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Forum Index : Electronics : Bryan's Inverter build

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Joined: 22/02/2006
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Posted: 05:56am 15 Apr 2023
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G'Day Guy's,
           Mike (Wiseguy) came up on Friday with a nice present namely a Aerosharp inverter for me to play with   When I said this will be for 24 volts Mike worked out 15 turns should do the job. Then I showed him that 6.5mmX4mm copper wire and asked if it would be suitable for the primary and for the size inverter I'm building it will do the job.

The Toroid

The name plate

As the Aerosharp does come with 3 inductors I just had to strip the big one and put some of my tape over the insulation.

A few years ago Warpspeed (Tony) showed a sketch using this core where 4 turns each side can do both the high and low side inductors and with this wire I can get 2 in hand for the turns.

I have made a start on the Brain board and found I had every resistor bar the 51K which will need to be adjusted to suit the 24 volts so full resolution for the ADC. Where the board calls for a 60 volt to 15 volt board won't be needed for my setup so I was thinking of just using a 7815 with a few dropping diodes to ensure the 7815 stays within it's voltage limits and this can be made on some veroboard putting some pinouts to suit the pcb.

Yesterday I put that old wire former onto my 2 ring crab burner to anneal the copper and unwinding a few turns this morning proved I can get it nice and straight to install the heatshrink on.

Well with work I will only be able to work on this project on weekends as I am working away so plenty of time to get some research done and order all the parts I need to get this done.

Cheers Bryan
Edited 2023-04-15 16:03 by Bryan1
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Posted: 09:43am 15 Apr 2023
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i have just built an inverter using the single aerosharp toroid.  
i am also 24v.     where did you get the 15 turns from?

everything i have read on this and other forums have tought me i needed to aim for a 12v wind for 24v.     i came in at 11 turns to get 12v.


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Posted: 05:03pm 15 Apr 2023
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Stockleys, I agree that I have probably led Bryan a bit astray yesterday. I did a few quick off the cuff calculations to arrive at I think it was ~ 14.5T. I simply took the battery voltage (24V) nominal and multiplied it by .7071 to get the max RMS voltage capability which was 16.9V.  The 230V winding on the toroid had 197T or 1.1675 V/Turn.  Now dividing that into 16.9 gives ~ 14.5T.

But as I was considering it later the EG8010 from my experiments a few years ago could only achieve ~ 90% of max PWM modulation depth I think from memory so the result should have been closer to 13T, which I had intended to tell Brian about but your post beat me.  Also in my simple calculations I was using 230VAC as the final voltage for the 197T secondary not 240V.  

I am happy for others to advise Bryan as to the best primary turns to use - I have no first hand experience at 24V.  If I was building it for myself I would be quite comfortable to start off with a 13T primary and see how it performs before reducing the primary further.
Edited 2023-04-16 03:11 by wiseguy
If at first you dont succeed, I suggest you avoid sky diving....
Cheers Mike

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Posted: 10:14pm 15 Apr 2023
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13 volts sounds about right Mike. The 8010 boards I have used specified 12 to 14 volt primary windings for 24 volt operation.

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Posted: 02:49am 16 Apr 2023
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Just to change the subject for a moment Bryan, did you still have any excess terminals that you mentioned a while ago?

I'll send you a pm. Thanks.
Cheers,  Roger


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Posted: 09:19am 22 Apr 2023
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Well guy's left for work on Monday morning just before 5am and got home just after 4 pm today.

Well working away does mean I may have one day a week at home to work on this project but with ANZAC Day on Tuesday I don't go back until Wednesday and for this stint I'm driving my merc up to save having to go down the hill and backup again after each shift.

So back to the project eh Roger Monday is a good day for me for a visit mate and if you can PM me if this is a suitable time.

I did have a look at that schematic Poida put up in that other thread and Mike did give me a 25 pack of 30 amp fets so first look this arvo was that Ching 8 fet board. But eh I did go and look at alibarber and this board is no longer available so time to work out how this board works as one of the heatsinks must provide a connection.

Now that PCI parallel port is waiting to pick up in the morning with the intent of getting it going so I can finally get my cnc going.

Rather than just order boards I do have still a heap of double sided boards too so I'll cnc a new inverter board to the schematic I come up with. Rather than wait for that slow boat.

My pet project and fist inverter can supply the current for my shed fridge and my mig welder if needed that won't run on my current inverter.

Now when I do get a inverter built I do have that toriod of that 3Kw inverter thats been going since '05.

So more thought and so little time but this will go forward.

Cheers Bryan


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Posted: 07:53am 25 Apr 2023
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G'Day Guy's,
           Just thinking as I'm going to have to build a few chokes I'm going to need a LCR meter for checking the inductance value so where would be the best place to grab one as a look at jaycar proved just a waste of time.

Cheers Bryan
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Posted: 10:32am 25 Apr 2023
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I bought one of these
works a treat


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Posted: 09:10pm 28 Apr 2023
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G'Day Guy's,
             Scored 6 off 190 watt PV panels this week at work so this weekends job is getting them on the roof of my shed and there is plenty more PV to come as most of the condemned shacks have grid tie solar on  

So I do think time to get the first MTTP finished so the fun can begin.

Cheers Bryan


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Posted: 07:44am 29 Apr 2023
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G'Day Guy's,
           Well finally got all the panels on the roof   and as it was getting late in the day I put the last 3 panels up so the connections can be done tonight. Now with 3 connected I did see 10 amps when the sun made an appearance and these panels are about 5 years old too.

