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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : CMM2 demo programs

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Posted: 03:54am 21 May 2020
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During the testing of the CMM2, I needed a few short programs designed to demonstrate some of the features.
This rotating cube program started life in a QuickBasic forum.

To change it to MMBasic the only changes needed were PSET changed to PIXEL and  BOX used to erase the frames.
I then used PAGE to remove the ficker and a timer so you can compare the different graphic MODEs

A couple of tweaks to the formula shaved about 10mS of each frame.

 ' cube rotator
 ' From a 19 liner by Entropy, shrinked by Antoni Gual
 ' for Rel's 9 LINER contest at QBASICNEWS.COM  1/2003
 ' translated to MMBasic for the CMM2 by TassyJim May 2020
 DIM FLOAT r,x1,y1
 DIM FLOAT COSr,SINr,denom,xyz
 DIM INTEGER cx = MM.HRES/2  'scale things for different display resolution
 DIM INTEGER b = cx/2
 DIM INTEGER s = cx*3/4
   TIMER = 0
   BOX b,cy-b,cx,cx,1,0,0 ' 1mS quicker than CLS
   r = (r + .01745) + 6.283185 * (r >= 6.283185)
   COSr = COS(r)
   SINr = SIN(r)
   FOR x = -30 TO 30 STEP 10
     FOR y = -30 TO 30 STEP 10
       FOR z = -30 TO 30 STEP 10
         denom = x*SINr+(z*COSr-y*SINr)*COSr+100 ' saves about 4.5mS
         xyz = x*COSr-(z*COSr-y*SINr)*SINr       ' this one saves 3mS
         x1 =(xyz*COSr+(y*COSr+z*SINr)*SINr)/denom
         y1 =((y*COSr+z*SINr)*COSr-xyz*SINr)/denom
         PIXEL (s * x1 + cx), (s * y1 + cy), RGB(WHITE)
       NEXT z
     NEXT y
   NEXT x
   BLIT b,cy-b, b,cy-b,cx,cx ,1
   TEXT cx,cy+b,STR$(TIMER)+"mS",cm
 ' formula before speed refinements
 ' x1 =((x*COS(r)-(z*COS(r)-y*SIN(r))*SIN(r))*COS(r)+(y*COS(r)+z*SIN(r))*SIN(r))/(x*SIN(r)+(z*COS(r)-y*SIN(r))*COS(r)+100)
 ' y1 =((y*COS(r)+z*SIN(r))*COS(r)-(x*COS(r)-(z*COS(r)-y*SIN(r))*SIN(r))*SIN(r))/(x*SIN(r)+(z*COS(r)-y*SIN(r))*COS(r)+100)

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 07:35am 21 May 2020
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This program incorporates a method of solving the puzzle which I found in the QB64 samples.
The code was very condensed which makes understanding the process difficult (for me).
It also has lots of GOTOs which I have only partially removed.

It does succeed most of the time.

MMBasic has limits on the amount of recursion you can do so the more usually solving algorithms were not available.

I could have cheated by saving a copy of the solved puzzle before starting but that’s not fair.

At any time, the ‘H’ key toggles hints on/off
‘Enter’ lets the CCM2 solve it for you.

600 lines so I ZIPed it.


MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 07:47am 21 May 2020
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I started writing my File Manager before the inbuilt FILES command was expanded and decided to keep going.
It has been useful to understand and test how MMBasic on the CMM2 handles the various file types.

I have put in a few tests to catch some of the files that MMBasic doesn't handle such as oversize images but there are still plenty of ways to cause it to crash.

'h' for help


MMedit   MMBasic Help

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Posted: 09:02am 21 May 2020
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Cube demo is EXCELLENT, Jim!  
Smoke makes things work. When the smoke gets out, it stops!


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Posted: 11:33pm 21 May 2020
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ColourBars is a short program to test all available graphics modes.
It can be tricky to set up a monitor to display all modes without trimming off pixels from one edge in some modes.
This program helps.
It also lets you find the optimum aspect ratio needed for the CIRCLE command. This will vary between monitors.


MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 05:59am 22 May 2020
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This is one that serves no purpose at all.

