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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : Soundprogramm on the CMM2 Project. JOIN ?

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Posted: 04:34pm 14 Aug 2020
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Hi ! I am a beginner in this so it might be to much but maybe here are cool guys to join in.    
I am searching for people who like to help me programm a chiptunish synth on the CMM2

Here's my Idea... I would love to programm some musicprogramms on the CMM2.
I already started yesterday a little programm but its far away from what I have in mind.

I want to use the keyboard as a pianokey and you can press keys and it plays the notes.

The keys QWERTZUIOP are the white keys and
         23 567 0ß ate the black keys. (Something like that)

First step is archieved !    I set up a field with all the 88 notes frequencies and I can play them in the programm (I will link the programm below...)

if you press + and - you can change oktaves. (Still have to limit that so it does not go below ot to high of the frequency range)

And if you press a,s,d you change the sound from sine to sqare and noise

The problem is I can't archieve that when I press a note and hold it that the sound continues to play that note... It always seems that it will be triggered again...

I know there are "keydown" command and also inkey$

Maybe someone has a good idea how i can check if a note is pressed and still on hold.
So If you want to join this project please contact me here and then we could look how we can pull this off...

Next step also would be that you could play chords... at least with 4 notes (because as I understood you have 4 channels...)

My progrogramm shall work a little like CYNTHCART on the C-64  

Maybe we can have a small Chiptunish programm where you can play that ?  

It would be cool to have someone help me, because I know I am a beginner and can't pull this off without help. But I am a musician ;-) So I can maybe help with other stuff...

So if you want to join: Comment below:

Thanks a lot !

Here is the programm so far to download:


And here the CODE:

fc=1: bc=9 : rem Color 1-15
volume=12 : rem Volume 1-25

s=1: rem sound 1=square 2=sine 3= noise
okt=0 : rem oktave to zero

dim freq(88), ta$(88)

Print "Felder Dimensioniert"

freq(01)=27.5000 : freq(11)=48.9995 : freq(21)=87.3071 : freq(31)=155.563
freq(02)=29.1353 : freq(12)=51.9130 : freq(22)=92.4986 : freq(32)=164.814
freq(03)=30.8677 : freq(13)=55.0000 : freq(23)=97.9989 : freq(33)=174.614
freq(04)=32.7032 : freq(14)=58.2705 : freq(24)=103.826 : freq(34)=184.997
freq(05)=34.6479 : freq(15)=61.7354 : freq(25)=110.000 : freq(35)=195.998
freq(06)=36.7081 : freq(16)=65.4064 : freq(26)=116.541 : freq(36)=207.652
freq(07)=38.8909 : freq(17)=69.2957 : freq(27)=123.471 : freq(37)=220.000
freq(08)=41.2035 : freq(18)=73.4162 : freq(28)=130.813 : freq(38)=233.082
freq(09)=43.6536 : freq(19)=77.7817 : freq(29)=138.591 : freq(39)=246.942
freq(10)=46.2493 : freq(20)=82.4069 : freq(30)=146.832 : freq(40)=261.626

freq(41)=277.183 : freq(51)=493.883 : freq(61)=880.000 : freq(71)=1567.98
freq(42)=293.665 : freq(52)=523.251 : freq(62)=932.328 : freq(72)=1661.22
freq(43)=311.127 : freq(53)=554.365 : freq(63)=987.767 : freq(73)=1760.00
freq(44)=329.628 : freq(54)=587.330 : freq(64)=1046.50 : freq(74)=1864.66
freq(45)=349.228 : freq(55)=622.254 : freq(65)=1108.73 : freq(75)=1975.53
freq(46)=369.994 : freq(56)=659.255 : freq(66)=1174.66 : freq(76)=2093.00
freq(47)=391.995 : freq(57)=698.456 : freq(67)=1244.51 : freq(77)=2217.46
freq(48)=415.305 : freq(58)=739.989 : freq(68)=1318.51 : freq(78)=2349.32
freq(49)=440.000 : freq(59)=783.991 : freq(69)=1396.91 : freq(79)=2489.02
freq(50)=466.164 : freq(60)=830.609 : freq(70)=1479.98 : freq(80)=2637.02




