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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : CMM2: microcomputer-style game sounds

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Joined: 30/06/2020
Location: Australia
Posts: 341
Posted: 10:46pm 14 Aug 2020
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Here's a simple program that demos some possible game sounds. They remind me a bit of BBC micro or ZX spectrum game sounds.

'change this to skip some
goto 100

for h=1 to 2
 chirp 1,5,1200,50,20
pause 300

for h=1 to 2
 chirp 1,5,600,50,20

for h=1 to 12
 pause 500
 print "single chirp, start frequency ";freq
 chirp 1,5,freq,50,20
next h
play sound 1,B,O,300
pause 1000

print "chirps with different t"

for h=1 to 4
 pause 500
 print "single chirp,t=";20*h
 chirp 1,5,freq,50,20*h
next h

pause 1000

print "chirps with different d"

for h=1 to 4
 pause 500
 print "single chirp, d=";50*h
 chirp 1,5,freq,50*h,20
next h

 for h=1 to 5
 'pause 500
 print "upward chirp, start frequency ";freq
 chirp 1,5,freq,-50,20
next h
play sound 1,B,O,300
pause 1000

for h=1 to 5
 pause 500
 print "upward chirp, start frequency ";freq
 chirp 1,5,freq,-50,20
next h
play sound 1,B,O,300
pause 1000

for h=1 to 5
 pause 500
 print "upward chirps repeated, start frequency ";freq
 for h2=1 to 5
   chirp 1,5,freq,-50,20
next h
play sound 1,B,O,300
pause 1000


sub chirp sets,reps,f,d,t
for k=1 to sets
 ' if f and d are multiples of 50 (50 cycles per second)
 ' and t is 20 (20ms), a 50th of a second, sound will be smoooth

 ' more generally if f and d are multiples of 1000/t.

 for n=f to f-d*reps step -d
   play sound 1,B,q,n
   pause t
 next n
play sound 1,B,O,300

end sub

In a real game it's probably better to use interrupts instead of pause, so the game doesn't have to wait while the sound is playing. But that's more work than I wanted to put into this, at least for now.

Joined: 30/06/2020
Location: Australia
Posts: 341
Posted: 05:35am 15 Aug 2020
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Here are some in the ZX Spectrum style where it would make tiny little bits of sound and then have a pause in the sound for a fraction of a second while it did other things.

'play a square wave
sub sq freq, dur
 play sound 1,B,Q,freq
 pause dur
 play stop
end sub

for n=1 to 10
 sq 1000-50*n,3
 pause 100

for n=1 to 20
 sq f,3
 pause 70

Edited 2020-08-15 15:36 by capsikin

Joined: 30/06/2020
Location: Australia
Posts: 341
Posted: 01:20am 20 Aug 2020
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Here's a program to make chirp/zap noises, and let you modify the sounds with the arrow keys.

update: I made another version of my interactive chirp program, to give it a blue background, and use 320x200 resolution so the text is bigger. Not sure I like the visual style but I didn't like the previous one that much so I wanted to try something different. Also I made the quit key work.


update 2: I've put it on gitlab and made another version. This one has colour, and looks a bit neater.

Link to latest version, as a zip download: https://gitlab.com/caspianmaclean/chirps-ui-cmm2/-/archive/master/chirps-ui-cmm2-master.zip

Gitlab project page
Edited 2020-08-29 20:25 by capsikin
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