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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : Smoothly changing frequency of sounds

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Joined: 30/06/2020
Location: Australia
Posts: 341
Posted: 05:48am 26 Jul 2020
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  MauroXavier said  New video!

This time you see what you can do with MMBasic using the sound waveforms provided by the CMM2: sine, square, triangle, sawtooth, and noise.

PSGMini Demo - SN76489 / NES APU Simulator and VGM Player

PS.: Sorry about my English, but I'm trying to catch a wider audience.

I had been trying to make smoothly changing frequency sounds, and they sounded rougher than expected.

Then I saw Mauro's demo also used play sound commands, and they sounded great.

Does anyone know how to make a Mario jumping-type sound with the play sound commands?

Anyway, here's a program I made to make some sounds. Warning - loud.

5 print

'can change this to skip some:
goto 10

10 print "this is a bit like a zx spectrum loading sound"
for n=1 to 5
 play sound 1,B,q,250+5*n*n
 pause 100
'play sound 1,B,q,400
'pause 300
next n
play sound 1,B,O,300

100 print "zap sound"
for k=1 to 3
 for n=800 to 100 step -20
   play sound 1,B,q,n
   pause 10
 next n
play sound 1,B,O,300

125 print "zap sound 2"
for k=1 to 3
 for n=2400 to 100 step -60
   play sound 1,B,q,n
   pause 10
 next n
play sound 1,B,O,300

140 print "zap sound 3"
for k=1 to 3
 for n=2400 to 100 step -60
   play sound 1,B,s,n
   pause 10
 next n
play sound 1,B,O,300

150 print "falling sound"
do while f > 800
 play sound 1,B,q,f
 pause 50
 f=f * (3100/3200)

200 print "zap sound 2"
for n=1 to 5
 do while f > 800
   play sound 1,B,q,f
   pause 10
   f=f * (3000/3200)
next n

300 print "rising sound"
for n=1 to 3
 do while f < 8000
   play sound 1,B,q,f
   pause 10
   f=f * (3200/3000)
next n

400 print "jump sound"
for n=1 to 1
 do while f >200
   play sound 1,B,q,f
   pause 15
   f=f -10
next n
for n=1 to 1
 do while f < 600
   play sound 1,B,q,f
   pause 10
   f=f +30
next n

play sound 1,B,O,300


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