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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : PIO explained PICOMITE

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Joined: 05/03/2018
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Posted: 01:22pm 15 Dec 2022
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@manual: it might be good at end of this series, to re-look at the picomite manual and improve it.

And it is on my wish list to make PASM/PREVAS work. I was unsuccesfull last time I tried it. For the training it is good to hand-assemble since (despite the fact that it is a bit more work) it gives better insight in what the PIO instructions do/can do.

The RP2040 chapter on PIO contains a lot of information, but some of that information is written around the python and C environments, and yes, they confuse even the hell out of me. But the chapter on the assembly instructions (3.4) is important, and I directly use it every time I write code for PIO.

I am curious if others show their results. I am very happy with your response, as it gives me energy to continue.
Edited 2022-12-15 23:24 by Volhout

Joined: 05/03/2018
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Posted: 10:18am 16 Dec 2022
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Since we had 2 exercises, and also new stuff to mention, chapter 3 is broken into 2 parts:

3.1: explaining the exercises
3.2: the new stuff (SPY pin, JMP, WAIT)

This is 3.1

chapter 3 part 1

- exercise 1 explained
To change the frequency to 50Hz (10ms low, 10ms high), with a fixed 2kHz clock frequency (0.5ms clock) you need (10/0.5 =) 20 instruction cycles high and 20 cyles low.

In our basic program loop where we toggle GP0 this must be adapted

line code comment
1   E001 Set GP0 high -> add 19 cycles delay
2   E000 Set GP0 low  -> add 18 cycles delay (jmp is also 1 cycle)
3   jmp 1

These bits have to be added in the DELAY field (refer to the picture in chapter 1 or chapter 2 on the SET command.

Set GP0 high, dly=19 = 111 10011 000 00001 = 1111 0011 0000 0001 = &hF301
Set GP0 low, dly=18  = 111 10010 000 00000 = 1111 0010 0000 0000 = &hF200

So the program changes to

line code  comment
1   F301  Set GP0 high, dly=19
2   F200  Set GP0 low, dly=18
3   0001  jmp 1

Let's execute that .... success
'disconnect ARM from GP0
SetPin gp0,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,1,,,,gp0,)
f=2000 'Hz

'pio program
'line   code  comment
' 0     E081  GP0 output
' 1     F301  pin high, dly=19
' 2     F200  pin low,dly=18
' 3     0001  jmp 1

'program pio1
PIO program line 1,0,&hE081
PIO program line 1,1,&hF301
PIO program line 1,2,&hF200
PIO program line 1,3,&h0001

'write the configuration
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

- exercise 2 explained
To change the frequency to 2700Hz and drive a second IO pin in counterphase (inverted) we have to make 2 adaptations

1/ change the PIO frequency to the correct value. Since we have a loop that generates the output signal, and we know that loop, we can calculate the PIO frequency.
Let's take our 500Hz program as a basis. That program used a 2kHz clock to generate 500Hz, it has 4 instructions in the loop.
To make that program output 2700Hz, the PIO clock frequency needs to be 2700Hz * 4.

f = 2700 * 4 'Hz

2/ we have to drive a second GPIO pin (i.e. GP1) to output the inverted signal. We set the GP1 signal low, when we set GP0 high, and vice versa.
If you look at the SET command, you see that we can SET multiple pins (up to 5). We only have to include GP1 into the SET map, and it's control ends up in the SET command.
Adding GP1 to the SET map (GP1 is the next pin up from GP0) is done through PINCTRL.

PINCTRL 0,2,,,,GP0, <--- 2 pins, starting from GP0 are assigned to this state machine.

