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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : CMM2: V5.06.00b7 - 3D engine

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Posted: 03:47pm 03 Dec 2020
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I've just broken all your 3D programs in V5.06.00b13 attached.


However the change needed is simple and needed now before too much work is done.

Previously there was confusion over the VGA screen coordinates and the 3D world. I have now decoupled this completely.

The 3D world is an area of space 65532 x 65532 x 32766 units (x, y, z) centred at 0,0,0
In other words an object can be placed from -32766 to 32766 in the x-axis, -32766 to 32766 in the y-axis and 0 to 32766 in the z-axis
As previously described the camera can be placed anywhere in the plane  x, y, 0 but always looks out along the z axis.
The previous confusion was over the location of the viewplane. In previous versions it was centred on MM.HRES\2, MM.VRES\2 which made no real sense.
The viewplane is perpendicular to the Z axis and is a plane sized 65532 x 65532 in the x and y axis stretching, like the world from -32766 to 32766 in the x-axis, -32766 to 32766 in the y-axis
However, our VGA display can only show a very small part of the viewplane as limited by  the screen dimensions (MM.HRES x MM.VRES). We could call this the "viewport".
In b13 by default the viewport will be set to +/- MM.HRES\2 either side of the camera x position and +/- MM.VRES either side of the camera y position.
This means If I place a 3D object at 0,0,Z in the 3D world and set my camera at 0,0,0 in the 3D world then the object will project into the centre of the screen.
Likewise, if I place a 3D object at 400,400,Z in the 3D world and set my camera at 400,400,0 in the 3D world then the object will also project into the centre of the screen.

However, there are occasions when this may not be what we want so I have added two extra parameters to the CAMERA command - PAN-X and PAN-Y.
These move the position of the viewport on the viewplane relative to the camera position.
DRAW3D CAMERA n, z_viewplane[,x_camera [,y_camera] [,PAN_X] [,PAN_Y]

The camera number n and the viewplane z distance are mandatory, all other parameters are optional and all default to 0

A practical example makes this clearer.
Suppose we position a number of objects in the 3D world with their lower extermities at  x, 0, z. In other words they are all sitting on the ground.
To look at them we may want the camera somwhere above the ground so we are looking down on them.
If the viewport is centred on the camera (the default) then all the objects will appear in the bottom half of the screen.
Now this may be exactly what we want but if not b13 allows you to pan the viewport up and down and/or left and right relative to the camera.
So in our example we could pan the viewport down to better frame the image on the screen.
This does not change the perspective of the image, that is locked in by the relative positions of the object and the camera.
It merely allows us to frame the image better given our limited screen resolution
This technique is demonstrated in the revised Wall demo program where we look down on the wall but want to move the image up the screen to see more of it

What does this all mean for a programmer - hopefully things are simpler to visualise and simple to program

Below are my various demo programs changed to match b13

  Quote  What do the betas do with flash that's different from RC22? RC22 works perfectly in my system but all the betas (up through b12 at least) cause flash corruption, lockups and crashes when I make the least little change to OPTIONS. If I knew what the difference was, maybe I could sort of diagnose this thing.

Nothing that could cause this affect - just a re-write of bits of the graphics rendering that only affects some pages in some modes and not mode 1,8.
Try a full chip erase and then re-program. Check the battery is good and all links removed (if Waveshare), check quality of power supply and cable. No-one else is reporting this issue so it looks to be local to your machine/environment

  Quote  Make the CALL and EVAL functions synonyms with the following pseudo-implementation:

Nice idea in theory but in practice trying to get the parsing to work would be a nightmare. EVAL has to take a string with the full command, including parameters, in order to tokenise it for execution so there is no obvious way to do what you suggest.