To change it from QB64, I added the colours array and changed PSET to PIXEL and set the MODE

 'sinecube QB64 2006 mennonite
 'translated to MMBasic by TassyJim May2020
 DIM blox(40, 40, 40) AS INTEGER
 DIM col(15) ' GWBasic colours
 col(0) = RGB(BLACK)
 col(1) = RGB(BLUE)
 col(2) = RGB(GREEN)
 col(3) = RGB(CYAN)
 col(4) = RGB(RED)
 col(5) = RGB(MAGENTA)
 col(6) = RGB(150, 75, 0)    ' brown
 col(7) = RGB(192,192,192)   ' dull white
 col(8) = RGB(127,127,127)   ' grey
 col(9) = RGB(173, 216, 230) ' light blue
 col(10) = RGB(173, 216, 230)' light green
 col(11) = RGB(144, 238, 144)' light cyan
 col(12) = RGB(255, 100, 100)' light red
 col(13) = RGB(255, 120, 255)' light magenta
 col(14) = RGB(YELLOW)       ' yellow
 col(15) = RGB(WHITE)        ' bright white
 MODE 2,16
 B$ = "00000000...llnnnnnnl..l8lnnnnnnl.l88lllllllll88l000000ll88l00000"
 B$ = B$ + "0ll88l000000ll88l000000l.l8l000000l..ll000000l...llllllll"
 l = 8
 blox(2, 3, 32) = 1
 FOR l = 8 * 32 TO 1 STEP -8
   FOR y = 4 TO 4 * 32 STEP 4
     FOR x = 8 * 32 TO 1 STEP -8
       mm = SIN(x * y * l * 3.14): IF mm<0 THEN mm=-1 ELSE IF mm>0 THEN mm=1
       IF blox(x / 8, y / 4, l / 8) = mm + 1 THEN
         FOR by = 1 TO 11
           FOR bx = 1 TO 11
             IF RIGHT$(LEFT$(b$,(by - 1) * 11 + bx),1) <> "." THEN
               z = 11
               c = ASC(RIGHT$(LEFT$(b$,(by - 1) * 11 + bx),1)) MOD 16 + (y MOD 2)
               PIXEL x + bx - 1 + y - 3, by - 1 + y + l + 4, col(c)
             END IF
           NEXT bx
         NEXT by
       END IF
       IF INKEY$ = CHR$(27) THEN END
     NEXT x
   NEXT y
 mode 1,8

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 06:57am 22 May 2020
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I really need to get out more:

 'Lissajous by Antoni Gual
 ' for Rel's 9 LINER contest at QBASICNEWS.COM  1/2003
 ' converted to MMBasic for the CMM2 by TassyJim May 2020
 DIM col(15) ' GWBasic colours
 col(0) = RGB(BLACK)
 col(1) = RGB(BLUE)
 col(2) = RGB(GREEN)
 col(3) = RGB(CYAN)
 col(4) = RGB(RED)
 col(5) = RGB(MAGENTA)
 col(6) = RGB(150, 75, 0)    ' brown
 col(7) = RGB(192,192,192)   ' dull white
 col(8) = RGB(127,127,127)   ' grey
 col(9) = RGB(173, 216, 230) ' light blue
 col(10) = RGB(173, 216, 230)' light green
 col(11) = RGB(144, 238, 144)' light cyan
 col(12) = RGB(255, 100, 100)' light red
 col(13) = RGB(255, 120, 255)' light magenta
 col(14) = RGB(YELLOW)       ' yellow
 col(15) = RGB(WHITE)        ' bright white
 DIM FLOAT k,l,j
 MODE 2,8
   i = (i + 1) AND &HFFFFF
   k = 6.3 * RND()
   l = 6.3 * RND()
   n = (n + 1) MOD 15
   FOR j = 0 TO 100000
     PIXEL 320 + 300 * SIN(.01 * SIN(k) + j), 240 + 200 * SIN(.01 * SIN(l) * j), col(n + 1)
   NEXT j
 MODE 1,8

Give it time to cycle through a few patterns.

MMedit   MMBasic Help

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Posted: 12:04pm 22 May 2020
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Julia and mandlebrot

map maximite
'Specify initial values
RealOffset = -1.5  '-1.30 RIGHT-left
ImaginOffset = -1.1 '1.0 '-1.22 Top-Bottom
'Set the Julia set constant [eg C = -1.2 + 0.8i]
CRealVal = -0.78
CImagVal = -0.20
MAXIT=30'0   '80 'max iterations
PixelWidth = MM.HRes
PixelHeight = MM.VRes
GAP = PixelHeight / PixelWidth
SIZE = 2.9 '2.50 - bigger value = smaller width
XDelta = SIZE / PixelWidth
YDelta = (SIZE * GAP) / PixelHeight

'Loop processing - visit every pixel
For X = 0 To (PixelWidth - 1)
 CX = X * Xdelta + RealOffset
 For Y = 0 To (PixelHeight - 1)
   CY = Y * YDelta + ImaginOffset
   Zr = CX
   Zi = CY
   COUNT = 0
   'Begin Iteration loop
   Do While (( COUNT <= MAXIT ) And (( Zr * Zr + Zi * Zi ) < 4 ))
     new_Zr = Zr * Zr - Zi * Zi + CRealVal
     new_Zi = 2 * Zr * Zi + CImagVal
     Zr = new_Zr
     Zi = new_Zi
     COUNT = COUNT + 1
   Pixel X,Y,map(COUNT Mod 8 +48)
 Next Y
Next X
save image "Julia2.bmp"
 a$ = Inkey$
Loop While a$ = ""

