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Forum Index : PCB Manufacturing : RIP Eagle

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Joined: 07/09/2016
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Posted: 02:32pm 10 Jun 2023
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I have been working on an acient version of Eagle since forever - don't like the rental style licence so never upgraded. It really peves me that you can't just buy something anymore and every corporate licence has just become transfixed on maximising profit rather than turning out a decent product, building a custmer base and just servicing that industry. I Clarkes turned up each year and said I had to buy all my shoes again I'd be proper irritated (and shoe-less). Similar grip but slightly different tack is the endless updates to OSs (I'm looking at you Micro$oft) when instead of just rolling our improved versions of the bits that need it, everything keep getting shuffled around and re-designed so you end up having to hunt for functionality you always use.

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Posted: 11:53pm 10 Jun 2023
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Sprint Layout 6 - you BUY a copy, like in the daze of old.
Once you register your copy, it is yours to use, as much as you like, for as long as you like.  No subscriptions.  Good old days of shareware.

I'm totally with you on the subscription thing.  Many companies are doing that now, including Microsoft, and it is all cos they have worked out they can make more money long-term via subscription, then they can by simply selling you a copy or license.

Unfortunately, I expect this to get much worse before it gets any better, as more and more software companies jump on the subscription band wagon.
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Posted: 11:51am 11 Jun 2023
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Time to jump ship
it just works

i still run Curtains :)  in a vm for a couple of programs
but all my day to day stuff is in linux

you do not even need to install it to try it out
just create a bootable usb stick or cd and have a play

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Posted: 11:44pm 11 Jun 2023
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Mint is a very good Linux distro.  VERY good.
As far as a desktop replacement for Windoze, it would have to be the frontrunner.
If not for the fact that the CAD software I use will only run in Windoze, I would have Mint as my daily PC also.

I have tried my CAD software in Mint, with the likes of WINE, but they are unstable.
My CAD software works happily inside a small XP or Win7 VM under Mint, but if you have to run a VM Windoze to run the CAD software, you might as well just run Windoze and be done with it.


If the day ever comes when my CAD software release Linux versions, that will be the day I move to Linux permanently.  But the CAD software people have already said they never plan to do Linux versions, so......
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Posted: 03:23am 12 Jun 2023
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KiCad has a linux version and is completely free, but it is different to what you currently use and I think that's probably the largest detractor for any CAD package.


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Posted: 11:19am 12 Jun 2023
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  Quote  If the day ever comes when my CAD software release Linux versions, that will be the day I move to Linux permanently.  But the CAD software people have already said they never plan to do Linux versions, so......

They should do better to look after customers or people will just go elsewhere, there are many programs (Free or otherwise) that will support several operating systems, it can't be that hard for them to do that? or do they not give a rats anymore?
Cheers Aaron
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Posted: 07:39pm 01 Oct 2023
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Hi All

I have just changed to QCad on Debian 12 and after testing the free version for a few days,
bought the au$67 professional version.

Greatest positive is that it opens Autocad drawings without the importing process.
Biggest negative for me is that there is no small preview before you open a file, so if like me you number the drawings for a project, you end up opening 3 or 4 before you find the right one.

Qcad is 2D only which suits me just fine and everything else is very familiar to the Acad 2000 I was using on Windows 7.

Only one application left before I can ditch Windoze all together and that is Protel99SE.
The .db files for it don't seem to be recognised by any other app and I don't feel like redrawing hundreds of diagrams.

Hervey Bay Qld.

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Posted: 08:25pm 01 Oct 2023
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  Dinosaur said  Hi All

I have just changed to QCad on Debian 12 and after testing the free version for a few days,
bought the au$67 professional version.

Greatest positive is that it opens Autocad drawings without the importing process.
Biggest negative for me is that there is no small preview before you open a file, so if like me you number the drawings for a project, you end up opening 3 or 4 before you find the right one.

Qcad is 2D only which suits me just fine and everything else is very familiar to the Acad 2000 I was using on Windows 7.

Only one application left before I can ditch Windoze all together and that is Protel99SE.
The .db files for it don't seem to be recognised by any other app and I don't feel like redrawing hundreds of diagrams.


Maybe this would work for you? .db to CSV

Or maybe
this or this
Edited 2023-10-02 18:41 by RFburns
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Posted: 07:15pm 02 Oct 2023
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Hi All

I bought the original package as Elektracad may years ago.
The problem is that I need to create or alter the existing schematics.
Also the .db files from Protel99SE are not your average database files.
I can print them all to .pdf and have backups of them.

The closest I have come is, to export the schematic to Autocad.dwg (now Qcad)
However all colour is lost and all junctions are lost as well.  

Hervey Bay Qld.
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