               Print @(10,40);"Taste:";tpress$
               Print @(10,80);"Buffer:";buffer$
               print @(140,40);"Flag:";Flag
               Print @(140,80);"Keydown:";kdn
               print @(10,120);"Frequency";freq(tnr)
               Print @(140,120);" ";tdn
if tpress$="" and flag=0 then Play Stop: goto Keyboardtaste
if tpress$="" and flag=1 then goto Soundausgabe
if tpress$<>"" and flag=1 then goto Checktaste


if tpress$="q" then tnr=28+okt
if tpress$="2" then tnr=29+okt
if tpress$="w" then tnr=30+okt
if tpress$="3" then tnr=31+okt
if tpress$="e" then tnr=32+okt
if tpress$="r" then tnr=33+okt
if tpress$="5" then tnr=34+okt
if tpress$="t" then tnr=35+okt
if tpress$="6" then tnr=36+okt
if tpress$="z" then tnr=37+okt
if tpress$="7" then tnr=38+okt
if tpress$="u" then tnr=39+okt
if tpress$="i" then tnr=40+okt
if tpress$="9" then tnr=41+okt
if tpress$="o" then tnr=42+okt
if tpress$="0" then tnr=43+okt
if tpress$="p" then tnr=44+okt
if tpress$="+" then okt=okt+12:
if tpress$="-" then okt=okt-12:
if tpress$="a" then s=2
if tpress$="s" then s=1
if tpress$="d" then s=3


If s=1 then Play Sound 1,B,Q,freq(tnr),volume
if s=2 then play Sound 1,B,S,freq(tnr),volume
if s=3 then play sound 1,B,N,freq(tnr),volume
pause 100
If Keydown(0)>0 then Flag=1:kdn=keydown(0)
If Keydown(0)=0 and buffer$<>"" then Flag=0: kdn=keydown(0)



Joined: 11/12/2012
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Posted: 05:53pm 14 Aug 2020
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Have a look at the attached. Hopefully this should give you the idea for one way of how to do what you want and achieve 4 note polyphony. Think of the pressed array as representing your 4 sound channels. The all you need to do in the main loop is to make a decision whether a channel is the same as last time. If it is do nothing, if it isn't start or stop the channel as appropriate

option explicit
option default integer
dim pressed(3)
settick 25,keyint
dim i
 for i=0 to 3
   if pressed(i) then
     text i*mm.info(fontwidth),10, chr$(pressed(i))
     text i*mm.info(fontwidth),10, chr$(32)
 next i

'routine to monitor keypresses and maintain a list of up to
'four  that are pressed at any one time
sub keyint
 local i,j
 local clearkey
 local keys(7)
' take a local copy of the keydown function
 for i=0 to 4
 next i
 if keys(0) > 4 then keys(0)=4 'limit of 4 keys can be pressed

' first clear any keys that were pressed that are no longer
 for i=0 to 3
   if pressed(i) then
     for j=1 to keys(0)
       if keys(j)=pressed(i) then
         clearkey=0 'still pressed so don't clear
         keys(j)=0 'remove the key so it isn't used as a new press
     next j
   if clearkey then
 next i
' now establish if there are any new key pressed
 for i=0 to 3
   if pressed(i) then continue for 'slot already used
   for j=1 to keys(0)
     if keys(j) then
       keys(j)=0 'make sure a key isn't processed twice
   next j
 next i
end sub

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Posted: 06:11pm 14 Aug 2020
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@ matherp: Thank you very much... This code looks very complex and complicated to me.

does this work as its own programm ? So I can try and check what it does ?
I have no clue how to implement this into my code... since this is too complex for my musical brain ;-)

A lot of commands are still unknown to me and I have to read the manual what they do...
I am sorry if you did so much work and I am simply just learning to understand.

I will try to check this programm out and try to learn how it works...
but its really very complex to me... sorry beginner...

try to think of me as the

10 ?"Hallo";
20 goto 10

guy ;-)

Thats my level...

I know a few things about fields and variables and input and stuff but not all the complex stuff you use... I hope I am soon able to understand.

Thanks for your help
Greets TweakerRay

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Posted: 11:28pm 14 Aug 2020
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  TweakerRay said  I will try to check this program out and try to learn how it works...
but its really very complex to me... sorry beginner...