'Option console off
For X% = 0 To 2*sizex%-2 Step 2
 xi = X%/200 - 2
 For Y% = 0 To sizey%-2 Step 2
   yi = Y% / 200
   xx = 0
   yy = 0
   For I% = 1 To maxiter%
     If xx*xx+yy*yy > 4 Then Exit For
     xt = xi + xx*xx-yy*yy
     yy = yi + 2*xx*yy
     xx = xt
   If I%>=maxiter% Then I%=0
   Box X%,Y%+300,2,2,,map(i%*4) : Box X%,-Y%+300,2,2,,map(i%*4)
 Next Y%
Next X%

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Posted: 02:16pm 23 May 2020
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Rotating Dodecahedron

Check the video

option explicit
option default none
page write 1
const edgelength=200 'set the length of the verticies of the dodecahedron
const zlocation=1000 'how far is the center of the dodecahedron away from us
const viewplane=800 'how far is the viewplane away from us
dim float xarr(4),yarr(4)
dim float phi=(1+sqr(5))/2 ' golden ratio
dim float x,y,x1,y1,z1
dim integer col(11), sortorder(11)
dim float q1(4),depth(11),v(4), vout(4)
' data for location of verticies for dodecahedron of edge length 2
data phi,phi,phi
data phi,phi,-phi
data phi,-phi,phi
data -phi,phi,phi
data -phi,-phi,phi
data -phi,phi,-phi
data phi,-phi,-phi
data -phi,-phi,-phi
data 0,-(phi^2),1
data 0,phi^2,1
data 0,-(phi^2),-1
data 0,phi^2,-1
data phi^2,1,0
data -(phi^2),1,0
data phi^2,-1,0
data -(phi^2),-1,0
data 1,0,phi^2
data 1,0,-(phi^2)
data -1,0,phi^2
data -1,0,-(phi^2)
dim float dodec(2,19), ndodec(3,19)
dim integer i,j,k

' read in the coordinates of the verticies and scale
for j=0 to 19
 for i=0 to 2
   read dodec(i,j)
 next i
next j

'convert coordinates to normalised form
for i=0 to 19
 x1=dodec(0,i): y1=dodec(1,i): z1=dodec(2,i)
 ndodec(0,i)=v(2): ndodec(1,i)=v(3): ndodec(2,i)=v(4): ndodec(3,i)=v(0)
next i

'create a quarternion to rotate 5 degrees about a chosen axis
'play with the x,y,z vector which is the sxis of rotation

'array to hold verticies for each face and its colour
dim integer faces(4,11)
data 10,6,17,19,7,rgb(red)
data 7,19,5,13,15,rgb(blue)
data 6,14,12,1,17,rgb(yellow)
data 19,17,1,11,5,rgb(green)
data 8,2,16,18,4,rgb(magenta)
data 2,14,12,0,16,rgb(cyan)
data 18,16,0,9,3,rgb(brown)
data 4,18,3,13,15,rgb(white)
data 12,0,9,11,1,rgb(gray)
data 13,3,9,11,5,rgb(255,0,128)
data 8,4,15,7,10,rgb(128,0,255)
data 8,2,14,6,10,rgb(128,255,0)
for j=0 to 11
 for i=0 to 4
   read faces(i,j)
 next i
 read col(j)
next j

for i=0 to 19 'rotate coordinates
 v(2)=ndodec(0,i): v(3)=ndodec(1,i): v(4)=ndodec(2,i): v(0)=ndodec(3,i): v(1)=0
 ndodec(0,i)=vout(2): ndodec(1,i)=vout(3): ndodec(2,i)=vout(4): ndodec(3,i)=vout(0)
next i

