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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : MMBasic Dashed line

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Joined: 02/10/2012
Location: Australia
Posts: 1094
Posted: 06:21pm 06 Mar 2017
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The following code segment was created to show a dashed (or dotted) line on lcdpanel display.
It may be usefull to someone

' A frivolous code fragment to draw dashed lines
' Coded as a sub routine DLine and passed the following parameters:-
' x1 and y1 - the start of the line in pixels
' numbrms - the number of mark, space sequences
' lorient - line orientation as either 0 for horizontal or 1 for vertical
' lthick - line thickness in pixels
' mklen - the length in pixels of the mark dash
' splen - the length in pixels of the space dash
' mkcol - the colour of the mark dash - must be constant or integer
' spcol - the colour of the space dash - must be constant or integer

' Test code
option explicit
dim ic%
dim dloop%
dim x1% = 10
dim y1% = 10
dim numbrms% = 20
dim lorient% = 0
dim lthick% = 10
dim mklen% = 10
dim splen% = 10
dim mkcol% = rgb(red)
dim spcol% = rgb(white)
DLine x1%,y1%,numbrms%,lorient%,lthick%,mklen%,splen%,mkcol%,spcol%
lorient% = 1
numbrms% = 20
x1% = 200
y1% = 100
DLine x1%,y1%,numbrms%,lorient%,lthick%,mklen%,splen%,mkcol%,spcol%
y1% = 200
lthick% = 20
lorient% = 0
' this bit does a walking line :-)
for dloop% = 1 to 20
for ic% = x1% to x1% + mklen%
DLine ic%,y1%,numbrms%,lorient%,lthick%,mklen%,splen%,mkcol%,spcol%
pause 200
next ic%
next dloop%

' Dashed line routine
' Subroutine to draw a horizontal or vertical dashed line
' with variable mark to space ratio.
' x1 and y1 are the starting co-ordinates
' numbrms is the number of mark space segments eg. 1 will draw 1 mark and 1 space
' lorient is the orientation - 0 = horizontal and 1 = vertical
' lthick is the line width in pixels
' mklen is the length of the mark in pixels
' splen is the length of the space in pixels
' the mark and space colours must be defined as integer variables
' or as constants, all other variables could be fp
sub DLine(x1%,y1%,numbrms%,lorient%,lthick%,mklen%,splen%,mkcol%,spcol%)
local xs%,ys%,dlnum%,orient%,dlthick%,mlen%,slen%
local pixlen%,lic%,mcol%,scol%
xs% = x1%
ys% = y1%
dlnum% = numbrms%
orient% = lorient%
dlthick% = lthick%
mlen% = mklen%
slen% = splen%
pixlen% = mlen% + slen%
mcol% = mkcol%
scol% = spcol%
for lic% = 0 to dlnum% - 1
if orient% = 0 then 'horizontal
line xs% + (lic% * pixlen%),ys%, xs% + (lic% *pixlen%) + mlen%,ys%,dlthick%,mcol%
line xs% + (lic% * pixlen%) + mlen%,ys%, xs% + (lic% *pixlen%) + slen% + mlen%,ys%,dlthick%,scol%
elseif orient% = 1 then 'vertical
line xs%, ys% + (lic% * pixlen%), xs%, ys% + (lic% * pixlen%) + mlen%,dlthick%,mcol%
line xs%, ys% + (lic% * pixlen%) + mlen%, xs%, ys% + (lic% * pixlen%) + slen% + mlen%,dlthick%,scol%
next lic%
end sub

... almost all of the Maximites, the MicromMites, the MM Extremes, the ArmMites, the PicoMite and loving it!
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