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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : MM 1st project Ambient conditions Monitor

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Joined: 18/10/2016
Location: Australia
Posts: 840
Posted: 08:05pm 04 Apr 2017
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I've finally finished a first draft of my first MM project. Please be gentle (but constructive feedback is very welcome) I have, for want of anything better, called it Ambi-Mon (Ambient Conditions Monitor).

It uses a 28 pin MM on the LCD Backpack, an RTC, a BMP180 and three DS18B20. It has four main displays:
• A digital display of UTC in a large font (hh:mm:ss), date (dd mmm yyyy) and day of the week
• An analogue display of local time, date (ddd ddmmm), digital time (hh:mm) and ambient temperature (ēC)
• A bar graph of the ambient Barometric Pressure for each of the last 3 hours (measured every 15 minutes) and hourly averages over the last 10 days
• The air temperature measured locally and at up to three remote sites (ēC)
• (A fifth display provides a blank screen, with one roaming pixel, for use in night vision conditions).
It is heavily based on GeoffG's SuperClock, TassieJim's BMP180 code and several Weather Stations on TBS.

This is the schematic:

The attached pdf is a sort of manual:

and the set up options look like:

The code is below. I'd appreciate improvements and any comments about how I could have posted the information any more effectively?

Regards, Andrew_G

' Ambi-Mon.BAS
' A MMBasic program that monitors the ambient conditions of Temperature (up to four stations) and Barometric Pressure.
' It also presents the time as UTC (digital), Local(analogue) and Standard.
' It:
' - Has large extracts of code from Geoff G's Super Clock - thanks
' - Uses code from Weather Station 2 by David Eagle who thanks TassyJim for the BMP180 code - thanks too
' Many appologies to anyone I have not attributed/thanked
' The MM used is the PIC32MX170F256B-50I/SP as part of the LCD Backpack module.
' MMBasic version 5.2 is used although it should easily port to later version(s).
' Uses RTC (DS3231) and BMP180 modules as well as 3x DS18B20 for remote temperature sensing:
' DS18B20 #1 = Pin 16, #2 = Pin 21 and #3 = Pin 22.
' RTC and BMP180 I2C pin-to-CPU pin wiring=
' ------------------------
' SCL ==> I2C Pin 17
' SDA ==> I2C Pin 18
' Load SuperClockFonts.bas into the MM's Library before loading this program
' Using the Console enter "OPTION AUTORUN ON" - an alternative is to place this command at the begining of the program (see below)
' Date$ and Time$ are stored as "your Local Standard" date and time on the RTC by the "RTC SetTime" command within the code
' Time and date have to be set to "your Local Standard Time" and then invoke DST = "On" to add 1hr for DST
' The UTC offset from "your Local Standard Time" can then be adjusted (it remains correct when DST is On or Off)
' Three sets of time are used:
' 1) Date$ and Time$, maintained in the RTC, are the "your local Standard Time" values as set once by the user
' (the battery backed-up RTC maintains these)
' 2) UTCsec, UTCmin, UTChour, UTCyear, UTCmth, UTCday and UTCDOW are used to calculate "Local time" by
' keeping a tally of seconds since midnight 1st Jan 2014 (by Sub GetSec)
' 3) tSec, tMin, . . . tDOW are the "Local Time" values derived from Date$ and Time$ (by using UTC calculations) after applying DST correction
' Known errors/improvements: (search on zzz below to find any queries/temporary fixes)
' - Check on MMBasic 5.03
' - Check calibration of RTC working?

Dim String Version = "1" 'Update to keep track of firmware vs saved MMBasic versions

Const Displays = 4 ' the number of Displays is this plus 1 (ie UTC, Local, BPress, Temp and Blank)
' Set the position and size of the analogue clock dial
Const ana.x = MM.HRes/2-2
Const ana.y = MM.VRes/2-1
Const ana.r = MM.VRes/2
Const c.background = RGB(black) ' background colour of the clock
Const c.title = RGB(green) ' the title on each clock
' colours used in the analogue clock
Const c.face = RGB(32, 32, 96)
Const c.bezel = RGB(green)
Const c.majormark = RGB(green)
Const c.hourhand = RGB(green)
Const c.minutehand = RGB(green)
Const c.secondhand = RGB(red)
Const c.digital = RGB(cyan)
Const c.date = RGB(0, 244, 0)

' globals used by CSub DrawTriangles
Dim Integer x1(3), y1(3), x2(3), y2(3), x3(3), y3(3)
Dim Integer c(3) = (c.face, c.face, c.hourhand, c.minutehand)
Dim Float Temp_DS(3) ' The temperature readings. Temp_DS(0) from the BMP180, (1 to 3) from 3x DS18B20
Dim Float Temp_Upper = 24.5 ' The upper limit of "Normal" temperature range - these are overridden by values "VAR Save"ed below
Dim Float Temp_Lower = 23.0 ' The lower limit "
Dim Float UTC_Offset, GridStep
Dim Integer Col
Dim Integer DisplayNbr 'The displays are UTC (digital 24 hr), Local (Analog), Baro. Press, Temperature and Blank
Dim Integer thour, tmin, tsec, tdow
Dim Integer UTChour, UTCmin, UTCsec, UTCdow
'Dim Integer
Dim Integer tdst ' a default is set below but this is overridden by value "VAR Save"ed below
Dim Integer Atmos, BPFirst = 1, BP(239), BPLast3hr(11), BPMin, BPMax
Dim String Title(Displays) Length 5 = ("UTC ","Local","BPres", "Temp ", " ")
Dim Integer md(12) = (0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334)
Dim String mths(12) LENGTH 3 = ("---", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
Dim String abrevdays(6) LENGTH 3 = ("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri ", "Sat")
Dim String Temp_Text(3) LENGTH 7 = ("Ambient", "BRoom1 ", "BRoom2", "Outside") ' change to suit
Dim Integer UTC ' tracks UTC time in seconds since midnight 1st Jan 2014. In this version TZ is applied to this.
Dim Integer TZ ' No of seconds that Local Standard Time is before (TZ = -) or after (TZ = +) UTC (Greenwich) time
' BMP180 specific
Dim BMPData(2) ' setup and store data from BMP180
Dim cal(11) ' calibration data array
oss = 0 ' over sampling (0 to 3)
' start of 11 BP calibration values
BMP180calMEM = &HAA '
BMP180address = &H77 ' BMP180 address
BMP180control = &HF4 ' BMP180 control register
BMP180temp = &H2E ' BMP180 temperature command
BMP180pres = &H34 ' BMP180 pressure command
BMP180pres = BMP180pres + oss*&H40 ' adjust command for oversampling
BMP180reading = &HF6 ' register for results of reading

Dim Integer ZoomLev = 3 '0=975-1075, 1=1000-1075, 2=1000-1050, 3=1000-1025
Dim Float Zoom(3) = (2.0, 2.67, 4, 8) ' The zoom factor to be applied to each zoom level

' globals used by Sub DrawButton
Dim Integer key_coord(17, 5)
Dim String key_caption(17)
' colours used in the menus
Const c.caption = RGB(green)
Const c.button = RGB(cyan)
Const c.save = RGB(white)
Const c.delete = RGB(magenta)
Const c.entry = RGB(yellow)
Const c.special = RGB(red)
Const c.ghosttext = RGB(gray)