Couple of hints regarding (matherp) Peter's program listing above ...
 1. Is an interrupt driven program reading up to four simultaneous keypresses and displaying the character pressed on screen.

 2. It does not produce any sound (yet). You would have to add your own "noise" code.

 3. It prints out the contents of the pressed array (elements 0, 1 ,2 ,3) in a continuous loop.

 4. If there is no character in an array element, then it prints a space.

 5. The main loop continues processing the array forever, use CTRL+C to exit.

 6. Meanwhile the interrupt subroutine triggers every 25ms and stuffs up to 4 pressed key characters into the array.

 7. The interrupt subroutine also checks to see if a key is still pressed compared to the last time it was run, or there has been a change in the number of keys or which keys are pressed currently.  Based on these tests it fills the array.
Now you have some idea of what Peter's program is doing, in beginners terms, you should probably go through the code statement by statement and in conjunction with the manuals it should become clearer how the program does what it does.

Also, I assume you have a copy of Programming with the Colour Maximite 2 A tutorial covering the Colour Maximite 2 and programming in the BASIC language.  If not I suggest that this is a good place to get started  

Hope that helps.


Joined: 30/06/2020
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Posted: 03:42am 15 Aug 2020
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  TweakerRay said  Hi ! I am a beginner in this so it might be to much but maybe here are cool guys to join in.    
I am searching for people who like to help me programm a chiptunish synth on the CMM2

Here's my Idea... I would love to programm some musicprogramms on the CMM2.
I already started yesterday a little programm but its far away from what I have in mind.

I want to use the keyboard as a pianokey and you can press keys and it plays the notes.

The keys QWERTZUIOP are the white keys and
         23 567 0ß ate the black keys. (Something like that)

First step is archieved !    I set up a field with all the 88 notes frequencies and I can play them in the programm (I will link the programm below...)

if you press + and - you can change oktaves. (Still have to limit that so it does not go below ot to high of the frequency range)

And if you press a,s,d you change the sound from sine to sqare and noise

The problem is I can't archieve that when I press a note and hold it that the sound continues to play that note... It always seems that it will be triggered again...

I know there are "keydown" command and also inkey$

Maybe someone has a good idea how i can check if a note is pressed and still on hold.
So If you want to join this project please contact me here and then we could look how we can pull this off...

Next step also would be that you could play chords... at least with 4 notes (because as I understood you have 4 channels...)

My progrogramm shall work a little like CYNTHCART on the C-64  

Maybe we can have a small Chiptunish programm where you can play that ?  

It would be cool to have someone help me, because I know I am a beginner and can't pull this off without help. But I am a musician ;-) So I can maybe help with other stuff...

So if you want to join: Comment below:

Thanks a lot !

Here is the programm so far to download:


And here the CODE:

fc=1: bc=9 : rem Color 1-15
volume=12 : rem Volume 1-25

s=1: rem sound 1=square 2=sine 3= noise
okt=0 : rem oktave to zero

dim freq(88), ta$(88)

Print "Felder Dimensioniert"

freq(01)=27.5000 : freq(11)=48.9995 : freq(21)=87.3071 : freq(31)=155.563
freq(02)=29.1353 : freq(12)=51.9130 : freq(22)=92.4986 : freq(32)=164.814
freq(03)=30.8677 : freq(13)=55.0000 : freq(23)=97.9989 : freq(33)=174.614
freq(04)=32.7032 : freq(14)=58.2705 : freq(24)=103.826 : freq(34)=184.997
freq(05)=34.6479 : freq(15)=61.7354 : freq(25)=110.000 : freq(35)=195.998
freq(06)=36.7081 : freq(16)=65.4064 : freq(26)=116.541 : freq(36)=207.652
freq(07)=38.8909 : freq(17)=69.2957 : freq(27)=123.471 : freq(37)=220.000
freq(08)=41.2035 : freq(18)=73.4162 : freq(28)=130.813 : freq(38)=233.082
freq(09)=43.6536 : freq(19)=77.7817 : freq(29)=138.591 : freq(39)=246.942
freq(10)=46.2493 : freq(20)=82.4069 : freq(30)=146.832 : freq(40)=261.626