The program needs to SET both pins. GP0 is bit 0 in the SET command, GP1 is bit 1 in the SET command, refer to chapter 2

Set GP0 high, GP1 low, dly=1 = 111 00001 000 00001 = 1110 0001 0000 0001 = &hE101
Set GP0 low, GP1 high        = 111 00000 000 00010 = 1110 0000 0000 0010 = &hE002

So our total program looks like:

'solution exercize chapter 3_2

'disconnect ARM from GP0
SetPin gp0,pio1
SetPin gp1,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,2,,,,gp0,)
f=2700 * 4 'Hz

'pio program
'line   code  comment
' 0     E083  gp0 output
' 1     E101  pin gp0 high, gp1 low, dly=1
' 2     E002  pin gp0 low, gp1 high
' 3     0001  jmp 1

'program pio1
PIO program line 1,0,&hE081
PIO program line 1,1,&hE101
PIO program line 1,2,&hE002
PIO program line 1,3,&h0001

'write the configuration
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

Does it work ..... NO..... Why ? we did everything right, right ??
Oops...no, there is no signal on GP1....

The problem is that we changed the loop to set 2 pins. But we forgot to set GP1 to output (the instruction at line 0).
That is also a SET command, and it should set GP1 output (bit 1 must become high).

So line 0 should read:
0  E083   Set gp0 out, gp1 out

And we can adapt the program.... but let's do it different this time. It is time for something new.....

In the program, but also on the command line, you can force a state machine to execute an instruction that is not part of it's program memory.
Our program is (still) busy generating 2700 Hz at gp0 pin and gp1 pin, but we can't see gp1 since it is not an output.
At any time we can change that pin to output (even in a running PIO program) by:


a/ PIO
b/ state machine
c/ Instruction

So (at command line) we type:

> PIO EXECUTE 1,0,&hE083

Voila.... we have both signals on gp1 and gp0...

Now we have proven this is the solution, we can adapt our program. You can use PIO EXECUTE also in a MMBasic program. And when a PIO is configured, but no PIO program is programmed, you can prototype a program by just individually executing all statements. Like a simple form of single stepping.

'solution exercize chapter 3_2

'disconnect ARM from GP0
SetPin gp0,pio1
SetPin gp1,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,2,,,,gp0,)
f=2700*4 'Hz

'pio program
'line   code  comment
' 0     E083  gp0,gp1 output
' 1     E101  pin gp0 high, gp1 low, dly=1
' 2     E002  pin gp0 low, gp1 high
' 3     0001  jmp 1

'program pio1
PIO program line 1,0,&hE083
PIO program line 1,1,&hE101
PIO program line 1,2,&hE002
PIO program line 1,3,&h0001

'write the configuration
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

'Check the frequency in MMBasic
SetPin GP8,FIN

Pause 1000

Print Pin(gp8);" Hz"



Connect pin GP8 (the MMBasic frequency input) to either GP0 and GP1 to check the signal.
Edited 2022-12-16 20:29 by Volhout

Joined: 11/12/2012
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Posted: 10:35am 16 Dec 2022
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Please find attached the official pio assembler. This takes a pio source file and generates the hex together with the c commands that set up the pins etc. May be useful at least as far as getting the correct machine code for your source


This is a command line executable (windows)

example source file from Pico examples

; Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

.program uart_rx_mini

; Minimum viable 8n1 UART receiver. Wait for the start bit, then sample 8 bits
; with the correct timing.
; IN pin 0 is mapped to the GPIO used as UART RX.
; Autopush must be enabled, with a threshold of 8.

   wait 0 pin 0        ; Wait for start bit
   set x, 7 [10]       ; Preload bit counter, delay until eye of first data bit
bitloop:                ; Loop 8 times
   in pins, 1          ; Sample data
   jmp x-- bitloop [6] ; Each iteration is 8 cycles

% c-sdk {
#include "hardware/clocks.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"

static inline void uart_rx_mini_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin, uint baud) {
   pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(pio, sm, pin, 1, false);
   pio_gpio_init(pio, pin);

   pio_sm_config c = uart_rx_mini_program_get_default_config(offset);
   sm_config_set_in_pins(&c, pin); // for WAIT, IN
   // Shift to right, autopush enabled
   sm_config_set_in_shift(&c, true, true, 8);
   sm_config_set_fifo_join(&c, PIO_FIFO_JOIN_RX);
   // SM transmits 1 bit per 8 execution cycles.
   float div = (float)clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / (8 * baud);
   sm_config_set_clkdiv(&c, div);
   pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
   pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);