' Start the program
Text MM.HRes/2, MM.VRes/2 - 20, "Ambi-Mon v"+ Version, CM, 1, 2, RGB(white)

' enable I2C. Use slower speeds for long leads
I2C OPEN 400, 200
Pause 20 ' Let it catch its breath
z = calibrate_bmp180() ' Extract calibration constants, "z" is not used itself but it invokes calibration
Pause 1000 ' initial one second pause (required)

' test if the RTC is present
I2C Write &H68, 0, 1, 0
If MM.I2C <> 0 Then I2C Write &H51, 0, 1, 2
If MM.I2C = 0 Then ' RTC present
TimeSource = 1
RTC GetTime
If Date$ = "01-01-2000" Then
MessageBox "RTC has invalid", "date and time"
RTC SetTime 16, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
Time$ = "00:00:00" : Date$ = "01/01/16"
RTCSetTime ' update the internal clock (then every 1/2 hour as below)
Text MM.HRes/2, MM.VRes/2 - 20, "RTC not found", CM, 1, 2, RGB(white)
Pause 2000
'zzz Do something?

' set the initial defaults, these will be overwritten if VAR SAVE has previously been used
' set RTC to Standard time
TZ = -32400 ' = -32400 for Melbourne (EST)
tdst = 3600 ' = 3600 if DST time to be added, 0 if not

VAR Restore ' Restores the saved parameters (DisplayNbr, ZoomLev, Temp_Upper, Temp_Lower, tdst and TZ)
'Note that Time$ and Date$ are saved by RTC GetTime commands below

' initially set UTC and local time to Date$ and Time$
UTC = GetSec(Val(Right$(Date$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Date$, 4, 2)), Val(Left$(Date$, 2)), Val(Left$(Time$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Time$, 4, 2)), Val(Right$(Time$, 2)))

Temp_DS(0) = Temperature() ' Measured here to show on startup
Temp_DS(1) = TEMPR(16)
Temp_DS(2) = TEMPR(21)
Temp_DS(3) = TEMPR(22)

Atmos = Cint(pressure(oss)/100)
OldTime$ = Time$
Print "Started at " , OldTime$, ", ",Date$

'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Main program loop start it on a zero second
' once a second get the time, this will exit immediately if the screen is touched so that the following code can process the touch
Do While OldTime$ = Time$ And Touch(x) = -1 : Loop 'Delay until a new second or a touch
OldTime$ = Time$
Tmp = Touch(Y)
' check if we need to process a touch or simply update the time
Select Case Touch(X)
Case 0 To 120 'Touched on LH side
'previous display
Do : Loop Until Touch(X) = -1 ' wait for the touch to be lifted
DisplayNbr = DisplayNbr - 1
If DisplayNbr < 0 Then
DisplayNbr = Displays
BPFirst = 1
End If
VAR Save DisplayNbr
Case 121 To 219 'Touched in centre
Do : Loop Until Touch(X) = -1 ' wait for the touch to be lifted
Select Case DisplayNbr
Case 0 'UTC Digital
Case 1 'Analogue local
Case 2 'Barometric Pressure
Select Case Tmp
Case 0 to 100 ' Top of screen
Do : Loop Until Touch(Y) = -1 ' wait for the touch to be lifted
ZoomLev = ZoomLev + 1
If ZoomLev > 3 then ZoomLev = 0
VAR Save ZoomLev
GoTo Skip
Case 140 to 240 ' Bottom of screen
Do : Loop Until Touch(Y) = -1 ' wait for the touch to be lifted
ZoomLev = ZoomLev - 1
If ZoomLev <0 then ZoomLev = 3
VAR Save ZoomLev
GoTo Skip
End Select
Case 3 'Temperature - Configure "Normal" temperature range
Case 4 'Blank
CLS: Text 0, 22, "Local Time=", LB, 1, 2, c.title, c.background
End Select
Case 220 To 319 'Touched on RH side
'next display
Do : Loop Until Touch(X) = -1 ' wait for the touch to be lifted
DisplayNbr = DisplayNbr + 1
BPFirst = 1
'TempFirst = 1
If DisplayNbr > Displays Then
DisplayNbr = 0
End If
VAR Save DisplayNbr
Case Else ' No touch so it must be a new second so get readings and update clocks
UTC = GetSec(Val(Right$(Date$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Date$, 4, 2)), Val(Left$(Date$, 2)), Val(Left$(Time$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Time$, 4, 2)), Val(Right$(Time$, 2)))
If Tsec = 0 And (Tmin = 0 Or Tmin = 10 Or Tmin = 20 Or Tmin = 30 Or Tmin = 40 Or Tmin = 50 Or Tmin = 5 Or Tmin = 15 Or Tmin = 25 Or Tmin = 35 Or Tmin = 45 Or Tmin = 55) Then
' Get temperature and atmospheric pressure from BM180
Temp_DS(0) = Temperature()
Atmos = Cint(pressure(oss)/100)

' Store the BP data
Select Case tmin
Case 0
'Shuffle daily data, average second-last hour, shuffle hourly data, plot all data
For i = 0 To 238 'Shuffle daily readings
BP(i) = BP(i+1)
Next i
BP(239) = 0
Tmp = 0
For i = 0 To 3
If BPLast3hr(i) > 0 Then
Tmp = Tmp + 1
BP(239) = BP(239) + BPLast3hr(i)
Next i
If Tmp > 0 And BP(239) > 0 Then BP(239) = BP(239)/Tmp 'average last hour
For i = 0 To 7 'Shuffle hourly readings
BPLast3hr(i) = BPLast3hr(i+4)
Next i
For i = 8 To 11
BPLast3hr(i) = 0
Next i
BPLast3hr(8) = Atmos
Case 15
BPLast3hr(9) = Atmos
Case 30
BPLast3hr(10) = Atmos
Case 45
BPLast3hr(11) = Atmos
End Select
Select Case DisplayNbr
Case 2 ' Plot BP graph
Case 3 ' Show the temperature
Case 4
CLS:Pixel 10+5*thour,200-2*tmin, rgb(green) 'ZZZ
End Select

' print current data
Print Date$, ", ", OldTime$, ", ", Atmos;
For i = 0 to 3: print ",", Str$(Temp_DS(i), 3, 1);
Next i
End If
Select Case DisplayNbr
Case 0 ' UTC Digital 24hr
UpdateDigital UTCsec, UTCmin, UTChour
Case 1 ' Local Analog
UpdateAnalog Tsec, Tmin, Thour
Case 2 ' BPressure
If BPFirst = 1 Then
PrepareBPGraph ' Clears screen, sets BPFirst to 0 and prepares grids etc.
BPGraph ' Plots BP data
End If
Case 3 ' Temperature
'Show Time at top of screen
Text 0, 22, "Local Time=", LB, 1, 2, c.title, c.background
Text 185, 22, Str$(Thour, 2, 0, "0") + " " + Str$(Tmin, 2,0, "0") , LB, 1, 2, c.title, c.background
Circle 224, 3, 2, , ,c.title, c.title ' Top of :
Circle 224, 13, 2, , ,c.title, c.title ' Bottom of :
Case 4 'Blank
CLS:Pixel 10+5*thour,200-2*tmin, rgb(green) 'ZZZ
End Select
If (Tmin = 5 Or Tmin = 35) And Tsec = 35 Then ' Reset the time at hh:05:35 and hh:35:35
Print "Old time (EST)= ", Time$;
Print ", New time (EST)= ", Time$,
Do While Val(Mid$(Time$, 7,2)) < 35: Loop
OldTime$ = Time$
Print ". Paused until ", OldTime$, " (EST)."
End If
End Select

