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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : CMM2 demo programs
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thwill![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 16/09/2019 Location: United KingdomPosts: 4136 |
Awesome stuff Mauro, Tom MMBasic for Linux, Game*Mite, CMM2 Welcome Tape, Creaky old text adventures |
Andrew_G Guru ![]() Joined: 18/10/2016 Location: AustraliaPosts: 851 |
I wanted to see what the fonts looked like - not very sophisticated but it works. Cheers, Andrew 'CMM2 FontPlay.Bas Dim Integer I, J cls For I = 0 to 15 '0 to 100 for J = 0 to 15 '0 to 9 if (I*16+32)+J => 256 then goto SkipIt text (J*10),20+I*20,chr$((I*16+32)+J),LT,1,1,RGB(green) Next J Next I Skipit: For I = 0 to 15 for J = 0 to 15 if (I*16+32)+J => 127 then goto SkipIt2 text (J*12)+200,20+I*40,chr$((I*16+32)+J),LT,2,1,RGB(green) Next J Next I SkipIt2: For I = 0 to 15 for J = 0 to 15 if (I*16+32)+J => 127 then goto SkipIt3 text (J*20)+400,20+I*40,chr$((I*16+32)+J),LT,3,1,RGB(green) Next J Next I SkipIt3: For I = 0 to 15 for J = 0 to 15 if (I*16+32)+J => 127 then goto SkipIt4 text (J*20),320+I*40,chr$((I*16+32)+J),LT,4,1,RGB(green) Next J Next I SkipIt4: For I = 0 to 15 for J = 0 to 15 if (I*16+32)+J => 127 then goto SkipIt5 text (J*20)+400,320+I*40,chr$((I*16+32)+J),LT,5,1,RGB(green) Next J Next I SkipIt5: text 800,600,"Press A Key When Read", RB, 1,1,RGB(Cyan) Do: loop while inkey$ = "" Cls For I = 4 to 9 for J = 0 to 9 if (I*10)+6 => 127 then goto SkipIt6 text (J*40),I*70-250,chr$((I*10)+J),LT,6,1,RGB(green) text 15+J*40,I*70 - 180,Str$((I*10)+J),CB,1,1,RGB(cyan) Box J*40-5, I*70-250, 39, 69,,RGB(Gray) Next J Next I Skipit6: For I = 0 to 15 for J = 0 to 15 if (I*16+32)+J => 127 then goto SkipIt7 text (J*20)+450,320+I*40,chr$((I*16+32)+J),LT,7,1,RGB(green) Next J Next I SkipIt7: End |
Grogster![]() Admin Group ![]() Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 9375 |
@ Mauro: Wow. You really excelled yourself with that demo-X monster! Superb! ![]() ![]() ![]() Smoke makes things work. When the smoke gets out, it stops! |
MauroXavier Guru ![]() Joined: 06/03/2016 Location: BrazilPosts: 303 |
Now I'm "playing" with many things trying to extract all performance from every single transistor of the CMM2 to bring a game that many users would not believe that it could run on this machine... To say sincerely, until 10 days ago even I would not believe that is possible. It's a long way to walk and of all programs that I developed until now, it is the most challenging because it's a pain to keep the performance acceptable at each new implementation done. Optimizations and more optimizations, this drives me nuts (but I like it a lot!). For me, it is indispensable to make things that can attract more interested people. I'm really want to see this new community of CMM2 grow stronger with good games and principally, good people. |
matherp Guru ![]() Joined: 11/12/2012 Location: United KingdomPosts: 9512 |
I've seen what Mauro is doing and I certainly don't believe what he has achieved so far is remotely possible but somehow he has done it - watch this space ![]() |
Andrew_G Guru ![]() Joined: 18/10/2016 Location: AustraliaPosts: 851 |