.program uart_rx

; Slightly more fleshed-out 8n1 UART receiver which handles framing errors and
; break conditions more gracefully.
; IN pin 0 and JMP pin are both mapped to the GPIO used as UART RX.

   wait 0 pin 0        ; Stall until start bit is asserted
   set x, 7    [10]    ; Preload bit counter, then delay until halfway through
bitloop:                ; the first data bit (12 cycles incl wait, set).
   in pins, 1          ; Shift data bit into ISR
   jmp x-- bitloop [6] ; Loop 8 times, each loop iteration is 8 cycles
   jmp pin good_stop   ; Check stop bit (should be high)

   irq 4 rel           ; Either a framing error or a break. Set a sticky flag,
   wait 1 pin 0        ; and wait for line to return to idle state.
   jmp start           ; Don't push data if we didn't see good framing.

good_stop:              ; No delay before returning to start; a little slack is
   push                ; important in case the TX clock is slightly too fast.

% c-sdk {
static inline void uart_rx_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin, uint baud) {
   pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(pio, sm, pin, 1, false);
   pio_gpio_init(pio, pin);

   pio_sm_config c = uart_rx_program_get_default_config(offset);
   sm_config_set_in_pins(&c, pin); // for WAIT, IN
   sm_config_set_jmp_pin(&c, pin); // for JMP
   // Shift to right, autopush disabled
   sm_config_set_in_shift(&c, true, false, 32);
   // Deeper FIFO as we're not doing any TX
   sm_config_set_fifo_join(&c, PIO_FIFO_JOIN_RX);
   // SM transmits 1 bit per 8 execution cycles.
   float div = (float)clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / (8 * baud);
   sm_config_set_clkdiv(&c, div);
   pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
   pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);

static inline char uart_rx_program_getc(PIO pio, uint sm) {
   // 8-bit read from the uppermost byte of the FIFO, as data is left-justified
   io_rw_8 *rxfifo_shift = (io_rw_8*)&pio->rxf[sm] + 3;
   while (pio_sm_is_rx_fifo_empty(pio, sm))
   return (char)*rxfifo_shift;


and the output

// -------------------------------------------------- //
// This file is autogenerated by pioasm; do not edit! //
// -------------------------------------------------- //

#pragma once

#include "hardware/pio.h"

// ------------ //
// uart_rx_mini //
// ------------ //

#define uart_rx_mini_wrap_target 0
#define uart_rx_mini_wrap 3

static const uint16_t uart_rx_mini_program_instructions[] = {
           //     .wrap_target
   0x2020, //  0: wait   0 pin, 0                  
   0xea27, //  1: set    x, 7                   [10]
   0x4001, //  2: in     pins, 1                    
   0x0642, //  3: jmp    x--, 2                 [6]
           //     .wrap

static const struct pio_program uart_rx_mini_program = {
   .instructions = uart_rx_mini_program_instructions,
   .length = 4,
   .origin = -1,

static inline pio_sm_config uart_rx_mini_program_get_default_config(uint offset) {
   pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
   sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset + uart_rx_mini_wrap_target, offset + uart_rx_mini_wrap);
   return c;

#include "hardware/clocks.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
static inline void uart_rx_mini_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin, uint baud) {
   pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(pio, sm, pin, 1, false);
   pio_gpio_init(pio, pin);
   pio_sm_config c = uart_rx_mini_program_get_default_config(offset);
   sm_config_set_in_pins(&c, pin); // for WAIT, IN
   // Shift to right, autopush enabled
   sm_config_set_in_shift(&c, true, true, 8);
   sm_config_set_fifo_join(&c, PIO_FIFO_JOIN_RX);
   // SM transmits 1 bit per 8 execution cycles.
   float div = (float)clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / (8 * baud);
   sm_config_set_clkdiv(&c, div);
   pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
   pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);