' subs to get and show temperatures
Sub TempShow
'Show Time at top of screen
Text 0, 22, "Local Time=", LB, 1, 2, c.title, c.background
Text 185, 22, Str$(Thour, 2, 0, "0") + " " + Str$(Tmin, 2,0, "0") , LB, 1, 2, c.title
Circle 224, 3, 2, , ,c.title, c.title ' Top of :
Circle 224, 13, 2, , ,c.title, c.title ' Bottom of :

Temp_DS(0) = Temperature() ' From the BMP180
Temp_DS(1) = TEMPR(16) ' From the DS18B20s
Temp_DS(2) = TEMPR(21)
Temp_DS(3) = TEMPR(22)

For I = 0 to 3
Col = RGB(Green)
If Temp_DS(I) > Temp_Upper then Col = RGB(Red)
If Temp_DS(I) < Temp_Lower then Col = RGB(Cyan)
Text 0, 65+i*54, Temp_Text(i), LB, 1,2, RGB(White)
If Temp_DS(i) > 0 and Temp_DS(i) <> 1000 then Text 120,90+i*54,Str$(Temp_DS(I),2,1),LB,2,2,Col 'RGB(Cyan)
Next i
End Sub 'TempShow

' sub routines to plot the BP graph
Sub BPZoom
Select Case ZoomLev
Case 0
BPMin = 975
BPMax = 1075
GridStep = 25
Case 1
BPMin = 1000
BPMax = 1075
GridStep = 25
Case 2
BPMin = 1000
BPMax = 1050
GridStep = 10
Case 3
BPMin = 1000
BPMax = 1025
GridStep = 5
End Select
End Sub

Sub PrepareBPGraph
BPFirst = 0
For i = BPMin + GridStep To BPMax Step GridStep 'Grey grid lines
Line 15, MM.VRes-16-Zoom(ZoomLev)*(i-BPMin),MM.HRes, MM.VRes-16-Zoom(ZoomLev)*(i-BPMin), ,RGB(Gray)
Line 12, MM.VRes-16-Zoom(ZoomLev)*(i-BPMin),15, MM.VRes-16-Zoom(ZoomLev)*(i-BPMin), ,RGB(White) 'Grid y ticks
Next i
'Y axis
Line 15, MM.VRes - 15, 15, MM.VRes-216, , RGB(White)
Text 0, MM.VRes/2-25, "h", LB, 1,1, RGB(White)
Text 0, MM.VRes/2 - 14, "P", LB, 1,1, RGB(White)
Text 0, MM.VRes/2 - 3, "a", LB, 1,1, RGB(White)
Text 0, MM.VRes - 16, Str$(BPMin), LB, 1,1,RGB(White)
Line 12, MM.VRes-16,15, MM.VRes-16, ,RGB(White) 'Bottom y tick
Text 0, MM.VRes-216, Str$(BPMax), LB, 1,1,RGB(White)
Line 15+ 242, MM.VRes - 16, 15+242, MM.VRes-216, ,RGB(White)'2nd y axis
'X axis
Line 15, MM.VRes - 15, MM.HRes, MM.VRes -15, , RGB(White)
Text 3, MM.VRes, "-10 9 8 7 6 Day 4 3 2 1 0", LB, 1,1, RGB(White)
Text 270, MM.VRes, "2 1-hr", LB, 1,1, RGB(White)
For i = 1 To 10 ' Main X ticks
Line 15 + 24*i, MM.VRes -12, 15 + 24*i, MM.VRes -15, , RGB(White)
Next i
For i = 1 To 3 ' Last 3 hour ticks
Line 258 + 16*i, MM.VRes -12, 258 + 16*i, MM.VRes -15, , RGB(White)
Next i
End Sub 'PrepareBPGraph

Sub BPGraph 'Draw BP Graph
For i = 0 To 239 'last 10 days
If BP(i) <> 0 Then
If BP(i) => BPMin And BP(i) <= BPMax Then
Line i+16, MM.VRes-16, i+16, MM.VRes-16-Zoom(ZoomLev)*(BP(i)-BPMin), ,RGB(Green)
Line i+16, MM.VRes-16, i+16, MM.VRes-16-Zoom(ZoomLev)*(BP(i)-BPMin), ,RGB(Yellow)
End If
End If
Next i
For i= 0 To 11 'last 3 hours
If BPLast3hr(i) <> 0 Then
If BPLast3hr(i) => BPMin And BPLast3hr(i) <= BPMax Then
Line 15+244+ i*4, MM.VRes-16, 15+244+i*4, MM.VRes-16-Zoom(ZoomLev)*(BPLast3hr(i)-BPMin),3 ,RGB(Cyan)
Line 15+244+ i*4, MM.VRes-16, 15+244+i*4, MM.VRes-16-Zoom(ZoomLev)*(BPLast3hr(i)-BPMin),3 ,RGB(Yellow)
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub 'Draw BP Graph

Sub BPText
' Show the Time, Temp and BP readings over the graph
Text 0, -2, "BP Graph", LT, 1, 1, c.title, c.background
Text 80, 22, Str$(Thour, 2, 0, "0") + " " + Str$(Tmin, 2,0, "0")+ " " + mid$(Str$(Temp_DS(0), 2),1,2)+ " " + Mid$(Str$(Temp_DS(0),2,1,"0"),4,1) + " " + Str$(Atmos, 4), LB, 1, 2, RGB(Cyan)
' Use circles rather than "+"s
Circle 119, 3, 2, , ,RGB(Cyan),RGB(Cyan) ' Top of :
Circle 119, 13, 2, , ,RGB(Cyan),RGB(Cyan) ' Bottom of :
Circle 214, 15, 2, , ,RGB(Cyan),RGB(Cyan) ' .
Circle 244, 4, 4, , ,c.digital ' Degrees
End Sub 'BPText