Good morning (here in Aus) all, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but the ONE game I'd love to have is "Lunar Lander" (I played it once on a DEC mainframe (about 1976) - no graphics, just printed characters, but it was great!). Its way out of my league to write it but what are the chances of one of you clever shedders converting or writing a CMM2 MMBASIC version? Cheers, Andrew Edited 2020-07-06 09:42 by Andrew_G |
bigmik![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 20/06/2011 Location: AustraliaPosts: 2924 |
Hi Andrew, All, I remember playing lunar lander on a TRS-80 model I in the store (was lv1 4K as well) and it had rudimentary block graphics as well.. I loved it and it is what hooked me into computers way back in (what year was it now??) late 1979 or early 1980.. I ended up buying a System-80 (PMC-80 over the USA) off Dick Smith, Regards, Mick EDIT *** I also remember going to the airport with Don just to play on the new fangled `PONG’ ping pong machine they had there, it was like a coffee table and two people sat either side and twiddled their knob. Mik Edited 2020-07-06 10:37 by bigmik Mick's uMite Stuff can be found >>> HERE (Kindly hosted by Dontronics) <<< |
Turbo46![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 24/12/2017 Location: AustraliaPosts: 1632 |
There is a Lunar Lander for the CMM1 in the Fruit of the shed I've not tried it though. Bill Keep safe. Live long and prosper. |
Andrew_G Guru ![]() Joined: 18/10/2016 Location: AustraliaPosts: 851 |
Hi Bill, That link took me straight to the listing - thanks. It is written by Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. One has to save the listing as say "Lunar.BAS" and transfer the unzipped attachments (top right corner of the site) to the SD card. So far easy. BUT - is is written for a joystick - OK, I commented out those pin assignments and statements as it also accepts keyboard entries. BUT - then I got into differences in syntax between MMBASIC for the CMM1 vs CMM2 so I got out of my depth fairly quickly. BUT (again) - it exists, and may form the basis of a good program. I need to learn a lot more before I can tackle it. Cheers, Andrew |
Sasquatch![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 08/05/2020 Location: United StatesPosts: 364 |
BUT - then I got into differences in syntax between MMBASIC for the CMM1 vs CMM2 so I got out of my depth fairly quickly. BUT (again) - it exists, and may form the basis of a good program. I need to learn a lot more before I can tackle it. I also enjoyed Lunar Lander. I haven't looked into converting the CMM1 version yet but check out the OPTION LEGACY command this can go a long way to patching the differences. You will also likely need to use the MODE command to get the proper graphics mode set. Of course a re-write of the game using the more advanced features of the CMM2 would also be an option. -Carl |
thwill![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 16/09/2019 Location: United KingdomPosts: 4136 |
For kicks-and-giggles I am giving "Lunar" a kick to see if I can can persuade it to run on the CMM2. If anyone thinks I am treading on their toes and would rather I left it as an exercise for them then please let me know. Tom MMBasic for Linux, Game*Mite, CMM2 Welcome Tape, Creaky old text adventures |
abraxas Regular Member ![]() Joined: 16/06/2020 Location: CanadaPosts: 99 |