' Now see which faces are furthest away by adding up the Z coordinates
for i=0 to 11
 for j=0 to 4
 next j
next i
sort depth(),sortorder()

for k=0 to 11
 i=sortorder(11-k) 'get the index to the faces in order of nearest last
 for j=0 to 4
 next j
 polygon 5,xarr(),yarr(),col(i),col(i)
next k
page copy 1 to 0,b
sub create_normalised_quaternion(theta as float,x as float,y as float,z as float,q() as float)
 local float radians = theta/180.0*PI
 local float sineterm= sin(radians!/2)
 q(2)=x* sineterm
 q(3)=y* sineterm
 q(4)=z* sineterm
 q(0)=sqr(q!(1)*q(1) + q(2)*q(2) + q(3)*q(3) + q(4)*q(4)) 'calculate the magnitude
 q(1)=q(1)/q(0) 'create a normalised quaternion
end sub
sub invert_quaternion(n() as float,q() as float)
end sub
sub multiply_quaternion(n() as float,q1() as float,q2() as float)
 local float a1=q1(1),a2=q2(1),b1=q1(2),b2=q2(2),c1=q1(3),c2=q2(3),d1=q1(4),d2=q2(4)
end sub
sub create_vector(x as float,y as float ,z as float,v() as float)
 v(0)=sqr(x*x + y*y + z*z)
end sub

sub rotate_vector(vnew() as float,v() as float,q() as float)
 local float n(4),iq(4)
end sub

Edited 2020-05-24 00:30 by matherp

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Posted: 04:22am 24 May 2020
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Yes, that is very cute!!!!  
Smoke makes things work. When the smoke gets out, it stops!

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Posted: 12:39pm 24 May 2020
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Rotating wire-frame bucky ball


option explicit
option default none
page write 1
const edgelength=100 'set the length of the verticies of the ticosahedron
const zlocation=1000 'how far is the center of the ticosahedron away from us
const viewplane=800 'how far is the viewplane away from us
dim float x,y,d
dim float phi=(1+sqr(5))/2
dim float x1,y1,z1
dim integer col(11), sortorder(11)
dim float q1(4),depth(11),v(4), vout(4)
' data for location of verticies for truncated icosahedron of edge length 2
data 0,1,3*phi
data 0,1,-3*phi
data 0,-1,3*phi
data 0,-1,-3*phi
data 1,3*phi,0
data 1,-3*phi,0
data -1,3*phi,0
data -1,-3*phi,0
data 3*phi,0,1
data 3*phi,0,-1
data -3*phi,0,1
data -3*phi,0,-1
data 2,(1+2*phi),phi
data 2,(1+2*phi),-phi
data 2,-(1+2*phi),phi
data 2,-(1+2*phi),-phi
data -2,(1+2*phi),phi
data -2,(1+2*phi),-phi
data -2,-(1+2*phi),phi
data -2,-(1+2*phi),-phi
data (1+2*phi),phi,2
data (1+2*phi),phi,-2
data (1+2*phi),-phi,2
data (1+2*phi),-phi,-2
data -(1+2*phi),phi,2
data -(1+2*phi),phi,-2
data -(1+2*phi),-phi,2
data -(1+2*phi),-phi,-2
data phi,2,(1+2*phi)
data phi,2,-(1+2*phi)
data phi,-2,(1+2*phi)
data phi,-2,-(1+2*phi)
data -phi,2,(1+2*phi)
data -phi,2,-(1+2*phi)
data -phi,-2,(1+2*phi)
data -phi,-2,-(1+2*phi)
data 1,(2+phi),2*phi
data 1,(2+phi),-2*phi
data 1,-(2+phi),2*phi
data 1,-(2+phi),-2*phi
data -1,(2+phi),2*phi
data -1,(2+phi),-2*phi
data -1,-(2+phi),2*phi
data -1,-(2+phi),-2*phi
data (2+phi),2*phi,1
data (2+phi),2*phi,-1
data (2+phi),-2*phi,1
data (2+phi),-2*phi,-1
data -(2+phi),2*phi,1
data -(2+phi),2*phi,-1
data -(2+phi),-2*phi,1
data -(2+phi),-2*phi,-1
data 2*phi,1,(2+phi)
data 2*phi,1,-(2+phi)
data 2*phi,-1,(2+phi)
data 2*phi,-1,-(2+phi)
data -2*phi,1,(2+phi)
data -2*phi,1,-(2+phi)
data -2*phi,-1,(2+phi)
data -2*phi,-1,-(2+phi)

dim float ticos(2,59), nticos(3,59)
dim integer i,j,k
dim integer xs(179),ys(179),xe(179),ye(179)
' read in the coordinates of the verticies and scale
for j=0 to 59
 for i=0 to 2
   read ticos(i,j)
 next i
next j

'Find coordinate pairs that are 100 pixels apart
dim integer linelist(2,59)
for i=0 to 59
 for j=0 to 59
   d=sqr((ticos(0,j)-ticos(0,i))^2 + (ticos(1,j)-ticos(1,i))^2 + (ticos(2,j)-ticos(2,i))^2 )
   if abs(d-100)<1 then
 next j
next i

'convert coordinates to normalised form
for i=0 to 59
 x1=ticos(0,i): y1=ticos(1,i): z1=ticos(2,i)
 nticos(0,i)=v(2): nticos(1,i)=v(3): nticos(2,i)=v(4): nticos(3,i)=v(0)
next i