' initial setup of the clock (either analogue or digital)
Sub InitDisplay
Local Float i, y, xx, yy, r1, r2, tim
UTC = GetSec(Val(Right$(Date$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Date$, 4, 2)), Val(Left$(Date$, 2)), Val(Left$(Time$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Time$, 4, 2)), Val(Right$(Time$, 2)))
' UTC = UTC + TZ
Select Case DisplayNbr
Case 0 ' UTC Digital 24
CLS c.background
Text 0, -3, Title(DisplayNbr), LT, 1, 2, c.title, c.background
UpdateDigital -1, UTCmin, UTChour
Case 1 ' Analogue
CLS c.background
Text 0, -3, Title(DisplayNbr), LT, 1, 2, c.title, c.background
Circle ana.x, ana.y, ana.r, 5, 1, c.bezel, c.face
For i = 0 To 59
If i Mod 15 = 0 Then
For y = -2 To +2
tim = (i + y/10) : xx = Cos(Rad(tim * 6)) : yy = Sin(Rad(tim * 6))
r1 = ana.r - 20 : r2 = ana.r - 5
Line ana.x + xx*r1, ana.y - yy*r1, ana.x + xx*r2, ana.y - yy*r2, 1, c.majormark
Next y
ElseIf i Mod 5 = 0 Then
For y = -2 To +2
tim = (i + y/10) : xx = Cos(Rad(tim * 6)) : yy = Sin(Rad(tim * 6))
r1 = ana.r - 15 : r2 = ana.r - 5
Line ana.x + xx*r1, ana.y - yy*r1, ana.x + xx*r2, ana.y - yy*r2, 1, c.majormark
Next y
tim = i : xx = Cos(Rad(tim * 6)) : yy = Sin(Rad(tim * 6))
r1 = ana.r - 10 : r2 = ana.r - 5
Line ana.x + xx*r1, ana.y - yy*r1, ana.x + xx*r2, ana.y - yy*r2, 1, c.majormark
Next i
UpdateAnalog -1, tmin, thour
UpdateAnalog -1, tmin, thour 'The repeat is required!
Case 2 ' B Pressure
PrepareBPGraph 'Draw the graph - no data
BPGraph 'Plot the data
Case 3 ' Temperature
Case 4 ' Blank
CLS:Pixel 10+5*thour,200-2*tmin, rgb(green) 'ZZZ
End Select
End Sub 'InitDisplay

Sub UpdateDigital s As Float, m As Float, h As Float
Local Float sec = s, min = m, hr = h, offset
offset = 6
If sec <= 0 Then
Text -8 + offset, 50, Str$(hr, 2, 0, "0"), , 3, 1, c.digital ' h=hr
Text 141 + offset, 50, Str$(min, 2, 0, "0"),, 3, 1, c.digital ' m=min
Circle 130 + offset, 80, 6, 0, 1, 0, c.digital ' top of :
Circle 130 + offset, 122, 6, 0, 1, 0, c.digital ' bottom of :
Text MM.HRes/2, MM.VRes - 40, " " + abrevdays(UTCdow) + " ", CB, 2, 1, c.date
Text MM.HRes/2, MM.VRes - 5, " " + Str$(UTCday) + " " + mths(UTCmth) + " " + Str$(UTCyear + 2000) + " ", CB, 2, 1, c.date
If sec >= 0 Then Text MM.HRes + 5, 152, Str$(sec, 2, 0, "0"), RB, 2, 1, RGB(Cyan)
End Sub 'UpdateDigital

Sub UpdateAnalog s As Float, m As Float, h As Float
Local Float minutes = m - 15, hour = (h - 3) + m/60, sec = s - 15
' Digital time and temperature
Text MM.HRes/2, MM.VRes/2 + 70, Str$(thour, 2,0, "0") + ":" + Str$(tmin, 2,0, "0") , CB, 2, 1, c.digital, c.face
Text MM.HRes/2, MM.VRes/2 + 105, Str$(Temp_DS(0), 2, 1), CB, 2, 1, c.digital, c.face
Circle MM.HRes/2 + 50, MM.VRes/2 + 75, 4, , ,c.digital 'deg symbol

If hour >= 12 Then hour = hour - 12
Line ana.x, ana.y, GetX(PrevSec, ana.r - 21), GetY(PrevSec, ana.r - 21), 1, c.face
PrevSec = sec
If s > 0 Then
Circle ana.x, ana.y, ana.r * 0.075, 1, 1, c.hourhand, c.hourhand
If x1(0) <> 0 Then DrawTriangles 2, x1(2), y1(2), x2(2), y2(2), x3(2), y3(2), c(2)
x1(0) = x1(2) : x1(1) = x1(3) : y1(0) = y1(2) : y1(1) = y1(3)
x2(0) = x2(2) : x2(1) = x2(3) : y2(0) = y2(2) : y2(1) = y2(3)
x3(0) = x3(2) : x3(1) = x3(3) : y3(0) = y3(2) : y3(1) = y3(3)
x1(2) = GetX((hour * 5) - 15, ana.r * 0.075)
y1(2) = GetY((hour * 5) - 15, ana.r * 0.075)
x2(2) = GetX((hour * 5) + 15, ana.r * 0.075)
y2(2) = GetY((hour * 5) + 15, ana.r * 0.075)
x3(2) = GetX(hour * 5, ana.r * 0.55)
y3(2) = GetY(hour * 5, ana.r * 0.55)
x1(3) = GetX(minutes - 15, ana.r * 0.05)
y1(3) = GetY(minutes - 15, ana.r * 0.05)
x2(3) = GetX(minutes + 15, ana.r * 0.05)
y2(3) = GetY(minutes + 15, ana.r * 0.05)
x3(3) = GetX(minutes, ana.r - 21)
y3(3) = GetY(minutes, ana.r - 21)
Circle ana.x, ana.y, ana.r * 0.075, 1, 1, c.hourhand, c.hourhand
If x1(0) <> 0 Then DrawTriangles 4, x1(), y1(), x2(), y2(), x3(), y3(), c()
Text 47, MM.VRes, abrevdays(tdow), CB, 1, 2, c.date
Text MM.HRes - 50, MM.VRes, Str$(tday), RB, 1, 2, c.date
Text MM.HRes, MM.VRes, Left$(mths(tmth), 3), RB, 1, 2, c.date
If s >= 0 Then Line ana.x, ana.y, GetX(sec, ana.r - 21), GetY(sec, ana.r - 21), 1, c.secondhand
Circle ana.x, ana.y, ana.r * 0.05, 1, 1, c.minutehand, c.minutehand
End Sub 'UpdateAnalog

' utility to get the x coord of a vector on the analogue clock
Function GetX(tim As Float, r As Float) As Integer 'Float
Local Float t = tim
If t > 359 Then t = t - 360
If t < 0 Then t = t + 360
GetX = ana.x + Cos(Rad(t * 6)) * r
End Function 'GetX

' utility to get the y coord of a vector on the analogue clock
Function GetY(tim As Float, r As Float) As Integer 'Float
Local Float t = tim
If t > 359 Then t = t - 360
If t < 0 Then t = t + 360
GetY = ana.y + Sin(Rad(t * 6)) * r
End Function 'GetY

' the main configuration menu
Sub ConfigureMenu
Local Float i, btn
WatchDog 1200000
Font 1, 2
Select Case DisplayNbr 'DisplayNbr No.1
Case 0 ' UTC digital 24
Text 0, 0, Title(DisplayNbr), LT, 2, 1, c.title, c.background
Text 0, 30, "Use Local to set:",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 20, 55, "Standard Date/Time",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 20, 80, "and DST Off/On.",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 0, 105, "Then here to set UTC",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 0, 130, "Offset.",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
DrawButton 0, 0, 0, 211, 120, 30, c.special, "Cancel"
DrawButton 1, 0, MM.HRES/2-125, 170, 250, 30, c.button, "Set UTC Offset"
btn = CheckButtonPress(0, 1)
Select Case btn
Case 0 ' Cancel
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 0
Exit Sub
Case 1 ' Set UTC Offset
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 1
UTC_Offset = TZ / 3600
Text 0, 0, "Set UTC O'set", LT, 2, 1, c.title, c.background
Text 0, 50, "O'set:" ,L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 90, 50, Str$(UTC_Offset) ,L ,2 ,1 , c.button
' n Dn x y w h
DrawButton 1, 0, 0, 211, 120, 30, c.special, "Cancel"
DrawButton 2, 0, 215, 40, 50, 45, c.button, "-" ' -
DrawButton 3, 0, 270, 40, 50, 45, c.button, "+" ' +
DrawButton 4, 0, 200, 211, 120, 30, c.save, "Save"