Not treading as I'm not doing working on that specific one but my hope is to eventually make a few 80's remakes for the CMM2 starting with a Boulder Dash clone followed by other 80's titles that I have a strong nostalgia for: Jet Pac, MinerWilly series, Montezuma's Revenge and many others. Someone's already done a very usable remake of ManicMiner from what I saw. I'll probably take on Montezuma's Revenge right after I'm done with my Boulder Dash clone. |
thwill![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 16/09/2019 Location: United KingdomPosts: 4136 |
Nice. I was just going to get "Lunar" to work on the CMM2 and re-post it on Fruit of the Shed, not do any polishing on it. Regards, Tom MMBasic for Linux, Game*Mite, CMM2 Welcome Tape, Creaky old text adventures |
matherp Guru ![]() Joined: 11/12/2012 Location: United KingdomPosts: 9512 |
Lunar converted. Use 5.05.04b3d just posted to correct minor colour issue 'Lunar Lander for Colour Maximite v4.0 ' option legacy on Option Base 1 Clear 'Array declaration Dim Tevel(MM.HRes) Dim BoosterSpr(2) Dim ExplodeSpr(5) Dim PlatformLSpr(5) Dim PlatformRSpr(5) Dim FootPix(2) 'Set 240 x 216 8 colours resolution mode 5 'We get the Sprites from file 'Drive "b:" Sprite Load "Lunar.spr" 'Sprite declaration LanderSpr = 1 BoosterSpr(1) = 2 : BoosterSpr(2) = 3 For a = 1 To 5 ExplodeSpr(a) = a + 3 PlatformLSpr(a) = a + 8 PlatformRSpr(a) = a + 13 Next a FootPix(1) = 0 : FootPix(2) = 0 '1st animated Sprite per type PlatFormSprNum = 1 NextPlatSprnum=2 ExplodeSprNum = 1 BoosterSprNum = 1 'Set the Joystick pin's 'PIN 11 = UP (Booster) SetPin 11,din,pullup 'PIN 13 = LEFT SetPin 13,din,pullup 'PIN 12 = RIGHT SetPin 12,din,pullup 'Set some variables Booster = 0 LemSpeed = 0.1 SpeedX = 0.0 Fuel = 25.0 Gravity = 1.63 GoRight = 0 : GoUp = 0 : GoLeft = 0 Score = 0 PixLeft = 0 PixRight = 0 GMx = MM.HRes - 1 GMy = MM.VRes - 1 Print @(70,100) "Press a key to Start" Do While (Inkey$ = "") And (Pin(11) = 1) And (Pin(13) = 1) And (Pin(12) = 1) Loop Cls 'Randomize Timer 'Landing platform position Platformx = Int(Rnd * (GMx -60)) + 20 Platformy = Int(Rnd * 80) + (GMy - 80) 'Here we draw the terrain and the Landing platform Sprite show PlatformLSpr(PlatFormSprNum) , Platformx , Platformy,1 Sprite show PlatformRSpr(PlatFormSprNum) , Platformx + 16, Platformy,1 'Terrain at Left from the platform py = Platformy + (Rnd * 7) - 3 For a = Platformx - 1 To 0 Step - 1 py = py + (Rnd * 7) - 3 Line (a,GMy) - (a,py),3 Tevel(a) = py Next a 'Terrain at Right from the platform py = Platformy + (Rnd * 7) - 3 For a = Platformx + 33 To GMx py = py + (Rnd * 7) - 3 Line (a,GMy) - (a,py),3 Tevel(a) = py Next a 'Terrain under the platform For a = Platformx To Platformx + 32 Line (a,GMy) - (a,Platformy + 6),3 Next a 'LEM position at start LemX = Rnd * (GMx - 60) + 20 LemY = Rnd * 50 + 25 'Show the LEM Sprite show LanderSpr , LemX , LemY,1 BoosterWas1 = 0 'Initialise the platform sprite counter PlatformCount = 0 'Next load's will be from drive "a:" Mod_is_playing = 0 Timer = 0 'Main program loop Do While 1 'Read the buttons keypressed = keydown(1) If (Pin(11) = 0) Or keypressed = 128) Then GoUP = 1 If (Pin(12) = 0) Or keypressed = 131) Then GoRight = 1 If (Pin(13) = 0) Or keypressed = 130) Then GoLeft = 1 ' 'Test if we are over the platform If LemY > (Platformy - 17) Then 'Test if we have landed or Collided If (LemX >= Platformx) And (Lemx < (Platformx + 16)) Then 'Landing test If LemSpeed <= 2.0 Then If Mod_is_playing = 1 Then Play Stop EndIf play modfile "landed.mod" Print @(75,50) "Successfully Landed" Pause 2000 Run Else If BoosterWas1 = 1 Then Sprite hide BoosterSpr(BoosterSprNum) EndIf If Mod_is_playing = 1 Then Play Stop EndIf Play modfile "explode.mod" Sprite hide LanderSpr For a = 1 To 5 Sprite show ExplodeSpr(a) , LemX , LemY,1 Pause 100 Sprite hide ExplodeSpr(a) Next a Print @(80,50) "You Crashed !!!" Pause 2000 Run EndIf EndIf EndIf 'We check collision with the Terrain FootPix(1) = Pixel(LemX,LemY + 16) FootPix(2) = Pixel(LemX + 15,LemY + 16) If (FootPix(1) <> 0) Or (FootPix(2) <> 0) Then If BoosterWas1 = 1 Then Sprite hide BoosterSpr(BoosterSprNum) EndIf Sprite hide LanderSpr If Mod_is_playing = 1 Then Play Stop EndIf Play modfile "explode.mod" For a = 1 To 5 Sprite show ExplodeSpr(a) , LemX , LemY,1 Pause 100 Sprite hide ExplodeSpr(a) Next a Print @(80,50) "You Crashed !!!" Pause 2000 Run EndIf If Timer >= 100 Then 'Timer routine every 100mS PlatformCount = PlatformCount + 1 Recompute Redraw Timer = 0 EndIf Loop Sub Recompute 'This part is executed every 100mS LEMSpeed = LEMSpeed + (Gravity * 0.1) If (GoUP = 1) And (Fuel > 0) Then LemSpeed = LemSpeed - (Gravity * 0.2) Fuel = Fuel - 0.3 GoUp = 0 Booster = 1 Else Booster = 0 EndIf If (GoRight = 1) And (Fuel > 0) Then Vx = Vx + 0.1 Fuel = Fuel - 0.1 GoRight = 0 EndIf If (GoLeft = 1) And (Fuel > 0) Then Vx = Vx - 0.1 Fuel = Fuel - 0.1 GoLeft = 0 EndIf 'Record the LEM position OldLemX = Int(LemX) : OldLemY = Int(LemY) LemY = Int(LemY + LemSpeed) LemX = Int(LemX + Vx) 'Clip the LEM in the screen If LemX > (GMx - 17) Then LemX = GMx - 17 If LemX < 5 Then LemX = 5 If LemY > (GMy - 17) Then LemY = GMy - 17 If LemY < 50 Then LemY = 50 End Sub Sub Redraw 'This part is executed every 100mS Print @(0,0) "Speed " @(35,0) Str$(Int(LemSpeed)) + " " Print @(100,0) "Fuel "@(135,0) Str$(Int(Fuel)) + " " 'Check if we have to erase the booster If BoosterWas1 = 1 Then Sprite hide BoosterSpr(BoosterSprNum) BoosterWas1 = 0 Else If Mod_is_playing = 1 Then Play Stop Mod_is_playing = 0 EndIf EndIf 'We redraw the LEM Sprite show LanderSpr , LemX , LemY,1 ' Draw the Booster if needed If Booster = 1 Then If Mod_is_playing = 0 Then Play modfile "turbine.mod" Mod_is_playing = 1 EndIf BoosterSprNum = BoosterSprNum + 1 If BoosterSprNum > 2 Then BoosterSprNum = 1 Sprite show BoosterSpr(BoosterSprNum) , LemX + 5 , LemY + 12,1 Booster = 0 BoosterWas1 = 1 EndIf 'Cycle the platform Sprites evey 300mS If PlatformCount = 3 Then Sprite swap PlatformRSpr(PlatFormSprNum),PlatformRSpr(NextPlatSprnum) Sprite swap PlatformLSpr(PlatFormSprNum),PlatformLSpr(NextPlatSprnum) PlatFormSprNum = PlatFormSprNum + 1 If PlatFormSprNum > 5 Then PlatFormSprNum = 1 NextPlatSprnum = NextPlatSprnum + 1 if NextPlatSprnum > 5 then NextPlatSprnum = 1 PlatformCount = 0 EndIf End Sub Sprite file 16,18 22222222 2111111112 216666666612 21666111166612 2266613333166622 2116613333166112 2666613333166662 2116662222666112 2666111111116662 1111 111111 1111 222 1111 222 22 22 2 2 2 2 222 222 664646 466464 6464 66 466464 644646 4646 46 6 64 6 4 4466 664646 6 6644646 4 646666 6 6646 6 4 4 6 4 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 4 64 6 466 4 6666 6 6666666 6446446466 4666646646 6 6646666 6 6646 6 46 466 4 4 6 6 4 6 64 6 6 6 466 6 44 4 4 4 444 6 66 664 4 66666 6 6 6666 644 4 466 466664 646 6 6 66 6666 6 4 66464 66 466 4 4 4 6 46 6 4 6 46 6 446 6 6 464 6 64 4 6 6 6 6 64 6 66 