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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : MM, + and X - bilinear interpolation

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Senior Member

Joined: 22/06/2014
Location: United States
Posts: 261
Posted: 07:04am 08 Mar 2017
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This post describes a MMBASIC subroutine that can be used to linearly interpolate user-provided tabular data of the form z = f(x, y). Although the program was written and debugged on the MMX 144 board, it should work on any MicroMite CPU.

Here's a typical example that illustrates how to interact with the subroutine and the results provide by the software. The interpolation error is the difference between the interpolated function value and the analytic solution evaluated at the user provided and x- and y interpolation values.

program demo_lint2

this program demonstrates the procedure for calling the
the subroutine interp2 which performs a bilinear
interpolation of tabular data of the form z = f(x,y)
input by the user.

note: the data must be ordered as follows:

x(1) < x(2) < x(3) < .... < x(n)
y(1) < y(2) < y(3) < .... < y(n)

this program demonstrates the use of interp2 for the
interpolation of the function defined by

z = f(x,y) = sin(x + y)

please input the number of x data points
(a minimum of two x data points must be input)
? 50

please input the number of y data points
(a minimum of two y data points must be input)
? 50

please input a value for delta-x
? .25

please input a value for delta-y
? .25

please wait, computing data points ...

please input the x value to interpolate
(this must be a value between 0.25 and 12.5
? 9.67845

please input the y value to interpolate
(this must be a value between 0.25 and 12.5
? 5.555

program demo_lint2

<linear interpolation of z = f(x,y)>

number of x data points = 50

number of y data points = 50

x interpolated value = 9.67845

y interpolated value = 5.555

function value = 0.451586

interpolation error = 0.00531957

Here's the MMBASIC source code for the demo program and bilinear subroutine.

' demo_lint2.bas March 8, 2017

' this program demonstrates the procedure for calling
' the subroutines interp2 which performs a bilinear
' interpolation of tabular data of the form z = f(x,y)
' input by the user.

' note: the data must be ordered as follows:

' x(1) < x(2) < x(3) < .... < x(n)
' y(1) < y(2) < y(3) < .... < y(n)

' this program demonstrates the use of interp2 for the
' interpolation of the function defined by

' z = f(x,y) = sin(x + y)


print " "

print "program demo_lint2"

print " "
print "this program demonstrates the procedure for calling the"
print "the subroutine interp2 which performs a bilinear"
print "interpolation of tabular data of the form z = f(x,y)"
print "input by the user."
print " "
print "note: the data must be ordered as follows:"
print " "
print "x(1) < x(2) < x(3) < .... < x(n)"
print "y(1) < y(2) < y(3) < .... < y(n)"
print " "
print "this program demonstrates the use of interp2 for the"
print "interpolation of the function defined by"
print " "
print " z = f(x,y) = sin(x + y)"


print " "

print "please input the number of x data points"

print "(a minimum of two x data points must be input)"

input nx%

loop until (nx% >= 2)


print " "

print "please input the number of y data points"

print "(a minimum of two y data points must be input)"

input ny%

loop until (ny% >= 2)


print " "

print "please input a value for delta-x"

input dx

loop until (dx > 0.0)


print "please input a value for delta-y"

input dy

loop until (dy > 0.0)

' dimension arrays

dim x(nx%) as float, y(ny%) as float, z(nx%, ny%) as float

print " "

print "please wait, computing data points ..."

' compute data points for the function defined by

' z = f(x, y) = sin(x + y)

' where x = dx * i and y = dy * j

' for i = 1, 2, ... nx and j = 1, 2, ... ny

for i% = 1 to nx%

x(i%) = i% * dx

for j% = 1 to ny%

y(j%) = j% * dy

z(i%, j%) = sin(x(i%) + y(j%))

next j%

next i%


print " "

print "please input the x value to interpolate"

print "(this must be a value between ", x(1), " and ", x(nx%)

input xval

loop until (xval >= x(1) and xval <= x(nx%))


print " "

print "please input the y value to interpolate"

print "(this must be a value between ", y(1), " and ", y(ny%)

input yval

loop until (yval >= y(1) and yval <= y(ny%))

' perform bilinear interpolation

interp2(nx%, ny%, xval, yval, fval)

print " "
print "program demo_lint2"
print " "
print "<linear interpolation of z = f(x,y)>"
print " "

print "number of x data points = ", nx%
print " "
print "number of y data points = ", ny%

print " "
print "x interpolated value = ", xval
print " "
print "y interpolated value = ", yval

print " "
print "function value = ", fval
print " "
print "interpolation error = ", abs(fval - sin(xval + yval))
print " "



sub interp2 (nx%, ny%, xval, yval, zval)

' bilinear interpolation subroutine

' z = f(x, y)

' input

' nx% = number of x data points (nx% >= 2)
' ny% = number of y data points (ny% >= 2)
' x() = vector of x data (nx% rows)
' y() = vector of y data (ny% rows)
' z() = array of z data (nx% rows by ny% columns)
' xval = x interpolation argument
' yval = y interpolation argument

' output

' zval = z function value at xval, yval

' note: the data must be ordered as follows:

' x(1) < x(2) < x(3) < .... < x(n)
' y(1) < y(2) < y(3) < .... < y(n)


local g1, g2, xinfac, yinfac

' compute x index and interpolation factor

for i% = 1 to nx%

if (xval <= x(i%)) then

if (i% = 1) then

xinfac = 0.0

indexx% = 1


j% = i% - 1

xinfac = (xval - x(j%)) / (x(i%) - x(j%))

indexx% = j%

end if

exit for

end if

next i%

' compute y index and interpolation factor

for i% = 1 to ny%

if (yval <= y(i%)) then

if (i% = 1) then

yinfac = 0.0

indexy% = 1


j% = i% - 1

yinfac = (yval - y(j%)) / (y(i%) - y(j%))

indexy% = j%

end if

exit for

end if

next i%

g1 = z(indexx%, indexy%) + xinfac * (z(indexx% + 1, indexy%) - z(indexx%, indexy%))

g2 = z(indexx%, indexy% + 1) + xinfac * (z(indexx% + 1, indexy% + 1) - z(indexx%, indexy% + 1))

zval = g1 + yinfac * (g2 - g1)

end sub

Joined: 30/03/2016
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 1646
Posted: 12:38pm 10 Mar 2017
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Very cool!

Many thanks
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