'create a quarternion to rotate 2 degrees about a chosen axis
'play with the x,y,z vector which is the sxis of rotation

for i=0 to 59 'rotate coordinates
 v(2)=nticos(0,i): v(3)=nticos(1,i): v(4)=nticos(2,i): v(0)=nticos(3,i): v(1)=0
 nticos(0,i)=vout(2): nticos(1,i)=vout(3): nticos(2,i)=vout(4): nticos(3,i)=vout(0)
next i

' for every vertex create the lines that radiate from it. This will draw every line twice
 for k=0 to 59
   for i=0 to 2
 'store the coordinates for a single line command
   next i
 next k
 line xs(),ys(),xe(),ye()
 page copy 1 to 0,b
sub create_normalised_quaternion(theta as float,x as float,y as float,z as float,q() as float)
 local float radians = theta/180.0*PI
 local float sineterm= sin(radians!/2)
 q(2)=x* sineterm
 q(3)=y* sineterm
 q(4)=z* sineterm
 q(0)=sqr(q!(1)*q(1) + q(2)*q(2) + q(3)*q(3) + q(4)*q(4)) 'calculate the magnitude
 q(1)=q(1)/q(0) 'create a normalised quaternion
end sub
sub invert_quaternion(n() as float,q() as float)
end sub
sub multiply_quaternion(n() as float,q1() as float,q2() as float)
 local float a1=q1(1),a2=q2(1),b1=q1(2),b2=q2(2),c1=q1(3),c2=q2(3),d1=q1(4),d2=q2(4)
end sub
sub create_vector(x as float,y as float ,z as float,v() as float)
 v(0)=sqr(x*x + y*y + z*z)
end sub

sub rotate_vector(vnew() as float,v() as float,q() as float)
 local float n(4),iq(4)
end sub

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Posted: 06:16pm 24 May 2020
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Last one of these more as a proof of the absolute performance of the CMM2 than anything useful - 60 vertices, 32 faces full perspective projection using Painter's algorithm to establish face order. Time for each iteration 85mSec despite a huge amount of maths being done

Watch the video

option explicit
option default none
mode 2
page write 1
const edgelength=100 'set the length of the verticies of the ticosahedron
const zlocation=1000 'how far is the center of the ticosahedron away from us
const viewplane=800 'how far is the viewplane away from us
dim float x,y,d
dim float phi=(1+sqr(5))/2
dim float x1,y1,z1
dim integer col(11), sortorder(11)
dim float q1(4),depth(11),v(4), vout(4)
' data for location of verticies for ticosahedron of edge length 2
data 0,1,3*phi
data 0,1,-3*phi
data 0,-1,3*phi
data 0,-1,-3*phi
data 1,3*phi,0
data 1,-3*phi,0
data -1,3*phi,0
data -1,-3*phi,0
data 3*phi,0,1
data 3*phi,0,-1
data -3*phi,0,1
data -3*phi,0,-1
data 2,(1+2*phi),phi
data 2,(1+2*phi),-phi
data 2,-(1+2*phi),phi
data 2,-(1+2*phi),-phi
data -2,(1+2*phi),phi
data -2,(1+2*phi),-phi
data -2,-(1+2*phi),phi
data -2,-(1+2*phi),-phi
data (1+2*phi),phi,2
data (1+2*phi),phi,-2
data (1+2*phi),-phi,2
data (1+2*phi),-phi,-2
data -(1+2*phi),phi,2
data -(1+2*phi),phi,-2
data -(1+2*phi),-phi,2
data -(1+2*phi),-phi,-2
data phi,2,(1+2*phi)
data phi,2,-(1+2*phi)
data phi,-2,(1+2*phi)
data phi,-2,-(1+2*phi)
data -phi,2,(1+2*phi)
data -phi,2,-(1+2*phi)
data -phi,-2,(1+2*phi)
data -phi,-2,-(1+2*phi)
data 1,(2+phi),2*phi
data 1,(2+phi),-2*phi
data 1,-(2+phi),2*phi
data 1,-(2+phi),-2*phi
data -1,(2+phi),2*phi
data -1,(2+phi),-2*phi
data -1,-(2+phi),2*phi
data -1,-(2+phi),-2*phi
data (2+phi),2*phi,1
data (2+phi),2*phi,-1
data (2+phi),-2*phi,1
data (2+phi),-2*phi,-1
data -(2+phi),2*phi,1
data -(2+phi),2*phi,-1
data -(2+phi),-2*phi,1
data -(2+phi),-2*phi,-1
data 2*phi,1,(2+phi)
data 2*phi,1,-(2+phi)
data 2*phi,-1,(2+phi)
data 2*phi,-1,-(2+phi)
data -2*phi,1,(2+phi)
data -2*phi,1,-(2+phi)
data -2*phi,-1,(2+phi)
data -2*phi,-1,-(2+phi)
' 12 faces with 5 sides
data 0,28,36,40,32
data 1,29,37,41,33
data 2,30,38,42,34
data 3,31,39,43,35
data 4,12,44,45,13
data 5,14,46,47,15
data 6,16,48,49,17
data 7,18,50,51,19
data 8,20,52,54,22
data 9,21,53,55,23
data 10,24,56,58,26
data 11,27,59,57,25
' 20 faces with 6 sides
data 0,2,34,58,56,32
data 0,2,30,54,52,28
data 1,3,31,55,53,29
data 1,3,35,59,57,33
data 4,6,17,41,37,13
data 4,6,16,40,36,12
data 5,7,19,43,39,15
data 5,7,18,42,38,14
data 8,9,23,47,46,22
data 8,9,21,45,44,20
data 10,11,27,51,50,26
data 10,11,25,49,48,24
data 12,44,20,52,28,36
data 13,45,21,53,29,37
data 14,46,22,54,30,38
data 15,47,23,55,31,39
data 16,48,24,56,32,40
data 17,49,25,57,33,41
data 18,50,26,58,34,42
data 19,51,27,59,35,43
dim float zpos(31),zsort(31)
dim float ticos(2,59), nticos(3,59)
dim integer i,j,k,l,m,n
dim integer xs(179),ys(179),xe(179),ye(179)
dim integer index(31),nnum(31)
' read in the coordinates of the verticies and scale
for j=0 to 59
 for i=0 to 2
   read ticos(i,j)
 next i
next j
dim integer xarr(179),yarr(179)
dim integer nv(31)=(5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6)
dim integer np(31)=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19)
dim integer nd(31)
dim integer f5(4,11), f6(5,19)
dim integer ncol(31)
for j=0 to 11
 for i=0 to 4
   read f5(i,j)
 next i
next j
for j=0 to 19
 for i=0 to 5
   read f6(i,j)
 next i
next j

