutines;

' demo_dates.bas

' demonstrate date conversions

' March 2, 2017


print " "
print "program demo_dates - demonstrate date conversions"
print "================================================="

' request calendar date (month, day, year)

getdate(month1, day0, year1)

' request time (hours, minutes, seconds)

gettime(thr1, tmin1, tsec1)

' compute "complete" calendar day

day1 = day0 + thr1 / 24.0 + (tmin1 / 60.0) / 24.0 + (tsec1 / 3600.0) / 24.0

' compute corresponding Julian day

julian (month1, day1, year1, jday1)

' print results

print " "

print "convert calendar date and time to julian day"

print "--------------------------------------------"

print " "

print "calendar month = ", month1

print "calendar day = ", day0

print "calendar year = ", year1

print " "

print "time = ", str$(thr1) + " hr " + str$(tmin1) + " min " + str$(tsec1, 0, 4) + " sec"

print " "

print "jday = ", str$(jday1, 0, 9)

print " "

print "convert Julian day to Gregorian date and time"

print "---------------------------------------------"

print " "

print "jday = ", str$(jday1, 0, 9)

' compute calendar date

gdate (jday1, month2, day2, year2)

print " "

print "calendar month = ", month2

print "calendar day = ", int(day2)

print "calendar year = ", year2

print " "

thr0 = 24.0 * (day2 - int(day2))

thr2 = int(thr0)

tmin0 = 60.0 * (thr0 - thr2)

tmin2 = int(tmin1)

tsec2 = 60.0 * (tmin0 - tmin2)

print "time = ", str$(thr2) + " hr " + str$(tmin2) + " min " + str$(tsec2, 0, 4) + " sec"

print " "

print "number of days between two dates"

print "--------------------------------"

print " "

print "first date"

getdate(month3, day3, year3)

julian (month3, day3, year3, jday3)

print " "

print "second date"

getdate(month4, day4, year4)

julian (month4, day4, year4, jday4)

delta_days = jday4 - jday3

print " "

print "number of days between dates = ", delta_days

print " "



sub julian (month, day, year, jday)

' Gregorian date to julian day subroutine

' input

' month = calendar month
' day = calendar day
' year = calendar year (all four digits)

' output

' jday = julian day

' special notes

' (1) calendar year must include all digits

' (2) will report October 5, 1582 to October 14, 1582
' as invalid calendar dates and exit


y = year

m = month

b = 0.0

c = 0.0

if (m <= 2.0) then

y = y - 1.0

m = m + 12.0

end if

if (y < 0.0) then c = -0.75.0

if (year < 1582.0) then

' null

elseif (year > 1582.0) then

a = fix(y / 100.0)

b = 2.0 - a + fix(a / 4.0)

elseif (month < 10.0) then

' null

elseif (month > 10.0) then

a = fix(y / 100.0)

b = 2.0 - a + fix(a / 4.0)

elseif (day <= 4.0) then

' null

elseif (day > 14.0) then

a = fix(y / 100.0)

b = 2.0 - a + fix(a / 4.0)


print "this date does not exist!!"


end if

jday = fix(365.25 * y + c) + fix(30.6001 * (m + 1.0)) + day + b + 1720994.5

end sub


sub gdate (jday, month, day, year)

' Julian day to Gregorian date subroutine

' input

' jday = julian day

' output

' month = calendar month
' day = calendar day
' year = calendar year


z = fix(jday + 0.5)

f = jday + 0.5 - z

if (z < 2299161) then

a = z


alpha = fix((z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25)

a = z + 1.0 + alpha - fix(alpha / 4.0)

end if

b = a + 1524.0

c = fix((b - 122.1) / 365.25)

d = fix(365.25 * c)

e = fix((b - d) / 30.6001)

day = b - d - fix(30.6001 * e) + f

if (e < 13.5) then

month = e - 1.0


month = e - 13.0

end if

if (month > 2.5) then

year = c - 4716.0


year = c - 4715.0

end if

end sub


sub getdate (month, day, year)

' request calendar date subroutine

print " "
print "please input the calendar date"
print " "
print "(month [1 - 12], day [1 - 31], year [yyyy])"
print "< for example, october 21, 1986 is input as 10,21,1986 >"
print "< b.c. dates are negative, a.d. dates are positive >"
print "< the day of the month may also include a decimal part >"
print " "
input month, day, year

loop until (month >= 1 and month <= 12) and (day >= 1 and day <= 31)

end sub


sub gettime (thr, tmin, tsec)

' request time subroutine

print " "
print "please input the time"
print " "
print "(hours [0 - 24], minutes [0 - 60], seconds [0 - 60])"
print " "
input thr, tmin, tsec

loop until (thr >= 0.0 and thr <= 24.0 and tmin >= 0.0 and tmin <= 60.0 and tsec >= 0.0 and tsec <= 60.0)

end sub


Joined: 02/10/2012
Location: Australia
Posts: 1094
Posted: 01:25am 05 Mar 2017
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Nice work mate, hope to get a chance to play with this soon,
Well done,

... almost all of the Maximites, the MicromMites, the MM Extremes, the ArmMites, the PicoMite and loving it!
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