// ------- //
// uart_rx //
// ------- //

#define uart_rx_wrap_target 0
#define uart_rx_wrap 8

static const uint16_t uart_rx_program_instructions[] = {
           //     .wrap_target
   0x2020, //  0: wait   0 pin, 0                  
   0xea27, //  1: set    x, 7                   [10]
   0x4001, //  2: in     pins, 1                    
   0x0642, //  3: jmp    x--, 2                 [6]
   0x00c8, //  4: jmp    pin, 8                    
   0xc014, //  5: irq    nowait 4 rel              
   0x20a0, //  6: wait   1 pin, 0                  
   0x0000, //  7: jmp    0                          
   0x8020, //  8: push   block                      
           //     .wrap

static const struct pio_program uart_rx_program = {
   .instructions = uart_rx_program_instructions,
   .length = 9,
   .origin = -1,

static inline pio_sm_config uart_rx_program_get_default_config(uint offset) {
   pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
   sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset + uart_rx_wrap_target, offset + uart_rx_wrap);
   return c;

static inline void uart_rx_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin, uint baud) {
   pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(pio, sm, pin, 1, false);
   pio_gpio_init(pio, pin);
   pio_sm_config c = uart_rx_program_get_default_config(offset);
   sm_config_set_in_pins(&c, pin); // for WAIT, IN
   sm_config_set_jmp_pin(&c, pin); // for JMP
   // Shift to right, autopush disabled
   sm_config_set_in_shift(&c, true, false, 32);
   // Deeper FIFO as we're not doing any TX
   sm_config_set_fifo_join(&c, PIO_FIFO_JOIN_RX);
   // SM transmits 1 bit per 8 execution cycles.
   float div = (float)clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / (8 * baud);
   sm_config_set_clkdiv(&c, div);
   pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
   pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);
static inline char uart_rx_program_getc(PIO pio, uint sm) {
   // 8-bit read from the uppermost byte of the FIFO, as data is left-justified
   io_rw_8 *rxfifo_shift = (io_rw_8*)&pio->rxf[sm] + 3;
   while (pio_sm_is_rx_fifo_empty(pio, sm))
   return (char)*rxfifo_shift;




Joined: 11/02/2018
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Posted: 10:56am 16 Dec 2022
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Thanks, that will be very useful after I get a better understanding of the basics.

Re last lesson, EXECUTE will be very handy for controlling the PIO.

> PIO EXECUTE 1,0,&hE080  ' switch both off
> PIO EXECUTE 1,0,&hE081  ' switch GP0 on
> PIO EXECUTE 1,0,&hE082  ' switch GP0 off, GP1 on
> PIO EXECUTE 1,0,&hE083  ' switch both on

Joined: 05/03/2018
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Posted: 11:59am 16 Dec 2022
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General question:

Is the information provided the correct level. I can go faster, or can go slower if needed, but someone has to tell me. Please respond.

I guess Peters post was to inform me, once I get to work on PASM and PREVAS.

Thanks for the info. That is usefull.
Question: PIO(PINCTRL ...) can use empty fields, and uses defaults (maybe accidentally 0, but it works). You can leave fields blank.
PIO(EXECCTRL...) you have to fill in all fields, no defaults (wrap target = 0, wrap =&h1f), but also the first field (assign a pin) only accepts a number, not GPx. It would be logical is GPx was accepted as a first parameter.
Is that fix-able ?



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Posted: 06:25am 17 Dec 2022
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Your current pace suits me, but if it is just a class of one the amount of work you are putting in is too much.

Hello! Is There Anybody Out There?