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 6 64 6 46 46 4 46 6 4 4 46 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 4 6 4 4 6 4 6 4 3222222222222222 2222222222222222 1277744447777444 1277744447777444 1222222222222222 1111111111111111 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3222222222222222 2222222222222222 1277774444777744 1277774444777744 1222222222222222 1111111111111111 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 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4777744447777421 2222222222222221 1111111111111111 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 2222222222222223 2222222222222222 4477774444777721 4477774444777721 2222222222222221 1111111111111111 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 2222222222222223 2222222222222222 4447777444477721 4447777444477721 2222222222222221 1111111111111111 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 2222222222222223 2222222222222222 4444777744447721 4444777744447721 2222222222222221 1111111111111111 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 2222222222222223 2222222222222222 7444477774444721 7444477774444721 2222222222222221 1111111111111111 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 Edited 2020-07-07 07:55 by matherp |
thwill![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 16/09/2019 Location: United KingdomPosts: 4136 |
I think someone just stomped all over my toes in their Size 11's ![]() Let's see if it works a second time ... For kicks-and-giggles I'm going to port Elite to the CMM2. If anyone thinks I am treading on their toes and would rather I left it as an exercise for them then please let me know. Regards, Tom MMBasic for Linux, Game*Mite, CMM2 Welcome Tape, Creaky old text adventures |
Andrew_G Guru ![]() Joined: 18/10/2016 Location: AustraliaPosts: 851 |
Peter, You are amazing! Thank you! I'll load it shortly and start landing . . . and then check the code to see how it works. And just to confirm that you ARE appreciated - but not necessarily "by all the people all the time" to lift a quotation (and another one is "ship happens"). (I'd forgotten about OPTION LEGACY - I can be slow at times) Cheers, Andrew |
Andrew_G Guru ![]() Joined: 18/10/2016 Location: AustraliaPosts: 851 |
Hi all, The other favorite game of mine was "Larry The Lounge Lizard" (I don't go in for the tooting and shooting types). Andrew |
Turbo46![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 24/12/2017 Location: AustraliaPosts: 1632 |
We can look at the changes made and consider it a tutorial. Good luck! ![]() Bill Keep safe. Live long and prosper. |
TassyJim![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 07/08/2011 Location: AustraliaPosts: 6151 |
Life life2.zip Code was left readable(ish) rather than trying for speed. Jim VK7JH MMedit  MMBasic Help |
Sasquatch![]() Guru ![]() Joined: 08/05/2020 Location: United StatesPosts: 364 |
This simple program displays the distribution of the hardware random number generator as a dynamic histogram. If you think you can see a pattern, try running it a few more times to see if the pattern persists LOL ![]() 'Entropy.bas Setup: Mode 1,8 Dim A%(800) XMax = MM.HRES - 1 YMax = MM.VRES - 1 Start: CLS Do X = FIX(RND * XMax) A%(X) = A%(X) + 1 Pixel X,YMAX - A%(X),RGB(WHITE) Loop until A%(X) > YMax 'OR Inkey$ <> "" -Carl |
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