'convert coordinates to normalised form
for i=0 to 59
 x1=ticos(0,i): y1=ticos(1,i): z1=ticos(2,i)
 nticos(0,i)=v(2): nticos(1,i)=v(3): nticos(2,i)=v(4): nticos(3,i)=v(0)
next i

'create a quarternion to rotate 4 degrees about a chosen axis
'play with the x,y,z vector which is the sxis of rotation

 for i=0 to 59 'rotate coordinates
   v(2)=nticos(0,i): v(3)=nticos(1,i): v(4)=nticos(2,i): v(0)=nticos(3,i): v(1)=0
   nticos(0,i)=vout(2): nticos(1,i)=vout(3): nticos(2,i)=vout(4): nticos(3,i)=vout(0)
 next i
' average the z positions for the five sided faces
 for k=0 to 11
   for i=0 to 4
   next i
'    index(k)=k
 next k
'average the z positions for the 6 sided faces
 for k=12 to 31
   for i=0 to 5
   next i
'    index(k)=k
 next k
' sort the z positions
 sort zpos(),index()
 for l=0 to 31
   if nv(k)=5 then
   for i=0 to nv(k)-1
     if nv(k)=5 then
   next i
 next l
 polygon nd(),xarr(),yarr(),rgb(black),ncol()
 page copy 1 to 0
sub create_normalised_quaternion(theta as float,x as float,y as float,z as float,q() as float)
 local float radians = theta/180.0*PI
 local float sineterm= sin(radians!/2)
 q(2)=x* sineterm
 q(3)=y* sineterm
 q(4)=z* sineterm
 q(0)=sqr(q!(1)*q(1) + q(2)*q(2) + q(3)*q(3) + q(4)*q(4)) 'calculate the magnitude
 q(1)=q(1)/q(0) 'create a normalised quaternion
end sub
sub invert_quaternion(n() as float,q() as float)
end sub
sub multiply_quaternion(n() as float,q1() as float,q2() as float)
 local float a1=q1(1),a2=q2(1),b1=q1(2),b2=q2(2),c1=q1(3),c2=q2(3),d1=q1(4),d2=q2(4)
end sub
sub create_vector(x as float,y as float ,z as float,v() as float)
 v(0)=sqr(x*x + y*y + z*z)
end sub

sub rotate_vector(vnew() as float,v() as float,q() as float)
 local float n(4),iq(4)
end sub


Joined: 07/09/2016
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Posted: 08:47pm 24 May 2020
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just amazing on both your grasp of this and the abilities of the CMM2 you have written Peter.

blows me away to think that the machines this sets out to "copy" were stretched to do this sort of thing in machine code.