A half baked work in progress.
'PIO experiment - 50Hz 3 phase.bas

'disconnect ARM from GP0 - GP5
SetPin gp0,pio1 : SetPin gp1,pio1
SetPin gp2,pio1 : SetPin gp3,pio1
SetPin gp4,pio1 : SetPin gp5,pio1

'configure pio1
p0=Pio(pinctrl 0,2,,,,gp0,)
p2=Pio(pinctrl 0,2,,,,gp2,)
p4=Pio(pinctrl 0,2,,,,gp4,)
f=2000 'Hz

'pio program
'line   code  comment
' 0     E083  gp0,gp1 output
' 1     F301  pin gp0 high, gp1 low, dly=19
' 2     F202  pin gp0 low, gp1 high, dly=18
' 3     0001  jmp 1

'program pio1
Dim a%(7)=(&H0001f202f301E083,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
PIO program 1,a%()

'write the configuration
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p0,,,0
PIO init machine 1,1,f,p2,,,0
PIO init machine 1,2,f,p4,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0
Pause 3.3
PIO start 1,1
Pause 3.3
PIO start 1,2


Edited 2022-12-17 16:38 by phil99


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Posted: 06:43am 17 Dec 2022
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Watching and reading fully.
I will start playing once a few life matters are out of the way.

I was frightened of when I tried to read the official documentation so very pleased to have a clearer, more practical slant on things.

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 08:30am 17 Dec 2022
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Would you like me to make this into a manual, Volhout, so that it could be a PDF later? I've just been experimenting and I can copy the graphics ok so it should work. It would keep it "clean" from interjections. :)

Zilog Inside! nascom.info for Nascom & Gemini
Preliminary MMBasic docs & my PCB designs

Joined: 09/01/2022
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Posted: 08:34am 17 Dec 2022
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Hi Volhout,
Pace & detail all seem great from my perspective, I have dabbled in PIO b4 in C, but never got any further than driving a very long string of addressable LEDs so to have a simplified, broken down, how to is great. :-) Thanks for spending the time to do this, I know how long stuff like this can take. Keep up all your good work, I'm always  keen &  waiting for the next instalment.
Regards Kevin
PS. I might have a go @ driving those same LEDs again, but from PicoMIte, using your tutorial for guidance. :-)
Edited 2022-12-17 18:37 by Bleep

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Posted: 08:44am 17 Dec 2022
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chapter 3.2

Up to now we have focussed on driving output signals from the PIO. But in many projects we would like the PIO to read inputs, to synchronize, or to change behaviour.

A good way to synchronize is to WAIT until a input condition occurs, and then start executing. To evaluate the condition of a single input pin we can use the PIO WAIT instruction.

The fields have following function:
DELAY/SIDE SET - we already know how to use the delay field.
POL            - the polarity of the input signal we wait for to become true (0/1)
SOURCE         - how to select a source. We use 00 so any GPIO pin can be checked.
INDEX          - the pin number (i.e. 2 for GP2, 29 for gp29)

The input pin does not need to be configured. That is easy. It does not even have to be detached from the ARM processor. You can spy on the ARM IO. Just read any single pin and wait for it's condition to happen.

We can use that to start and stop the tonegenerator (500Hz). Somewhere in the loop we add the WAIT instruction to check if GP2 becomes high, and then continue with the loop. In pseudo code:

wait gp2 to become high
set pin gp0 high + delay 1 cycle
set pin gp0 low
jump to label

The WAIT GP2=1 would assemble to
WAIT gp2=1  = 001 00000 100 00010 = 0010 0000 1000 0010 = &h2082

If you look at above pseudo code, you see that the gp0 pin is high 2 cycles, and low 3 cycles. For a nice square wave output, we should increase the delay with 1 cycle.

in PIO code

line code comment
0     E081 SET GP0 output
1     2082 WAIT GP2=1
2     E201     SET gp0 high, dly=2
3     E000     SET gp0 low
4     0001     JMP to 1

Now we can drive pin GP2 in MMBasc and switch the tone ON/OFF. Since we added an instruction, and a delay, out loop is now 6 cycles. The tone changes from 500Hz to 333Hz. We can change the frequency at which the PIO runs to correct that. For a 1 kHz tone, we set the PIO frequency to

f=1000 * 6 ' 1000Hz output at 6 cycles loop.