Concave shape fixed in 3D space but with moving camera
option explicit
option default float
mode 1,8
dim integer viewplane = 500
const camera = 1
dim q(4)
dim yaw=rad(1),pitch=rad(2),roll=rad(0.5)
dim integer nv=9, nf=9 ' cube has 9 vertices and 9 faces
'array to hold vertices
dim v(2,nv-1)=(-1,1,-1,  1,1,-1, 1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, -1,1,1, 1,1,1, 1,-1,1,  -1,-1,1, 0,0,0)
math scale v(),100,v()
' array to hold number of vertices for each face
dim integer fc(nf-1) =(4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3)
dim integer cindex(9)=(rgb(red),rgb(blue),rgb(green),rgb(magenta),rgb(yellow),rgb(cyan),rgb(white),rgb(brown),rgb(gray),0)
dim integer fcol(nf-1)=(9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9)
dim integer bcol(nf-1)=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
'array to hold vertices for each face
dim integer fv(math(sum fc())-1)=(1,5,6,2, 1,0,4,5,  0,3,7,4,  5,4,7,6, 2,6,7,3, 0,1,8, 1,2,8, 3,8,2 , 3,0,8)
draw3d create 1, nv, nf, camera, v(), fc(), fv(),cindex(),fcol(),bcol()
dim integer c
page write 1
'draw3d diagnose 1,0,0,1000
gui cursor on 1,0,mm.vres\2
box 0,0,mm.hres,mm.vres
for c=-399 to 399
 gui cursor c+400,MM.Vres\2-c*600/800
 draw3d camera 1,viewplane,c,c*600/800
 math q_create roll,1,1,1,q()
 draw3d show 1,0,0,1000
 math q_euler yaw,pitch,roll,q()
 draw3d rotate q(),1
 inc yaw,rad(1)
 inc pitch,rad(2)
 inc roll,rad(0.5)
 page copy 1 to 0
 pause 20
for c=399 to -399 step -1
 gui cursor c+400,MM.Vres\2-c*600/800
 draw3d camera 1,viewplane,c,c*600/800
 math q_create roll,1,1,1,q()
 draw3d show 1,0,0,1000
 math q_euler yaw,pitch,roll,q()
 draw3d rotate q(),1
 inc yaw,rad(1)
 inc pitch,rad(2)
 inc roll,rad(0.5)
 page copy 1 to 0
 pause 20
draw3d close all

Wall from a high view with panned viewport

option explicit
option default none
option base 0
mode 1,8
DIM INTEGER x=-600,y,z,layer=0
DIM FLOAT Q(4), yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0
const camerax=0, cameray=700, viewplane=400, panx= -150, pany=-250
dim integer nv=8, nf=6 ' cube has 8 vertices and 6 faces
const camera1 = 1
dim float vertices(2,7) = (-1,1,-1,  1,1,-1,  1,-1,-1,  -1,-1,-1,  -1,1,1,  1,1,1,  1,-1,1,  -1,-1,1)
dim integer fc(5)=(4,4,4,4,4,4) ' define the number of vertices in each face
dim integer faces(23)=(0,1,2,3,  1,5,6,2,  0,4,5,1,  5,4,7,6,  2,6,7,3, 0,3,7,4) 'define the vertice
dim integer colours(6)=(rgb(blue), rgb(green), rgb(magenta), rgb(cyan), rgb(red), rgb(brown), rgb(yellow))
dim integer edge(5)=(6,6,6,6,6,6) 'define the colours used for the edges of each face
dim integer fill(5)=(0,1,2,3,4,5) 'define the colours used to fill each face
MATH SCALE vertices(), 20, vertices()
dim float slice(7)
math slice vertices(),2,,slice()
math scale slice(),2,slice()
math insert vertices(),2,,slice()
DRAW3D CREATE 1, nv, nf, camera1, vertices(), fc(), faces(), colours(), edge(), fill()
DRAW3D CAMERA 1, viewplane, camerax, cameray, panx, pany
circle camerax,MM.VRES-cameray,4,,,rgb(white),rgb(white)
for y=0 to 550 step 45
for z=0 to 960 step 85
DRAW3D write 1,x,y,1600-z+layer
'pause 500
next z
if layer=0 then
next y
print timer
page copy 1 to 0