An Elite/Frontier in MMBasic would appear to be child's play graphically.

How I wish I had such a machine decades back. I wrote the processor for a weather radar refurb for Plessey with flight data gathering and later examination of weather radar flight data with rotation in a 3D representation versus balloon height (which sadly they weren't interested in). It was a cow to do as it was all FP in 68K assembler. This would be a walk in the park on such a beast.

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Posted: 01:22am 25 May 2020
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Andrew ......

was that the 1979 Plessey mini-network system built around a PDP-11/40 installed at the Met Office Radio-Sonde Station, Camborne, Caldwal????

That was an ingenious implementation using the Radar Signal Averaging Unit!!!!


Paul in NY.


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Posted: 12:25pm 25 May 2020
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Hey Paul, you OK?

*** warning thread drift, ignore if you want to

Plessey had a range of weather radars they gave to meteorological authorities around the globe on condition they got the data for the met office in UK so they could do their charts. 4 flights a day, midday/night and six morning/evening. The WF3 was just such a beast, very basic 60's/70's tech (paxolin tag strips with resistors across and tons of wiring).

There was a project (Aladdin) to refit some of them - changes to the head and radome, better electronics and a new microprocessor (Z80) based console replacing the processor which allowed us to modernize the kit and drastically reduce it in size while keeping 100% compatible. Such data was churned out in a standard FM32 PILOT message. Later we added a hardware module for flight data analysis and then PC based - including a very nice version on Amstrad CPC6128s, gutted and embedded in the console... they were a solid, cheap Z80 platform and with memory banking etc. and Floating Point built in the assembler solution was a lot easier to maintain and improve.

I wrote all the software for the meto-processing including sonde flights to churn out FM35 TEMP messages for what became the WF33. Sad case that I am, I still have the code!

It was these flights, saved to disc, that we later added an analysis module (with Commodore Amigas, gutted and embedded) that gave us the really good 3D projection of the flight as wire-frame. Got praise from Plessey and put the skids under VIZ and Visala (competitors) but ultimately was just seen as a toy by the brass. Shame, it was the dawn of visual analysis and modern systems later did it, we were doing it in 1988, but no conviction from the men with the money.

There is a small mention of WF3 (pale blue thing on the end of the bench was the controller we replaced) dunno what processor drove the thing (maybe you can tell from the photo?) and then our WF33 here https://woottonbridgeiow.org.uk/decca-legacy/chapter11.php#11.10
Edited 2020-05-25 22:39 by CaptainBoing

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Posted: 04:41pm 25 May 2020
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I'm fine Andrew. My wife is in the hospital with an infection which has nothing to do with COVID-19 which is well south of us. We live well out in the country 75 miles north of NYC. A half mile east there is a modern dairy farm with 250 Holsteins.

Radar equipment generally lasts a long time and there isn't much you can do to improve a magnetron. At Pan Am engineering we had a guy, Bob Ackerly, who was involved in assembling the target radar with linear display which spotted the fleet of aircraft coming to bomb Pearl Harbor but were ignored. Those transceivers on Kauai were still functioning the last time I saw them in 1989! All the improvements come in the signal processing and display areas which was where you were working. I only knew about weather radar through the interfaces we had around the world with local systems.

My specialty was the test equipment code for the airborne autopilot and inertial navigation computers. In the 60s we used a punched tape reader to control a Hawker Siddeley Trace ATE which used a PDP11 to test the Bendix PB20B B707 two axis autopilot. The B747 Bendix autopilot test equipment which showed up in 1968 finally got rid of the punched tape reader. The B747 Delco Carousel INS test equipment was controlled by a program read from an IBM 2314 disk about the size of a washing machine which used the 2316 removable disk pack and stored a little less than 30 MB. These gadgets did not use mainstream computer languages. They used hardware dedicated op codes that controlled the airborne computers directly. It was interesting stuff in its day.

Paul in NY


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Posted: 06:24am 30 May 2020
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Not a demo - more a test but I had to put it somewhere.
This tests the wiring of your 40 way connector.
It needs 28 resistors of the same value. I used 200 ohm but anything from 200 to 2k should do the job.

It first checks to see if the cable is the right way around.
Then we test all digital IN and digital OUT.
The analog in is tested by setting one digital OUT high and one LOW to give a voltage at VCC/2.

My fist go was on a breadboard then I got creative with the soldering iron.