btn = CheckButtonPress(1, 4)
Select Case btn
Case 1 ' Cancel
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 1
UTC_Offset = 0
CLS: GoTo ReDisplay
case 2 ' -
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 2
If UTC_Offset > -24 then
UTC_Offset = UTC_Offset - 0.5
MessageBox "Only -24 to 24"
GoTo SetUTCOffset
Text 95, 50, Space$(5) ,L ,2 ,1 , c.background
Text 95, 50, Str$(UTC_Offset) ,L ,2 ,1 , c.button
Case 3 ' +
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 3
If UTC_Offset < 24 then
UTC_Offset = UTC_Offset + 0.5
MessageBox "Only -24 to 24"
GoTo SetUTCOffset
Text 95, 50, Space$(5) ,L ,2 ,1 , c.background
Text 95, 50, Str$(UTC_Offset) ,L ,2 ,1 , c.button
Case 4 ' Save
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 4
TZ = UTC_Offset * 3600
UTC_Offset = 0
GoTo ReDisplay
End Select
End Select
Case 1 ' Local analog
Text 0, 0, Title(DisplayNbr), LT, 2, 1, c.title, c.background
Text 0, 30, "Here to set Standard",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 0, 55, "date & time and",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 0, 80, "DST Off/On.",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 0, 105, " (Use UTC to set",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 5, 130, " UTC offset.)",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
' n Dn x y w h
DrawButton 1, 0, 0, 211, 120, 30, c.special, "Cancel"
DrawButton 2, 0, 180, 211, 140, 30, c.button, "Continue"
btn = CheckButtonPress(1, 2)
Select Case btn
Case 1 'Cancel
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 1
Exit Sub
Case 2 ' Continue
' Here to set Standard date and time and DST Off/On
UTC = GetSec(Val(Right$(Date$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Date$, 4, 2)), Val(Left$(Date$, 2)), Val(Left$(Time$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Time$, 4, 2)), Val(Right$(Time$, 2)))
Text 0, 0, "Standard:", LT, 2, 1, c.title, c.background
Text 10, 30, Mid$(Date$, 1, 2) + "/" + Mid$(Date$, 4, 2) + "/" + Mid$(Date$, 9, 2),L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 200, 30, Mid$(Time$, 1, 5),L,1,2,c.entry
Text 0, 110, "Local:", LT, 2, 1, c.title, c.background
Text 10, 140, Str$(tday, 2, 0, "0") + "/" + str$(tmth, 2, 0, "0") + "/" + str$(tyear, 2, 0, "0"),L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 200, 140, Str$(thour, 2, 0, "0") + ":" + str$(tmin, 2, 0, "0"),L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
DrawButton 1, 0, 0, 211, 120, 30, c.special, "Cancel"
DrawButton 2, 0, 0, 60, 150, 30, c.button, "Std Date"
DrawButton 3, 0,170, 60, 150, 30, c.button,"Std Time"
DrawButton 4, 0,20, 170, 280, 30, c.button,"DST Off/On"
btn = CheckButtonPress(1, 4)
If btn >= 0 Then
Timer = 0
Pause 200
If btn = 3 Then ' Hold the "Std time" button to enable TrimAging
Do While TimeSource = 1 And Touch(x) <> -1 And Timer < 3000 : Loop
If Timer >= 3000 Then
GoTo redisplay
CheckButtonRelease btn
Select Case btn
Case 1 'Cancel
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 1
CLS: GoTo ReDisplay
Case 2 ' Here to set Standard date
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 2
GetDateTime 1 ' 1 means it is a date
CLS: GoTo ReDisplay
Case 3 ' Here to set Standard time
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 3
GetDateTime 0 ' 0 means it is a time
CLS: GoTo ReDisplay
Case 4 ' Here to set DST Off/On
Oldtdst = tdst 'tdst = 3600 if DST On to be added, 0 if Off
Text 0, 0, "DST Off/On", LT, 2, 1, c.title, c.background
' n Dn x y w h
DrawButton 1, 0, 0, 211, 120, 30, c.special, "Cancel"
DrawButton 2, 0, 140, 140, 80, 45, c.button, "Off"
DrawButton 3, 0, 230, 140, 80, 45, c.button, "On"
DrawButton 4, 0, 200, 211, 120, 30, c.save, "Save"
btn = CheckButtonPress(1, 4)
Select Case btn
Case 1 'Cancel
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 1
tdst = Oldtdst
CLS: GoTo ReDisplay
Case 2 'Off
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 2
tdst = 0
Case 3 'On
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 3
tdst = 3600
Case 4 'Save
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 4
VAR Save tdst
UTC = GetSec(Val(Right$(Date$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Date$, 4, 2)), Val(Left$(Date$, 2)), Val(Left$(Time$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Time$, 4, 2)), Val(Right$(Time$, 2)))
CLS: GoTo ReDisplay
End Select
End Select
End Select
Case 2 ' BP

Case 3 ' Temperature
Text 0, 0, "Temperature", LT, 2, 1, c.title, c.background
Text 0, 30, "Set " + CHR$(34) + "Normal" + CHR$(34) + " range:",L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
' n Dn x y w h
DrawButton 1, 0, 0, 211, 120, 30, c.special, "Cancel"
DrawButton 2, 0, 200, 65, 50, 45, c.button, "-" ' -U
DrawButton 3, 0, 255, 65, 50, 45, c.button, "+" ' +U
DrawButton 4, 0, 200, 115, 50, 45, c.button, "-" ' -L
DrawButton 5, 0, 255, 115, 50, 45, c.button, "+" ' +L
DrawButton 6, 0, 200, 211, 120, 30, c.save, "Save"
Temp_U = Temp_Upper
Temp_L = Temp_Lower
Text 0, 100, "Upper",LB, 1,2, c.entry
Text 0, 150, "Lower",LB, 1,2, c.entry
Text 110, 100, Str$(Temp_U, 2, 1), LB, 1, 2, c.button
Text 110, 150, Str$(Temp_L, 2, 1), LB, 1, 2, c.button
btn = CheckButtonPress(1, 6)
Select Case btn
Case 1 ' Cancel
Exit Sub
case 2 ' -U
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 2
Temp_U = Temp_U - 0.5
If Temp_U < Temp_L then
Temp_U = Temp_L
Text 0, 190, "Upper to be >= Lower", LB, 1, 2, c.special
Pause 1500
Text 0, 190, Space$(20), LB, 1, 2, c.background
End If
Goto ChangeRange
Case 3 ' +U
Temp_U = Temp_U + 0.5
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 3
GoTo ChangeRange
Case 4 ' -L
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 4
Temp_L = Temp_L - 0.5
GoTo ChangeRange
Case 5 ' +L
Temp_L = Temp_L + 0.5
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease 5
If Temp_U < Temp_L then
Temp_L = Temp_U
Text 0, 190, "Upper to be >= Lower", LB, 1, 2, c.special
Pause 1500
Text 0, 190, Space$(20), LB, 1, 2, c.background
End If
GoTo ChangeRange
Case 6 ' Save
CheckButtonRelease 6
Temp_Upper = Temp_U
Temp_Lower = Temp_L
VAR SAVE Temp_Upper, Temp_Lower
Exit Sub
End Select
End Select
End Sub 'ConfigureMenu