Football with missing panel
option explicit
option default none
mode 2,16
dim float phi=(1+sqr(5))/2
' data for location of verticies for verticesahedron of edge length 2
data 0,1,3*phi
data 0,1,-3*phi
data 0,-1,3*phi
data 0,-1,-3*phi
data 1,3*phi,0
data 1,-3*phi,0
data -1,3*phi,0
data -1,-3*phi,0
data 3*phi,0,1
data 3*phi,0,-1
data -3*phi,0,1
data -3*phi,0,-1
data 2,(1+2*phi),phi
data 2,(1+2*phi),-phi
data 2,-(1+2*phi),phi
data 2,-(1+2*phi),-phi
data -2,(1+2*phi),phi
data -2,(1+2*phi),-phi
data -2,-(1+2*phi),phi
data -2,-(1+2*phi),-phi
data (1+2*phi),phi,2
data (1+2*phi),phi,-2
data (1+2*phi),-phi,2
data (1+2*phi),-phi,-2
data -(1+2*phi),phi,2
data -(1+2*phi),phi,-2
data -(1+2*phi),-phi,2
data -(1+2*phi),-phi,-2
data phi,2,(1+2*phi)
data phi,2,-(1+2*phi)
data phi,-2,(1+2*phi)
data phi,-2,-(1+2*phi)
data -phi,2,(1+2*phi)
data -phi,2,-(1+2*phi)
data -phi,-2,(1+2*phi)
data -phi,-2,-(1+2*phi)
data 1,(2+phi),2*phi
data 1,(2+phi),-2*phi
data 1,-(2+phi),2*phi
data 1,-(2+phi),-2*phi
data -1,(2+phi),2*phi
data -1,(2+phi),-2*phi
data -1,-(2+phi),2*phi
data -1,-(2+phi),-2*phi
data (2+phi),2*phi,1
data (2+phi),2*phi,-1
data (2+phi),-2*phi,1
data (2+phi),-2*phi,-1
data -(2+phi),2*phi,1
data -(2+phi),2*phi,-1
data -(2+phi),-2*phi,1
data -(2+phi),-2*phi,-1
data 2*phi,1,(2+phi)
data 2*phi,1,-(2+phi)
data 2*phi,-1,(2+phi)
data 2*phi,-1,-(2+phi)
data -2*phi,1,(2+phi)
data -2*phi,1,-(2+phi)
data -2*phi,-1,(2+phi)
data -2*phi,-1,-(2+phi)
' 12 faces with 5 sides
data 0,28,36,40,32
data 33,41,37,29,1
data 34,42,38,30,2
data 3,31,39,43,35
data 4,12,44,45,13
data 15,47,46,14,5
data 17,49,48,16,6
data 7,18,50,51,19
data 8,20,52,54,22
data 23,55,53,21,9
data 26,58,56,24,10
data 25,57,59,27,11
' 20 faces with 6 sides
data 32,56,58,34,2,0
data 0,2,30,54,52,28
data 29,53,55,31,3,1
data 1,3,35,59,57,33
data 13,37,41,17,6,4
data 4,6,16,40,36,12
data 5,7,19,43,39,15
'data 14,38,42,18,7,5
data 22,46,47,23,9,8
data 8,9,21,45,44,20
data 10,11,27,51,50,26
data 24,48,49,25,11,10
data 36,28,52,20,44,12
data 13,45,21,53,29,37
data 14,46,22,54,30,38
data 39,31,55,23,47,15
data 16,48,24,56,32,40
data 41,33,57,25,49,17
data 42,34,58,26,50,18
data 19,51,27,59,35,43
dim float q1(4)
dim float yaw=rad(1),pitch=rad(2),roll=rad(0.5)
dim integer i, j, nf=31, nv=60, camera=1
dim float vertices(2,59)
' read in the coordinates of the verticies and scale
for j=0 to 59
for i=0 to 2
  read vertices(i,j)
next i
next j
'math scale vertices(),50,vertices()
dim integer faces(173)
for i=0 to 173
 read faces(i)
next i

dim integer fc(30)=  (5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6)
dim integer colours(2)=(rgb(red),rgb(white),rgb(black))
dim integer edge(30)=(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
dim integer fill(30)=(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
math q_create rad(2),1,0.5,0.25,q1()
draw3d create 1, nv,nf, camera, vertices(), fc(), faces(), colours(), edge(), fill()
draw3d camera 1,800,0,0
'draw3d diagnose 1,mm.hres\2,mm.vres\2,1000
page write 1
draw3d show 1,0,0,1000,1
 math q_euler yaw,pitch,roll,q1()
 inc yaw,rad(1)
 inc pitch,rad(2)
 inc roll,rad(0.5)
 draw3d rotate q1(),1
 draw3d show 1,0,0,1000,1
 page copy 1 to 0,b

Edited 2020-12-04 01:51 by matherp


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Posted: 03:55pm 03 Dec 2020
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  matherp said  
  Quote  Make the CALL and EVAL functions synonyms with the following pseudo-implementation:

Nice idea in theory but in practice trying to get the parsing to work would be a nightmare. EVAL has to take a string with the full command, including parameters, in order to tokenise it for execution so there is no obvious way to do what you suggest.

I'm not quite sure why there would be a parsing issue, though some string replacements are required. I think I know how to implement the behaviour I'm expecting in 10-20 lines of BASIC (though with a nasty ON ERROR hack because I can't tell from BASIC whether an identifier is a function or not). I'll give it a go, and then maybe you can make a call on whether it is a good idea or not.