 ' CMM2 pin tester.
 ' requires a bank of 28 same size resistots (I used 200 ohm)
 ' connected from each pin in pintest() array to a common point
 DIM pintest(27) = (3,5,7,11,13,15,19,21,23,27,29,31,33,35,37,8,10,12,16,18,22,24,26,28,32,36,38,40)
 DIM apins(11) = (7,13,15,29,37,8,10,12,16,22,24,26)
 FOR k = 0 TO 27 ' make sure all pins are floating
   SETPIN(pintest(k)), OFF
 ' read analog voltage with one pin gnd, all floating then one pin at 3.3V
 ' header wrong way around will give a narrow range of voltages ~1.16V
 PRINT "Testing for correct orientation"
 PIN(3) = 0
 PRINT "Analog range from ";STR$(PIN(13),2,2);" > ";
 PRINT STR$(PIN(13),2,2);" > ";
 PIN(3) = 1
 v = PIN(13)
 PRINT STR$(v,2,2)
 PRINT "A range from 0.2 to 2.9 is good."
 IF v < 2 THEN
   PRINT "It doesn't look right!!"
   PRINT "Giving up on the tests."
   PRINT "Testing Digital IN"
   ' toggle one pin high/low and check that each pin follows.
   FOR k = 0 TO 26
     testpin = pintest(k)
     SETPIN testpin , DIN
     PIN(40) = 1
     IF PIN(testpin ) <> 1 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed DIN high" : bug = bug+1
     PIN(40) = 0
     IF PIN(testpin ) <> 0 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed DIN low" : bug = bug+1
     SETPIN testpin , OFF
   NEXT k
   testpin = 40
   SETPIN testpin , DIN
   PIN(38) = 1
   IF PIN(testpin ) <> 1 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed DIN high" : bug = bug+1
   PIN(38) = 0
   IF PIN(testpin ) <> 0 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed DIN low" : bug = bug+1
   SETPIN testpin , OFF
   PRINT "Testing Digital OUT"
   ' toggle each pin in turn and check that output follows.
   FOR k = 0 TO 26
     testpin = pintest(k)
     SETPIN testpin , DOUT
     PIN(testpin) = 1
     IF PIN(40 ) <> 1 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed DOUT high" : bug = bug+1
     PIN(testpin) = 0
     IF PIN(40 ) <> 0 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed DOUT low" : bug = bug+1
     SETPIN testpin , OFF
   NEXT k
   testpin = 40
   SETPIN testpin , DOUT
   PIN(testpin) = 1
   IF PIN(38 ) <> 1 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed DOUT high" : bug = bug+1
   PIN(testpin) = 0
   IF PIN(38 ) <> 0 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed DOUT low" : bug = bug+1
   SETPIN testpin , OFF
   PRINT "Testing Analog IN"
   ' testing analog in.
   ' set one pin high and one pin low to give VCC/2 at the common point.
   PIN(3) = 1
   PIN(5) = 0
   FOR n = 0 TO 11
     testpin = apins(n)
     SETPIN testpin, AIN
     v = PIN(testpin)
     IF V < 1.58 OR V > 1.7 THEN PRINT "Pin ";testpin ;" failed AIN - ";v : bug = bug+1
     SETPIN testpin, OFF
   NEXT n
   IF bug = 0 THEN
     PRINT "All tests completed with no errors"
     PRINT "A total of ";bug; " errors detected over all tests!!!"

This output is with a faulty digital circuit on pin 15.
It failed the digital side but passed the analog due to an internal fault in the CPU.
Testing for correct orientation
Analog range from  0.19 >  1.22 >  2.95
A range from 0.2 to 2.9 is good.

Testing Digital IN
Pin  15 failed DIN low

Testing Digital OUT
Pin  15 failed DOUT high

Testing Analog IN

A total of  2 errors detected over all tests!!!


MMedit   MMBasic Help

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Posted: 11:10am 30 May 2020
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Are the outer leads of the resistor all ganged? That is what I appear to see through some of the aligned holes.
PicoMite, Armmite F4, SensorKits, MMBasic Hardware, Games, etc. on fruitoftheshed


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Posted: 12:23pm 30 May 2020
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  lizby said  Are the outer leads of the resistor all ganged? That is what I appear to see through some of the aligned holes.

As per the comments in the code
  Quote  ' requires a bank of 28 same size resistors (I used 200 ohm)
' connected from each pin in pintest() array to a common point

I should have been clearer.

In the circuit, the numbers in brackets refer to the pin numbers when the cable is arse about.

MMedit   MMBasic Help

Joined: 11/12/2012
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Posted: 01:28pm 30 May 2020
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  Quote  Are the outer leads of the resistor all ganged? That is what I appear to see through some of the aligned holes.

' requires a bank of 28 same size resistots (I used 200 ohm)
' connected from each pin in pintest() array to a common point
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