freq(41)=277.183 : freq(51)=493.883 : freq(61)=880.000 : freq(71)=1567.98
freq(42)=293.665 : freq(52)=523.251 : freq(62)=932.328 : freq(72)=1661.22
freq(43)=311.127 : freq(53)=554.365 : freq(63)=987.767 : freq(73)=1760.00
freq(44)=329.628 : freq(54)=587.330 : freq(64)=1046.50 : freq(74)=1864.66
freq(45)=349.228 : freq(55)=622.254 : freq(65)=1108.73 : freq(75)=1975.53
freq(46)=369.994 : freq(56)=659.255 : freq(66)=1174.66 : freq(76)=2093.00
freq(47)=391.995 : freq(57)=698.456 : freq(67)=1244.51 : freq(77)=2217.46
freq(48)=415.305 : freq(58)=739.989 : freq(68)=1318.51 : freq(78)=2349.32
freq(49)=440.000 : freq(59)=783.991 : freq(69)=1396.91 : freq(79)=2489.02
freq(50)=466.164 : freq(60)=830.609 : freq(70)=1479.98 : freq(80)=2637.02




               Print @(10,40);"Taste:";tpress$
               Print @(10,80);"Buffer:";buffer$
               print @(140,40);"Flag:";Flag
               Print @(140,80);"Keydown:";kdn
               print @(10,120);"Frequency";freq(tnr)
               Print @(140,120);" ";tdn
if tpress$="" and flag=0 then Play Stop: goto Keyboardtaste
if tpress$="" and flag=1 then goto Soundausgabe
if tpress$<>"" and flag=1 then goto Checktaste


if tpress$="q" then tnr=28+okt
if tpress$="2" then tnr=29+okt
if tpress$="w" then tnr=30+okt
if tpress$="3" then tnr=31+okt
if tpress$="e" then tnr=32+okt
if tpress$="r" then tnr=33+okt
if tpress$="5" then tnr=34+okt
if tpress$="t" then tnr=35+okt
if tpress$="6" then tnr=36+okt
if tpress$="z" then tnr=37+okt
if tpress$="7" then tnr=38+okt
if tpress$="u" then tnr=39+okt
if tpress$="i" then tnr=40+okt
if tpress$="9" then tnr=41+okt
if tpress$="o" then tnr=42+okt
if tpress$="0" then tnr=43+okt
if tpress$="p" then tnr=44+okt
if tpress$="+" then okt=okt+12:
if tpress$="-" then okt=okt-12:
if tpress$="a" then s=2
if tpress$="s" then s=1
if tpress$="d" then s=3


If s=1 then Play Sound 1,B,Q,freq(tnr),volume
if s=2 then play Sound 1,B,S,freq(tnr),volume
if s=3 then play sound 1,B,N,freq(tnr),volume
pause 100
If Keydown(0)>0 then Flag=1:kdn=keydown(0)
If Keydown(0)=0 and buffer$<>"" then Flag=0: kdn=keydown(0)


I didn't get very good results using inkey$, so I made a new function based on keydown.

Have a look at this, there's just a few changes from your program and continuous sound plays properly.

Main changes:
new function "newinkey$" based on keydown function.
variable "samesound" to keep track if it's playing the same sound.
Removed some parts that were replaced by these.

fc=1: bc=9 : rem Color 1-15
volume=12 : rem Volume 1-25

s=1: rem sound 1=square 2=sine 3= noise
okt=0 : rem oktave to zero

dim freq(88), ta$(88)

