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Forum Index : Windmills : Forum Guidelines

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Admin Group

Joined: 05/06/2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 5099
Posted: 09:31am 11 Dec 2011
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When you registered to become a member of this forum you agreed to the following.

You agree not to use this forum to post any material which is vulgar, defamatory, inaccurate, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws. You also agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that is not owned by yourself or the owners of these forums.

You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless this forum and their agents with respect to any claim based upon any post you may make. We also reserve the right to reveal whatever information we know about you in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by yourself.

Although messages posted are not the responsibility of this forum and we are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any of these messages, we reserve the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever. If you do find any posts are objectionable then please contact the forum administration on the About Us page..

We can delete the occasional message at the request of the poster, provided they provide a good reason. A member asking to delete all messages posted by them will not be done, as it will disrupt the flow of the forum and can render it unreadable.

Copyright: You should not copy content of any message to a outside destination ( outside of this web site, TheBackShed.com ), either in part or full, without first seeking permission from the author of said content, where possible. You should also include a reference back to the original forum post. By registering to use this forum you agree to abide by all of the above rules and policies.

Sharing links. Feel free to link to any post or topic on this forum, however it is not permitted to link directly to a members uploaded files ( images included ), either you own or another members. This is a forum where projects are developed and the story behind them is shared. This is not a file server or file sharing facility. Bandwidth costs money.

This forum depends on advertising to pay for its running costs. The advertising is mostly provided by Google, and they have strict guidelines on the content of any pages displaying their adverts. Therefore, I ask that forum members read and understand these guidelines to ensure the future of this forum.

Posts may not include or link to:

Pornography, sexist, adult or mature content
Violent content
Content related to racial intolerance or advocacy against any individual, group or organisation
Excessive profanity
Hacking/cracking content
Gambling or casino-related content
Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia content
Sales of beer or hard alcohol
Sales of tobacco or tobacco-related products
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Sales of weapons or ammunition (e.g. firearms, firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns)
Sales of products that are replicas or imitations of designer or other goods
Sales or distribution of coursework or student essays
Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others.

Discussion of politics, religion, climate change, flat earth and crazy conspiracy theories is strongly discouraged, and will probably be deleted without warning or reason.

If you find these conditions unfair, you can contact me on the About Us page.

Basically, this is a public place, shared by people from all nations and beliefs. Have consideration for others and think about what you are posting in your message. Be courteous, and stay away from topics that may be controversial, such as religion, politics and racist attitudes.Edited by Gizmo 2019-03-09
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is right now.

Admin Group

Joined: 05/06/2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 5099
Posted: 02:49pm 16 Dec 2015
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Due to the increase in off topic posts, and negative comments, made in several sections of this forum, I've decided to make a few changes to what can and can not be posted. Some of you have noticed the Windmill and Solar sections have been locked down for a few days. This was because several posts got out of hand and I didn't have time to address the issues, so locked them until I did.

Any off topic posts will be deleted as soon as I see them, or are notified of them. Whats off topic? The section headers explain it.

Windmills section is for discussion about your home built, modified or unmodified windmill, or a design you find interesting and wanted to share. The economics, politics or health effects of wind farms is no longer accepted, be it positive or negative.

Solar is for discussion about your home built solar installation, including electricity, water heating, steam generation, etc. Sharing a story about a large scale solar farm is OK, as to date its not as controversial as wind farms.

The Electronics, Microcontroller and EV sections have been reasonably well behaved. Thanks guys.

Other Stuff is for "shed" projects that wont fit in the other sections, like CNC, hydro, etc. Again, not a place for anything political or controversial.

The remaining sections have also been OK lately.

Basically, this forum and web site is a place to discuss the interesting stuff we play around with, projects we build at home or a work.

If there is a post that offends you, DO NOT reply to the post. Every post has a "Report" button, where you can privately say what offends you about a post, the message is sent to me, and I will take action if I think its necessary.

Occasionally I'm asked to remove posts, threads, or every post ever made, by a member who wishes to "move on". I cant do this unless there is a breech of the forum rules. If you feel at some time in the future you may want to remove posts you are about to make, dont make them in the first place. The reason I dont like removing posts is it makes the forum difficult to read, imagine reading a book where random pages have been torn out!

Lastly, remember this forum, and the internet, is global. Therefore you need to understand that you comments, or the comments of others, may be misinterpreted. Different cultures have different idea's on what is and isn't funny, or acceptable. And for many members, english is not their first language, so you need to be tolerant and understand you may be miss reading their message, or they may not understand your reply.

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is right now.

Admin Group

Joined: 05/06/2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 5099
Posted: 02:49pm 16 Dec 2015
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Added a few shortcuts to the different forum sections. Did this because I've noticed links to parts of the forum in printed media, and I thought I would make it easier to do this in the future.

So, say you wanted to provide a link to the Microcontroller section, instead of typing....


You can now use


Same applies to other sections. The link will redirect to the correct forum area. The full list.....


Note: No spaces, not case sensitive. Edited by Gizmo 2018-12-29
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is right now.
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