Best wishes,

Game*Mite, CMM2 Welcome Tape, Creaky old text adventures

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Posted: 04:17pm 03 Dec 2020
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Please don't waste time on it - this is not a change I'm going to make - the manual has gone to press!
Edited 2020-12-04 02:18 by matherp


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Posted: 04:18pm 03 Dec 2020
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  matherp said  Please don't waste time on it - this is not a change I'm going to make

OK, that's reasonable, thanks for letting me know promptly.

EDIT: ... honestly I'm relieved.

Edited 2020-12-04 02:19 by thwill
Game*Mite, CMM2 Welcome Tape, Creaky old text adventures

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Posted: 06:15pm 03 Dec 2020
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This is just a projected question of potential future of the 3d Engen and not even an ask to be sure.  Could there ever be a light-sorce/shader capability added? I have been playing around with blender and that would be the next thing that would be very useful but I know that might be way too computationally heavy. The addition of 3D in the firmware has really expanded the functionality of the CMM2 in an extraordinarily short time. I am not even sure this would be practical at all. I was just wondering.  Thanks and as always for this amazing project.

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Posted: 06:34pm 03 Dec 2020
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  Quote  Could there ever be a light-source/shader capability added?

Something may be possible but I haven't got my head around how the UI might work.

If we know the x,y,z coordinates of the light source then we can calculate the dot-product of the surface normal of a face with the normalised vector from the light source to the face. The closer this is to -1 the more the face is perpendicular to the light. This bit is comparatively easy.

The difficult bit is working out how to select the colour to use based on this dot-product. In 8-bit modes we have a very limited intensity palette (8-levels for red and green and 4 for blue). 16-bit is better (32, 64, 32)

Needs more thought

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Posted: 07:11pm 03 Dec 2020
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First cut at a document on the 3D engine - comments welcome

The CMM2 3D engine.pdf


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Posted: 08:20pm 03 Dec 2020
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Wow! I leave you guys alone for a week (I was summoned up North to the Forbidden Lands to fight an ancient evil*) and I come back to find all of this! The progress in a matter of a few days is absolutely amazing! I'm going to need to do some serious reading just to catch up! Amazing job Peter (matherp) and co!

*This sounds a lot more heroic than "I had to go up North to the rather picturesque lakeside town of 'Sylvan Lake' and work on some Windows Vista computers".

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Posted: 04:46am 04 Dec 2020
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  Quote  Something may be possible but I haven't got my head around how the UI might work.

Nice to know that you are already thinking about it, and as I write this and post it I will probably find you already implemented it. You are scary good at this. That actually happened on one improvement you did and it blew me away. thanks.


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Posted: 05:31am 04 Dec 2020
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I thought I would add a mouse to the mix.
Taking Peters first demo, the mouse moves the camera position around.
If you move the mouse to the right, the camera moves right and the cube moves left.
But - if you move the camera and mouse UP, the cube also moves up.

Why is left-right different to up-down?

 option explicit
 option default float
 mode 1,8
 dim integer viewplane = 500
 const camera = 1
 const mouse_port = 2
 dim q(4)
 dim yaw=rad(1),pitch=rad(2),roll=rad(0.5)
 dim integer nv=9, nf=9 ' cube has 9 vertices and 9 faces
 'array to hold vertices
 dim v(2,nv-1)=(-1,1,-1,  1,1,-1, 1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1, -1,1,1, 1,1,1, 1,-1,1,  -1,-1,1, 0,0,0)
 math scale v(),100,v()
 ' array to hold number of vertices for each face
 dim integer fc(nf-1) =(4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3)
 dim integer cindex(9)=(rgb(red),rgb(blue),rgb(green),rgb(magenta),rgb(yellow),rgb(cyan),rgb(white),rgb(brown),rgb(gray),0)
 dim integer fcol(nf-1)=(9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9)
 dim integer bcol(nf-1)=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
 'array to hold vertices for each face
 dim integer fv(math(sum fc())-1)=(1,5,6,2, 1,0,4,5,  0,3,7,4,  5,4,7,6, 2,6,7,3, 0,1,8, 1,2,8, 3,8,2 , 3,0,8)
 draw3d create 1, nv, nf, camera, v(), fc(), fv(),cindex(),fcol(),bcol()
 dim integer c
 page write 1
 controller mouse open mouse_port
 'draw3d diagnose 1,0,0,1000
 gui cursor on 1,mouse(x), mouse(y)
 box 0,0,mm.hres-1,mm.vres-1
   gui cursor mouse(x), mouse(y)
   draw3d camera 1,viewplane,mouse(x)-mm.hres/2, mouse(y)-mm.vres/2
   math q_create roll,1,1,1,q()
   draw3d show 1,0,0,1000
   math q_euler yaw,pitch,roll,q()
   draw3d rotate q(),1
   inc yaw,rad(1)
   inc pitch,rad(2)
   inc roll,rad(0.5)
   page copy 1 to 0
   pause 15
 loop until inkey$ <>""
 draw3d close all
 controller mouse close mouse_port

You may have to change the mouse port on line 6 (I use 2)

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Posted: 07:59am 04 Dec 2020
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  Quote  Why is left-right different to up-down?