'disconnect ARM from GP0
setpin gp0,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,1,,,,gp0,)
f=1000 * 6 'Hz

'line code comment
' 0     E081 SET GP0 output
' 1     2082 WAIT GP2=1
' 2     E201    SET gp0 high, dly=2
' 3     E000    SET gp0 low
' 4     0001    JMP to 1

'program pio1
pio program line 1,0,&hE081
pio program line 1,1,&h2082
pio program line 1,2,&hE201
pio program line 1,3,&hE000
pio program line 1,4,&h0001

'write the configuration
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

'toggle GP2 in MMBasic
Setpin gp2,dout

 pin(gp2) = 1 - pin(gp2) 'toggle pin GP2
 pause 100


Change program flow

WAIT is nice for synchronisation, but what if you wanted to make coffee when pin gp2 is high, and make tea when it is low. Not wait for a condition, but change your behaviour on a condition. The JMP instruction can be used for that. We have used the JMP instruction in previous examples as a non-conditional jump. But this instruction can be made conditional, and one of the conditions can be a single pin state.

CONDITION: when value is "110" the jump to ADDRESS will only occur when the pin is high.

So a conditional JMP would assemble to

JMP (pin=1),address = 000 00000 110 address = 0000 0000 1100 address = &h00Cx

But the instruction has no field to assign a PIN (no bits left). The asignment of the pin pumber is done in a configuration value. In EXECCTRL. We have used PINCTRL before, and this is just another of those configuration values,

So for WAIT you do not have to adapt the configuration
But for conditional JMP you have to adapt the state machine configuration.

Note: per state machine there is only 1 pin that can be assigned for conditional JMP.

The new configuration value is EXECCTRL


a/ This is the pin number we want to use for conditional jump, for gp2 set to 2
b/ wrap_target: this is not used now, set to 0
c/ wrap: this is not used now, set to 31

so for pin GP2 we would use


We can use the conditional JMP to create a 2 tone siren, by just introducing a conditional extra delay. In pseudo code:

set pin gp0 high
jmp (gp2=1) to label2
set pin gp0 high          <-------- this instruction will be skipped when GP2 high
label2: set pin gp0 low
jmp to label1

If we hand assemble this, it ends up as

line code comment
0     E081 SET GP0 output
1     E001     SET gp0 high, dly=2
2     00C4 JMP (GP2=1) to 4, (skip instruction 3)
3     E001     SET gp0 high
4     E000     SET gp0 low
5     0001     JMP to 1

Out total program now becomes....

'disconnect ARM from GP0
setpin gp0,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,1,,,,gp0,)
e=PIO(execctrl 2,0,31)
f=1000 * 6 'Hz

'line code comment
' 0   E081 SET GP0 output
' 1   E001      SET gp0 high, dly=2
' 2   00C4 JMP (GP2=1) to 4, (skip instruction 3)
' 3   E001      SET gp0 high
' 4   E000      SET gp0 low
' 5   0001      JMP to 1

'program pio1
pio program line 1,0,&hE081
pio program line 1,1,&hE001
pio program line 1,2,&h00C4
pio program line 1,3,&hE001
pio program line 1,4,&hE000
pio program line 1,5,&h0001

'write the configuration (note we added "e")
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,e,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

'toggle GP2 in MMBasic
Setpin gp2,dout

 pin(gp2) = 1 - pin(gp2) 'toggle pin GP2
 pause 100


We now have a 2 tone siren. Attach a beeper to GP0 and hear...
The output signal is not a nice 50% duty cycles, but we have learned how to calculate the delays needed.