Sub ShowStandandLocalTime
UTC = GetSec(Val(Right$(Date$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Date$, 4, 2)), Val(Left$(Date$, 2)), Val(Left$(Time$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Time$, 4, 2)), Val(Right$(Time$, 2)))
Text 0, 65, "Stand" ,L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 90, 65, Mid$(Date$, 1,2) + "/" + Mid$(Date$, 4,2) + "/" + Mid$(Date$, 9,2),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 230, 65, Mid$(Time$, 1,2) + ":" + Mid$(Time$, 4,2),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 0, 100, "Local",L, 1,2, c.entry
Text 90, 100, Str$(tday, 2, 0, "0") + "/" + str$(tmth, 2, 0, "0") + "/" + str$(tyear, 2, 0, "0"),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 230, 100, Str$(thour, 2, 0, "0") + ":" + str$(tmin, 2, 0, "0"),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 0, 150, "Set DST:",L, 1,2, c.entry
'Highlight which applies now
If tdst then
rbox 139,139,82,47,,c.background
rbox 138,138,84,49,,c.background
rbox 229,139,82,47,,RGB(Green)
rbox 228,138,84,49,,RGB(Green)
rbox 139,139,82,47,,RGB(Green)
rbox 138,138,84,49,,RGB(Green)
rbox 229,139,82,47,,c.Background
rbox 228,138,84,49,,c.Background
End Sub

Sub ShowAllTimes
UTC = GetSec(Val(Right$(Date$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Date$, 4, 2)), Val(Left$(Date$, 2)), Val(Left$(Time$, 2)), Val(Mid$(Time$, 4, 2)), Val(Right$(Time$, 2)))
Text 0, 100, "UTC" ,L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 90, 100, Str$(UTCday, 2, 0, "0") + "/" + str$(UTCmth, 2, 0, "0") + "/" + str$(UTCyear, 2, 0, "0"),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 230, 100, Str$(UTChour, 2, 0, "0") + ":" + str$(UTCmin, 2, 0, "0"),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 0, 130, "Std" ,L ,1 ,2 , c.entry
Text 90, 130, Mid$(Date$, 1,2) + "/" + Mid$(Date$, 4,2) + "/" + Mid$(Date$, 9,2),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 230, 130, Mid$(Time$, 1,2) + ":" + Mid$(Time$, 4,2),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 0, 160, "Local",L, 1,2, c.entry
Text 90, 160,Str$(tday, 2, 0, "0") + "/" + str$(tmth, 2, 0, "0") + "/" + str$(tyear, 2, 0, "0"),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
Text 230, 160, Str$(thour, 2, 0, "0") + ":" + str$(tmin, 2, 0, "0"),L ,1 ,2 , c.ghosttext
End Sub

' menu to get and set the aging trim for the DS3231
Sub TrimAging
Local Integer r ,b
Local Float n
Font 2, 1
Text MM.HRes/2, 10, "DS3231", CT, 2 ,1, c.caption
Text MM.HRes/2, 45, "Aging Offset", CT, 2, 1, c.caption
RTC GetReg &H10, r
If MM.I2C > 0 Then
MessageBox "Error reading", "from RTC"
Exit Sub
If r > 127 Then
n = r - 256
n = r
Text 50, 100, Str$(n, -4, 0),L , 2, 1, c.entry
DrawButton 0, 0, 200, 95, 50, 42, c.button, "-"
DrawButton 1, 0, 260, 95, 50, 42, c.button, "+"
Text MM.HRes/2, 142, "Positive values will slow the clock,", CT, 1, 1, c.entry
Text MM.HRes/2, 157, "Negative values will speed it up", CT, 1, 1, c.entry
Font 1, 2
DrawButton 2, 0, 0, 211, 120, 30, c.special, "Cancel"
DrawButton 3, 0, 200, 211, 120, 30, c.save, "Save"

Do While Touch(x) <> -1 : Loop
b = CheckButtonPress(0, 14)
Select Case b
Case 0 ' - pressed
n = n - 1
If n < -127 Then n = -127
Text 50, 100, Str$(n, -4, 0, " "),L , 2, 1, c.entry
CheckButtonRelease 0
Case 1 ' + pressed
n = n + 1
If n > 127 Then n = 127
Text 50, 100, Str$(n, -4, 0, " "),L , 2, 1, c.entry
CheckButtonRelease 1
Case 2
Exit Do
Case 3
r = n And &B11111111
RTC SetReg &H10, r
If MM.I2C > 0 Then
MessageBox "Error writing", "to RTC"
Exit Do
End Select
End Sub

' subroutines involved with manipulating time
' find the local time (incl DST) from the UTC variable which is counting UTC time
' updates the global variables tyear, tmth, tday, tdow, thour, tmin, tsec, tdst
Sub GetLocalTime
Local Integer t
t = UTC
If UTC_Offset = 0 Then
UTC = UTC + UTC_Offset*3600
UTCsec = UTC Mod 60
UTCmin = (UTC \ 60) Mod 60
UTChour = (UTC \ 3600) Mod 24
UTCyear = GetYear(UTC)
UTCmth = GetMonth(UTC)
UTCday = GetDay(UTC)
UTCdow = GetDOW(UTC)
t = t + tdst
tsec = t Mod 60
tmin = (t \ 60) Mod 60
thour = (t \ 3600) Mod 24
tyear = GetYear(t)
tmth = GetMonth(t)
tday = GetDay(t)
tdow = GetDOW(t)
End Sub 'GetLocalTime