Because the screen coordinates are upside down compared to the 3D world. If you look at my demo you will see I use MM.VRES-y to output the camera position as a cursor.


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Posted: 05:51pm 04 Dec 2020
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  matherp said  V5.06.00b11
Note: The firmware is 758332 bytes long. You are strongly recommended to update using a USB A-A cable rather than over the serial connection. This is a lot of bytes to transfer over serial with no error correction!

Hi Peter,
just an idea:
maybe could be put in for example MM.INFO$(FIRMWARE MD5), that will return MD5 hash for current firmware. We can then check it against hash you can put inside archive with firmware to be sure, it's not corrupted. When's too complicated, at least CRC (or something else in similar fashion)...
Napoleon Commander and SimplEd for CMM2 (GitHub),  CMM2.fun

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Posted: 06:49pm 04 Dec 2020
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I upgraded from B7 to B13 and my cursor on the start is corrupted, what is working then I ignored it, then when I type my options as below it crashes on boot:


Now when booting, there is no cursor and keyboard doesn´t respond anymore, it only shows the CMM2 logo and version. I flashed the firmware again using directly the waveboard and it back to the cursor corrupted but in a working CMM2 enviroment, but if I use the options above, crashes again.

I´m updating using USB A-A and tried other ports and the result are the same.

I reseted options using PIN trick and it works, and then when not using OPTION RAM and using OPTION FLASH 4, it gives me this in OPTION LIST:

PS.: Look at the giant corrupted cursor.
Edited 2020-12-05 04:59 by MauroXavier

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Posted: 06:58pm 04 Dec 2020
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Try b14 just posted. I've just been through your sequence and it works perfectly
Do an erase all before flashing.

Also try putting the switch into SYSTEM mode then reset to enter flashing rather than UPDATE FIRMWARE

Finally, remove battery when flashing and put it back in once flashed
Edited 2020-12-05 05:07 by matherp

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Posted: 07:07pm 04 Dec 2020
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Full flash enabled and b14...

Cursor corrupted and OPTION FLASH 31736 as default.

I will try other things to see if I see it´s something here that is causing it.

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Posted: 07:28pm 04 Dec 2020
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Try as follows:
Plug in A-A USB
Switch Waveshare to SYSTEM

You should get the MS connected noise

Into CubeProgrammer
Connect to USB
Go to download screen
Click on the top select checkbox to select all sectors
click Erase Selected Sectors

You should see confirmation of each sector being erased in turn

Check "Skip flash erase before programming", we don;t need to erase twice
Make sure "Verify programming" is also checked
click Start Programming
Click message boxes
Click disconnect
Move switch back to FLASH
press reset

Check Options look sensible

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Posted: 07:44pm 04 Dec 2020
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Tried exactly as you said, and the result is the same:


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Posted: 07:46pm 04 Dec 2020
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What happens if you now go


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Posted: 07:50pm 04 Dec 2020
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I wonder if the corruption is a sign that (say) the last part of the file is not programmed correctly (or maybe at all)?

Maybe round up the size of the bin file to a multiple of (er, 512? 1K?) by padding with 0xff (&HFF) bytes.


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Posted: 07:57pm 04 Dec 2020
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  MauroXavier said  I upgraded from B7 to B13 and my cursor on the start is corrupted, what is working then I ignored it, then when I type my options as below it crashes on boot:


Now when booting, there is no cursor and keyboard doesn´t respond anymore, it only shows the CMM2 logo and version. I flashed the firmware again using directly the waveboard and it back to the cursor corrupted but in a working CMM2 enviroment, but if I use the options above, crashes again.

I´m updating using USB A-A and tried other ports and the result are the same.

I reseted options using PIN trick and it works, and then when not using OPTION RAM and using OPTION FLASH 4, it gives me this in OPTION LIST:

PS.: Look at the giant corrupted cursor.

That's what I've been trying to tell people! Maybe they'll listen to you.
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