Print "Felder Dimensioniert"

freq(01)=27.5000 : freq(11)=48.9995 : freq(21)=87.3071 : freq(31)=155.563
freq(02)=29.1353 : freq(12)=51.9130 : freq(22)=92.4986 : freq(32)=164.814
freq(03)=30.8677 : freq(13)=55.0000 : freq(23)=97.9989 : freq(33)=174.614
freq(04)=32.7032 : freq(14)=58.2705 : freq(24)=103.826 : freq(34)=184.997
freq(05)=34.6479 : freq(15)=61.7354 : freq(25)=110.000 : freq(35)=195.998
freq(06)=36.7081 : freq(16)=65.4064 : freq(26)=116.541 : freq(36)=207.652
freq(07)=38.8909 : freq(17)=69.2957 : freq(27)=123.471 : freq(37)=220.000
freq(08)=41.2035 : freq(18)=73.4162 : freq(28)=130.813 : freq(38)=233.082
freq(09)=43.6536 : freq(19)=77.7817 : freq(29)=138.591 : freq(39)=246.942
freq(10)=46.2493 : freq(20)=82.4069 : freq(30)=146.832 : freq(40)=261.626

freq(41)=277.183 : freq(51)=493.883 : freq(61)=880.000 : freq(71)=1567.98
freq(42)=293.665 : freq(52)=523.251 : freq(62)=932.328 : freq(72)=1661.22
freq(43)=311.127 : freq(53)=554.365 : freq(63)=987.767 : freq(73)=1760.00
freq(44)=329.628 : freq(54)=587.330 : freq(64)=1046.50 : freq(74)=1864.66
freq(45)=349.228 : freq(55)=622.254 : freq(65)=1108.73 : freq(75)=1975.53
freq(46)=369.994 : freq(56)=659.255 : freq(66)=1174.66 : freq(76)=2093.00
freq(47)=391.995 : freq(57)=698.456 : freq(67)=1244.51 : freq(77)=2217.46
freq(48)=415.305 : freq(58)=739.989 : freq(68)=1318.51 : freq(78)=2349.32
freq(49)=440.000 : freq(59)=783.991 : freq(69)=1396.91 : freq(79)=2489.02
freq(50)=466.164 : freq(60)=830.609 : freq(70)=1479.98 : freq(80)=2637.02



'function like inkey$, but returns the key as long as it's
'pressed, instead of just once.
function newinkey$()
 'check if key is pressed.
 if keydown(0)=0 then
   'if no, return empty string
   'if yes, convert from number to character string.
 end if
end function


              Print @(10,40);"Taste:";tpress$;"  "
              Print @(10,80);"Buffer:";buffer$;"  "
              Print @(140,80);"Keydown:";kdn
              print @(10,120);"Frequency";freq(tnr);"   "
              Print @(140,120);" ";tdn
if tpress$="" then buffer$="" : Play Stop : goto Keyboardtaste
if tpress$<>"" then goto Checktaste


if tpress$="q" then tnr=28+okt
if tpress$="2" then tnr=29+okt
if tpress$="w" then tnr=30+okt
if tpress$="3" then tnr=31+okt
if tpress$="e" then tnr=32+okt
if tpress$="r" then tnr=33+okt
if tpress$="5" then tnr=34+okt
if tpress$="t" then tnr=35+okt
if tpress$="6" then tnr=36+okt
if tpress$="z" then tnr=37+okt
if tpress$="7" then tnr=38+okt
if tpress$="u" then tnr=39+okt
if tpress$="i" then tnr=40+okt
if tpress$="9" then tnr=41+okt
if tpress$="o" then tnr=42+okt
if tpress$="0" then tnr=43+okt
if tpress$="p" then tnr=44+okt
if tpress$="+" then okt=okt+12:
if tpress$="-" then okt=okt-12:
if tpress$="a" then s=2
if tpress$="s" then s=1
if tpress$="d" then s=3

'Check if the same key is pressed, which means the sound is already playing
if buffer$=tpress$ then samesound=1 else samesound=0



'only use Play Sound command if it's not already playing the right one.
if not samesound then
 If s=1 then Play Sound 1,B,Q,freq(tnr),volume
 if s=2 then play Sound 1,B,S,freq(tnr),volume
 if s=3 then play sound 1,B,N,freq(tnr),volume
end if
pause 100


Edited 2020-08-15 13:43 by capsikin

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Posted: 11:46pm 15 Aug 2020
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thats really aweseom ! I tried your new code and its much much better...

I also limited the oktaving (so it does not go out of the frequency range if you press + and -

Problem is if you press that key it only should lower or add the 12 halfnotes to the original note.

In best case you can hold 1 note and if you press + it just skippes to the 12 halftones

higher note...

at the moment you hear the same note you played.