' menu to get a date or time
' this can handle either date (dt = 1) or time (dt = 0)
Sub GetDateTime dt As Integer
Local Integer digit, i, b, d, m, y
Local String SCap(9) LENGTH 8 = ("7","8","9","4","5","6","1","2","3","0")
Local String str, strold
Const bh = MM.VRes\5, bw = MM.HRes\5
If dt Then strold = "dd/mm/yy" Else strold = "hh:mm:ss"
str = strold
digit = 1
Font 1, 2
For i = 0 To 8
DrawButton i, 0, bw + bw * (i Mod 3) + 2, bh + bh * (i \ 3) + 2, bw - 4, bh - 4, c.button, SCap(i)
Next i
DrawButton 9, 0, bw*2 + 2, bh*4 + 2, bw - 4, bh - 4, c.button, "0"
DrawButton 10, 0, 260, 48, 60, 140, c.delete, "Del"
DrawButton 11, 0, bw*3 + 2, bh*4 + 2, bw * 2 - 4, bh - 4, c.save, "SAVE"
DrawButton 12, 0, 0, bh*4 + 2, bw * 2 - 4, bh - 4, c.special, "Cancel"
DisplayDateTimeStr str
If Timer > 700 Then Line 40 + digit * 24, 43, 64 + digit * 24, 43, 2, c.entry: Timer = 0
b = CheckButtonPress(0, 12)
If Timer > 500 Or b > 0 Then Line 40 + digit * 24, 43, 64 + digit * 24, 43, 2, 0
Select Case b
Case 0 To 9
If digit < 9 Then
str = Left$(str, digit-1) + SCap(b) + Mid$(str, digit+1, 9)
digit = digit + 1
If digit = 3 Or digit = 6 Then digit = digit + 1
DisplayDateTimeStr str
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease b
Case 10 'Del
If digit > 1 Then
digit = digit - 1
If digit = 3 Or digit = 6 Then digit = digit - 1
str = Left$(str, digit-1) + Mid$(strold, digit)
DisplayDateTimeStr str
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease b
Case 11 'Save
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease b
d = Val(Left$(str, 2))
m = Val(Mid$(str, 4, 2))
y = Val(Right$(str, 2))
If dt Then ' Is a date
If y < 17 Or m < 1 Or m > 12 Or d < 1 Or d > 31 Then
MessageBox "Invalid", "Date"
UTC = GetSec(y, m, d, thour, tmin, tsec)
Else ' Is a time
If Mid$(str, 5, 1) = "m" Or y > 59 Or m > 59 Or d > 23 Then
MessageBox "Invalid", "Time"
UTC = GetSec(tyear, tmth, tday, d, m, y)
If TimeSource = 1 Then
RTC SetTime GetYear(UTC), GetMonth(UTC), GetDay(UTC), (UTC \ 3600) Mod 24, (UTC \ 60) Mod 60, UTC Mod 60
Date$ = Str$(GetDay(UTC)) + "/" + Str$(GetMonth(UTC)) + "/" + Str$(GetYear(UTC))
Time$ = Str$((UTC \ 3600) Mod 24) + ":" + Str$((UTC \ 60) Mod 60) + ":" + Str$(UTC Mod 60)
Exit Do
Case 12 ' Cancel pressed
Pause 200
CheckButtonRelease b
Exit Do
End Select
End Sub

' utility sub to display formatted date or time
Sub DisplayDateTimeStr s As String
Local Float i
For i = 1 To 8
If i = 3 Or i = 6 Then
Text 40 + 24 * i, 10, Mid$(s, i, 1), , 2, 1, RGB(white), 0
ElseIf Mid$(s, i, 1) > "9" Then
Text 40 + 24 * i, 10, Mid$(s, i, 1), , 2, 1, c.ghosttext, 0
Text 40 + 24 * i, 10, Mid$(s, i, 1), , 2, 1, c.entry, 0
Next i
End Sub

' calculate the seconds since midnight 1st Jan 2014
Function GetSec(yr As Integer, mth As Integer, day As Integer, hr As Integer, min As Integer, sec As Integer) As Integer
GetSec = (yr - 14) * (365 * 24 * 60)
GetSec = GetSec + ((yr - 13) \ 4) * (24 * 60)
GetSec = GetSec + (md(mth) * (24 * 60))
GetSec = GetSec + ((day - 1) * (24 * 60))
GetSec = GetSec + (hr * 60)
GetSec = ((GetSec + min) * 60) + sec
If (yr - 16) Mod 4 = 0 And mth > 2 Then GetSec = GetSec + (24 * 3600)
End Function

' convert seconds to the year (two digits)
Function GetYear(seconds As Integer) As Float
Local Float yr
For yr = 14 To 99
If seconds < GetSec(yr + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) Then Exit For
Next yr
GetYear = yr
End Function

' convert seconds to the month (Jan = 1)
Function GetMonth(seconds As Integer) As Float
Local Float mth
For mth = 1 To 12
If seconds < GetSec(tyear, mth, 1, 0, 0, 0) Then Exit For
Next mth
GetMonth = mth - 1
End Function

' convert seconds to the day of the month
Function GetDay(seconds As Integer) As Float
GetDay = ((seconds - GetSec(tyear, tmth, 1, 0, 0)) \ (24 * 3600)) + 1
End Function

' convert seconds to the day of the week (Sunday = 0)
Function GetDOW(seconds As Integer) As Float
GetDOW = ((seconds \ (24 * 3600)) + 3) Mod 7
End Function

' misc utility subroutines
Sub RTCSetTime ' called every 1/2hour (at hh:05:35 and hh:35:35)
RTC GetTime
End Sub

' Draw buttons and get button presses
' The subrouting DrawButton will draw a button (normally used when drawing
' the screen for input).
' The function CheckButtonPress() will check if a button has been touched.
' If it has it will set it to selected (reverse video) and return with the
' button's number.
' The subroutine CheckButtonRelease will wait for the touch to be released
' and will then draw the button as normal.
' These routines use the global arrays key_coord() and key_caption() to
' track the coordinates and size of each button and save its caption.
' IMPORTANT: These routines set the watchdog to 20 minutes. If a button
' has not been pressed within this time the Micromite will
' restart.
' draw a button
Sub DrawButton n As Integer, mode As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, c As Integer, s As String
Local Integer bc, fc
If mode = 0 Then
key_coord(n,0) = x : key_coord(n,1) = y : key_coord(n,2) = w : key_coord(n,3) = h
key_coord(n,4) = c : key_caption(n) = s
If mode > 1 Then
bc = key_coord(n,4) : fc = 0 ' draw in reverse video if it is being touched
bc = 0 : fc = key_coord(n,4) ' a normal (untouched) button
RBox key_coord(n,0), key_coord(n,1), key_coord(n,2), key_coord(n,3), , key_coord(n,4), bc)
Text key_coord(n,0) + key_coord(n,2)/2, key_coord(n,1) + key_coord(n,3)/2, key_caption(n), CM, , , fc, bc
End Sub

' check if a button has been touched and animate the button's image
' returns the button's number
Function CheckButtonPress(startn As Integer, endn As Integer) As Integer
Local Integer xt, yellowt, n
CheckButtonPress = -1
If Touch(x) <> -1 Then
' we have a touch
WatchDog 1200000
xt = Touch(x)
yellowt = Touch(y)
' scan the array key_coord() to see if the touch was within the
' boundaries of a button
For n = startn To endn
If xt > key_coord(n,0) And xt < key_coord(n,0) + key_coord(n,2) And yellowt > key_coord(n,1) And yellowt < key_coord(n,1) + key_coord(n,3) Then
' we have a button press
' draw the button as pressed
DrawButton n, 2
CheckButtonPress = n
Exit For
Next n
End Function

' wait for the touch to be released and then draw the button as normal
Sub CheckButtonRelease n As Integer
' if a button is currently down check if it has been released
Do While Touch(x) <> -1 : Loop ' wait for the button to be released
DrawButton n, 1 ' draw the button as normal (ie, not pressed)
End Sub

' this handy routine draws a message box with an OK button
' then waits for the button to be touched
Sub MessageBox s1 As String, s2 As String
Local Integer w
If Len(s1) > Len(s2) Then w = Len(s1) Else w = Len(s2)
w = w * 8 ' get the width of the text (used for the box width)
' draw the box and the message in it
RBox MM.HRes/2 - w - 20, 60, w * 2 + 40, 130, , c.entry, 0
Text MM.HRes/2, 70, s1, CT, 1, 2, RGB(white)
Text MM.HRes/2, 100, s2, CT, 1, 2, RGB(white)
' draw the OK button
RBox 110, 140, 100, 34, , c.button
Text MM.HRes/2, 157, "OK", CM, 1, 2, c.button
' wait for the button to be touched
WatchDog 1200000
Do While Not (Touch(x) > 110 And Touch(x) < 210 And Touch(y) > 140 And Touch(y) < 180) : Loop
' draw the OK button as depressed
RBox 110, 140, 100, 34, , c.button, c.button
Text MM.HRes/2, 157, "OK", CM, 1, 2, 0, c.button
' wait for the touch to be removed
Do While Touch(x) <> -1 : Loop
End Sub 'MessageBox