I noticed phil99 is working on a PIO project (3 phase generator), and other have not answered with exercise proposals, so this time: no exercise.
Edited 2022-12-17 18:45 by Volhout

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Posted: 09:45am 17 Dec 2022
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It's going at a good speed for me.

I've been saving each one :)

Thanks for the effort!!

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Posted: 02:32pm 18 Dec 2022
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I am following this with great interest.  Certainly excellent explanations and very much appreciated, thank you.  Yes, your time is worthwhile -your post has over 1000 viewings...surely that shows that there is a LOT of interest in what you are teaching.  Mick's offer to produce a manual would be well worthwhile, although I suspect it could go very nicely into the PicoMite Manual also.


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Posted: 02:23am 19 Dec 2022
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"The output signal is not a nice 50% duty cycles, but we have learned how to calculate the delays needed."

'disconnect ARM from GP0. - 1000Hz / 1500Hz Square Wave
SetPin gp0,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,1,,,,gp0,)
e=Pio(execctrl 2,0,31)
f=1000 * 6 'Hz

'line code comment
' 0   E081 SET GP0 output
' 1   E001      SET gp0 high, dly=2
' 2   00C4 JMP (GP2=1) to 5, (skip instructions 3 & 4)
' 3   E001      SET gp0 high
' 4   E000      SET gp0 low
' 5   E000      SET gp0 low
' 6   0001      JMP to 1

'program pio1
PIO program line 1,0,&hE081
PIO program line 1,1,&hE001
PIO program line 1,2,&h00C5
PIO program line 1,3,&hE001
PIO program line 1,4,&hE000
PIO program line 1,5,&hE000
PIO program line 1,6,&h0001

'write the configuration (note we added "e")
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,e,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

'toggle GP2 in MMBasic
SetPin gp2,dout
SetPin gp8,fin

Pin(gp2) = Not Pin(gp2) 'toggle pin GP2
Print Pin(gp8)
Pause 2000


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Posted: 04:14am 19 Dec 2022
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@ phil99 & everyone else: Definitely watching/reading with interest.  But as I know nothing about the PIO's really, I have to read and then re-read and then try some experiments before I would come up with any questions to ask.

Don't have much time at the moment, but once Christmas hits, the pressure will be off, and I can concentrate more on actually doing some of the things laid out in these lessons.

+100 from me for Mick's offer to format this all into a manual.  That is if Volhout does not want to do it, naturally.
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Posted: 07:25am 19 Dec 2022
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Good solution ! And you did notice that you are already using 7 memory slots for such simple 2 tone siren. With only 32 memory locations for 4 state machines, you can imagine memory running out.

I will adapt the course order of topics (learning on the job). In the next chapter we will discuss one method to make more compact code (wrap and wrap target).


Yes, I would feel honoured in case you combine this knowledge in a user guide.  

Edited 2022-12-19 17:42 by Volhout

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Posted: 07:52am 19 Dec 2022
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A self contained MCU with a full-featured BASIC interpreter

A mini-DOS

The possibility to use C-subs/functions for time-critical code

Now the possibility of determinism that runs independently of the main program

Yeah, this is all amazing stuff....Nothing else like it    



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Posted: 09:00am 19 Dec 2022
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OK, I'll carry on with my earlier experiment and polish it up a bit. I'll not keep releasing it as things progress as I think that might get even more confusing. :)  However, once it gets to a reasonable size I'll start putting it in my Dropbox now and again.

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Posted: 09:06am 19 Dec 2022
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This is great stuff.

Mick, when you have it finished and ready I would like to add it to the "official" PicoMite(s) downloads - if that is OK with you and Volhout.

Geoff Graham - http://geoffg.net

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Posted: 10:11am 19 Dec 2022
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  Mixtel90 said   I'll start putting it in my Dropbox now and again.

Another approach is a collaborative Google Docs file which would enable others to chip-in as this thing evolves.



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Posted: 11:02am 19 Dec 2022
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That's fine with me, Geoff. Every little helps.  :)

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