I will try to work on that... mayb I have an idea. But for now Thanks so much for the cool help ! It's so much better now !!!! Thank you !!!

Cheers TweakerRay

Joined: 30/06/2020
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Posts: 341
Posted: 01:15am 16 Aug 2020
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  TweakerRay said  @capsikin

thats really aweseom ! I tried your new code and its much much better...

That's great. I think I know why I hadn't been able to do what I was trying to do  with using inkey$ as well as keydown:
from the manual: "Using [keydown] function will clear the console input buffer."
So inkey$ won't show any keyboard presses that happened before the previous keydown.

I also limited the oktaving (so it does not go out of the frequency range if you press + and -

Good idea, I only just noticed now with the version I posted, that if you hold + or - it will quickly jump two or more octaves - it doesn't check to only work on a new keypress, like it does with PLAY SOUND.

You could try different numbers with the noise sound though, it doesn't use frequency in the same way. Numbers from 1 (higher frequency) to around 100 (lower frequency) seem good.


Problem is if you press that key it only should lower or add the 12 halfnotes to the original note.

In best case you can hold 1 note and if you press + it just skippes to the 12 halftones

higher note...

at the moment you hear the same note you played.

I will try to work on that... mayb I have an idea. But for now Thanks so much for the cool help ! It's so much better now !!!! Thank you !!!

Cheers TweakerRay

Cheers, good luck.

Joined: 30/06/2020
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Posted: 06:48am 01 Sep 2020
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  TweakerRay said  @capsikin

thats really aweseom ! I tried your new code and its much much better...

I also limited the oktaving (so it does not go out of the frequency range if you press + and -

Problem is if you press that key it only should lower or add the 12 halfnotes to the original note.

In best case you can hold 1 note and if you press + it just skippes to the 12 halftones

higher note...

at the moment you hear the same note you played.

I will try to work on that... mayb I have an idea. But for now Thanks so much for the cool help ! It's so much better now !!!! Thank you !!!

Cheers TweakerRay

Did you have any of the fixes available to post? Either the limiting octaves, or others you were considering?

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Posted: 09:43am 01 Sep 2020
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Hi @Capsikin... not yet... I was programming my chiptune drumsynth which now got really complex and cool ... you can store 16 patterns now to sd card and reload them each stepinformation has now (Step on/off / Volume / Pitch ) Information and you can do randomize patterns in volume and steps...
So check that out...


The Drumsynth is on Version 5 right now...
I think a next step could be some kind of songmode... where you simply chain patterns together so that it plays the 16 memorypatterns in any order... but
check the programm how it is right now.

The Soundprogramm here with the musical keyboard is a little bit more complex
because I still have to learn how to do that multiple keys would be pressed etc...
I would love to have some kind of help... since I am a musician and this mmbasic is still all fresh to me how things are working...

Here is the programm how it is right now:


Joined: 05/08/2020
Location: United Kingdom
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Posted: 10:20am 01 Sep 2020
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Midi would be great, although probably quite complicated, would probably need some kind of buffer to handle notes being pressed/released.

I think you are making great progress TweakerRay, like you I’m a musician not a coder and I have not made anywhere near as much progress as you have, so kudos and keep going!

I ordered my CMM2 a while back when I had a bit of free time, unfortunately it arrived a number of weeks later when I had no free time, so as such I have not done much with mine yet.

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Posted: 02:37am 02 Sep 2020
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  TweakerRay said  Hi @Capsikin... not yet... I was programming my chiptune drumsynth which now got really complex and cool ... you can store 16 patterns now to sd card and reload them each stepinformation has now (Step on/off / Volume / Pitch ) Information and you can do randomize patterns in volume and steps...
So check that out...


The Drumsynth is on Version 5 right now...
I think a next step could be some kind of songmode... where you simply chain patterns together so that it plays the 16 memorypatterns in any order... but
check the programm how it is right now.

The Soundprogramm here with the musical keyboard is a little bit more complex
because I still have to learn how to do that multiple keys would be pressed etc...
I would love to have some kind of help... since I am a musician and this mmbasic is still all fresh to me how things are working...

I may not be able to contribute very often, but I wrote some key routines that may help. It keeps track of which keys are held down, and which keys are newly pressed.