Function calibrate_bmp180()
' extract bmp180 calibration constants
Local n, calMEM
calMEM= BMP180calMEM
For n = 1 To 11
' first calibration location
I2C WRITE BMP180address, 0, 1, calMEM
Pause 1
I2C READ BMP180address, 0, 2, BMPData(0)
cal(n) = BMPData(0)*256 + BMPData(1)
If n < 4 Or n > 6 Then
' need to convert some to signed numbers
If (cal(n) > 32767) Then
cal(n) = cal(n) - 65536
Pause 1
' advance to the next calibration location
calMEM = calMEM + 2
Next n
End Function

Function temperature()
' returns the temperature in degrees C to one decimal place
Local UT, x1, x2, b5
I2C WRITE BMP180address, 0, 2, BMP180control, BMP180temp
Pause 5
I2C WRITE BMP180address, 0, 1, BMP180reading
I2C READ BMP180address, 0, 2, BMPData(0)
UT = BMPData(0)*256 + BMPData(1)
'calculate true temperature
x1= Int( (UT-cal(6))*cal(5)/32768)
x2=Int( cal(10)*2048/(x1+cal(11)))
temperature = Int((b5+8)/16)/10
End Function 'temperature()

Function pressure(oss)
' atmospheric pressure in inches of mercury
Local UT, UP, x1, x2, x3, b5, b6, b7, pres, p
pres = BMP180pres + oss * &H40
I2C WRITE BMP180address, 0, 2, BMP180control, BMP180temp
Pause 5
I2C WRITE BMP180address, 0, 1, BMP180reading
I2C READ BMP180address, 0, 2, BMPData(0)
UT = BMPData(0) * 256 + BMPData(1)
I2C WRITE BMP180address, 0, 2, BMP180control, pres
' different oversampling requires different reading times
If (oss = 0) Then
' ulta low power
Pause 5
ElseIf (oss = 1) Then
' standard
Pause 8
ElseIf (oss = 2) Then
' high resolution
Pause 14
' ulta high resolution
Pause 26
I2C WRITE BMP180address, 0, 1, BMP180reading
I2C READ BMP180address, 0, 2, BMPData(0)
UP = BMPData(0) * 256 + BMPData(1)
I2C WRITE BMP180address, 0, 1, BMP180reading+2
I2C READ BMP180address, 0, 1, BMPData(0)
UP = (UP * 256 + BMPData(0)) / 2^(8 - oss)
' calculate true temperature
x1 = Int((UT - cal(6)) * cal(5) / 32768)
x2 = Int(cal(10) * 2048 / (x1 + cal(11)))
b5 = x1 + x2
t = Int((b5 + 8) / 16) / 10
' calculate true atmospheric pressure
b6 = b5 - 4000
x1 = Int((cal(8) * (b6 * b6 / 4096)) / 2048)
x2 = Int(cal(2) * b6 / 2048)
x3 = x1 + x2
b3 = Int(((cal(1) * 4 + x3) * 2^oss + 2) / 4)
x1 = Int(cal(3) * b6 / 8192)
x2 = Int((cal(7) * (b6 * b6 / 4096)) / 65536)
x3 = Int(((x1 + x2) + 2) / 4)
b4 = Int(cal(4) * x3 / 32768 + cal(4))
b7 = Int((UP - b3) * (50000 / 2^oss))
p = Int((b7 * 2) / b4)
x1 = Int(Int(p / 256) * Int(p / 256))
x1 = Int((x1 * 3038) / 65536)
x2 = Int((-7357 * p) / 65536)
pressure = Int(p + (x1 + x2 + 3791) / 16)
End Function

' Routine to draw multiple triangles,
CSub DrawTriangles
27bdff90 afbf006c afbe0068 afb70064 afb60060 afb5005c afb40058 afb30054
afb20050 afb1004c afb00048 afa40070 afa50074 afa60078 afa7007c 8c820004
5c400007 afa00024 144000cc 8fbf006c 8c820000 104000ca 8fbe0068 afa00024
afa0002c 3c159d00 8fa30074 8fa40024 00641021 8c510000 8fa50078 00a41021
8c5e0000 8fa3007c 00641021 8c570000 8fa50080 00a41021 8c420000 afa20018
8fa30084 00641021 8c420000 afa20028 8fa50088 00a41021 8c560000 8fa3008c
00641021 8c540000 8fa40018 009e102a 10400008 8fa50018 03c01021 0080f021
afa20018 02201021 02e08821 0040b821 8fa50018 02c5102a 10400007 8fa30018
afb60018 00a0b021 02e01021 8fb70028 afa20028 8fa30018 007e102a 10400006
03c01021 0060f021 afa20018 02201021 02e08821 0040b821 17d6001b 8fa50018
02f1102a 14400006 02203821 0237102a 10400005 8fa40028 01000002 02e03821
02e08821 8fa40028 0091102a 54400003 8fb10028 00e4102a 0082380b 8ea20048
00fe3821 afb40010 8c420000 02202021 03c02821 02203021 0040f809 00f13823
01000063 8fa4002c 00b61026 0002102b 00a21023 afa2001c 005e102a 1440002f
03c08021 02f11023 afa20020 8fa30028 00711823 afa30030 00009021 00009821
00be2023 afa40034 02def823 afbe0038 afb7003c afb60040 0060f021 0080b821
03e0b021 0277001a 02e001f4 00002012 00912021 0256001a 02c001f4 00003012
00d13021 00c4102a 50400005 8ea20048 00801021 00c02021 00403021 8ea20048
afb40010 8c420000 02002821 0040f809 02003821 26100001 8fa20020 02629821
8fa3001c 0070102a 1040ffe6 025e9021 8fbe0038 8fb7003c 8fb60040 02d0102a
1440002a 8fa40028 00972023 afa4001c 8fa50018 02059023 72449002 8fa20028
00511023 afa20020 021e9823 70539802 02c51023 afa20018 02def023 8fa30018
0243001a 006001f4 00002012 00972021 027e001a 03c001f4 00003012 00d13021
00c4102a 50400005 8ea20048 00801021 00c02021 00403021 8ea20048 afb40010
8c420000 02002821 0040f809 02003821 26100001 8fa2001c 02429021 8fa30020
02d0102a 1040ffe5 02639821 8fa4002c 24840001 afa4002c 8fa50024 24a50008
afa50024 000417c3 8fa50070 8ca30004 0043182a 1460ff45 8fa30074 8ca30004
14620006 8fbf006c 8ca20000 0082202b 1480ff3e 8fa30074 8fbf006c 8fbe0068
8fb70064 8fb60060 8fb5005c 8fb40058 8fb30054 8fb20050 8fb1004c 8fb00048
03e00008 27bd0070
End CSub
Senior Member

Joined: 16/07/2015
Location: Germany
Posts: 120
Posted: 07:05pm 06 Apr 2017
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nice work Andrew, i like it !!!

thanks for sharing

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