Here is the programm how it is right now:


The code I wrote for the keyboard.

You call scankeys to update the records of which keys are currently pressed and which of them are new.
Then you can call iskeypressed to check if a key is currently pressed down.
Or use keys() and keys.count to get a list of which are currently pressed down.
keys.count says how many. keys() has a list of which keys they are.
keys.new() is a list of flags saying if the key is newly pressed.

ischrpressed is similar to iskeypressed but works with a character instead of ascii code.
chrdown$ is a function to read the keys() array and convert it into a character.

I'm not sure, you might need more explanation.

I've added it to the program, and fixed the octave problem by only changing the octave when + or - is newly pressed. The keyboard routines support multiple keys pressed, but the program will need more changes to make use of that.

(edit: partly fixed. you still can't change octaves while pressing another key yet)

mod of Soundprg01a copy.bas.zip

here are the keyboard routines:

''' code to handle keys '''

dim keys.count
dim keys(6)
dim keys.new(6)

sub scankeys
 local oldkeys(6)
 local i,j

 'update key count, saving old value
 local oldkeys.count=keys.count

 'update list of keys down, saving old values.
 for i=1 to 6
 next i

 for i=1 to keys.count

   'the key is a new keypress unless we find it was already pressed.

   'check if key(i) was already pressed
   for j=1 to oldkeys.count
     if keys(i) = oldkeys(j) then
     end if
end sub

function iskeypressed(k)
 local n
 for n=1 to keys.count
   if keys(n) = k then
     exit function
   end if
 next n
 'if we got all the way through the loops without
 'finding it and exiting, then it's not pressed
end function

function ischrpressed(c$)
end function

function chrdown$(i)
end function

and here are some short examples of using them (though I didn't test them all)

sub demo1
 if ischrpressed(" ") then
   print "space"
   print "no space"
 end if
end sub
sub demo2
 pause 100
 Print "pressed: ";
 for n=1 to keys.count
   print chrdown$(n);" ";
 next n
end sub

sub demo3
 pause 100
 for n=1 to keys.count
   if keys.new(n) then print chrdown$(n);" ";
 next n

end sub

Edited 2020-09-02 12:59 by capsikin

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Posted: 10:31pm 03 Sep 2020
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Hi @ capsikin ! I have also worked on the programm ... so maybe you like to check this out... I called it now Mr. Monosynht ;-)

Right now it plays all 4 channels and you can detune them and change octaves...

you can also change the sound... this is all just me experimenting...

IF you like Maybe we can go from this version of the programm and add also
multikeysupport ? So that you can also press one key to make this one play
4 different keys at the same time ? so you can play chords ?

I have added the option for people in the US where the Y and Z and changed.
so you press "ESC" then it changes fomr DE Layout to US Layout (just the Y and Z echanges)

I have made a small intro screen with all keys used...

I am too stupid for multikeypress right now so IF someone will add this feature it would be very much appreciated... I can't use any short snippets of code because I don't know how it works... it has to be written into this programm...

So if you like to work on this please feel free to add this feature.

@Daren - Midi is out of the question for me... I am no pro programmer so that will also not work with this machine as the sound capebilitys are very limited...
At least I have no clue how to make better sound on this as a simple square and sinewave...  It's not a sid chip ;-)


Maybe someone can help with the multikey feature so you can play chords.
also if you detune or change oktaves you hear a sound - It would be cool if you could hold a key and change the octaves while pressing a key but like i said - I am too
stupid for that feature...

I also work on the small chipdrumsynth and that programm is even more complicated ;-)
I have added a few new features on that programm like you can now edit the length of the note in the step... and also now frquency randomization for the drumlanes...

But the more I programm into it the more I also get a delay from all the checking and what not ... so the timing is slightly off... I tried to compansate with short miliseconds delaytime but the timing on the CMM2 isn't the greatest ... I think it sometimes also runs faster or slower depending how the machine feels ...
So it's far away from a rock solid timing... It works for me but its far away from a solid precize timing... But you will see that when I upload the new version of that drumsynth ;-) This here is all about Mr. MONOSYNTH ;-)

Or maybe soon Mr. POLYSYNTH ...
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