As they are grid tie panels the open circuit voltage is 40 volts and the short circuit current is 5.7 amps now my shed battery will soak up all the panels can give and still want more   Now I do think a MPPT for this array will be the go so for now I have every panel in parallel and it will be easy to put 2 in series for the MTTP.

PD thanks for that link mate and I just ordered one so hopefully not too long to wait for it to get here.

This morning when I turned on my old shed inverter it went straight into overload and took a minute or 2 to sort itself out so it on it's final legs. Which has got me thinking of that Chinese board I got and make that up but just use the main part and use a brainboard to control it. I do need to take a pic of the rear and I'll put both top side and rear side in this thread so we can work out how to get this done.

I counted 15 condemned shacks with grid tie solar on so a chat next week to see if I can take the panels off before I start on the 20 ton digger to remove the shack. Could end up with over 20Kw if it all goes well and the for the best price, a bottle of my moonshine to the right boss.

Cheers Bryan

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Posted: 02:05am 30 Apr 2023
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Sounds like you're in the right place at the right time Bryan, congratulations. And out of another 20kw of panels, hopefully you can score some higher output ones too, especially if they've only been fitted in the last few years.

I'm assuming the inverters and all the lower gear is toast  ...  how high did the water come on those shacks? Even if they have been waterlogged, you could score some coil formers etc. Can certainly find out if their enclosure seals worked or not.   No battery systems there at all?
Cheers,  Roger


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Posted: 02:51am 30 Apr 2023
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We are doing several areas and around 30-35% of shacks the water went into the top level of the shack and with the mold growing one can only be inside for about 2 minutes due to the mold spores.

I'm going to ask this next week about all the PV to see if I can grab it and it may be interesting if I can get hold of the grid tie inverters as more than likely a heap of AeroSharps will be there  

Got all the panels connected and made all the brackets to hold the panels down so after lunch back on the roof to complete the job. I did see 20 amps coming in so 2/3's of the max power is a good sign these panels are still good.

Cheers Bryan


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Posted: 10:56am 09 May 2023
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Well scored my first grid tie inverter today a fronuis promo while it doesn't have a toriod it does have some interesting chokes so this weekend may reveal a few more goodies.

Cheers Bryan

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Posted: 02:14pm 09 May 2023
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That's good to hear Bryan, it's always fun to dismantle that sort of gear  ...  especially if there's no real need to have to reassemble it again.  
Cheers,  Roger


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Posted: 12:07am 16 May 2023
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G'Day Guy's,
           Found a suitable box in my shed this morning which do fit the goods for my inverter project  

Now with those 2 inductors I made they do both have the same wire used and I do need to get more heavy duty connectors for that wire.

Thanks for that tip Mike on the fets and this morning I ordered 26 of those HY5608 fets and one can never have too many fets  to play with  .

Also thinking about winding the primary on the toroid and that aint a small job as I'll be using that heavier wire I have here for the 12 turns needed.

The fun continues

Cheers Bryan


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Posted: 01:24am 17 May 2023
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G'Day Guy's,
            Well been doing a lot of thinking and reading old posts particularity where the big choke out of the Aerosharp was used as the primary dual choke. The one I found was done by Tony and as I did just have enough of that enameled wire left well that first choke I made was a donor   to the cause.

So 10 turns on each side and I put some of that motor lamination sheet I had left over from my 4Kw motor conversion thru the centre to isolate each choke.

I used some of that motor tape to keep the turns nice and tight and the hunt is for some varnish as some of the wire was scored on one side giving it a sealing paint will isolate the scores

Now I have these chokes I do need to test them out and that pic Tony put up for a choke tester looks the go as I do have a 30 volt 3 amp power supply, a couple of huge can type caps 1500uf 450 volt of memory to use. My 600 amp clamp meter is works after all these years so I can measure the current. Now with the schotty diodes used it was said they were chosen for the low voltage drop which off memory 0.3 forward voltage. It just happens those big fets I got off that first grid tie have the same forward voltage in diode mode.

I do have old scope so the smoke test is needed to see if it still works and I do have my 865 Fluke Scope meter so I can take pic's of the wave form.

Which brings up the next hurdle actually powering up this tester as it has been a very long time since I was programming.

Cheers Bryan


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Posted: 03:00am 18 May 2023
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G'Day Guy's,
            Well asked my wife for some varnish and she came up with a small tin of clear estapol so in order to get it into and around the wire I thickened it up with Q-cell as I do have a 2kg box of it here from my days at playing with dual axial flux wind gennies.

Decided to head over to Balhannah as mitre 3 has a jaycar outlet there only to find all they had was resistors and only a fraction of the sizes I needed and no caps or IC connector strips at all.   I did find a 7815 IC so i can get on and make that connector board for the pico brainboard.

As I'm on 24 volts I reckon a 4 diode drop from the battery voltage to the 7815 will do the job and I do still have some simmstick proto boards to use.

Also did the smoke test on my old Gould cro and to my surprise it booted up nicely but the probe does look abit shady as this unit sat in the back corner of my shed for close to 20 years and has been thru countless wet events where real heavy rain comes in the shed.

Cheers Bryan
Edited 2023-05-18 16:03 by Bryan1


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Posted: 04:10am 19 May 2023
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G'Day Guy's,
            I was looking on feebay this morning for 20x4 lcd's and just about everything is I2C or SPI   so if anyone has a link to some it would be nice.

Got an email from LCSC this morning and my fets are on the way so time is a ticking to get this all done.

Cheers Bryan


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Posted: 04:42am 19 May 2023
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Hi Bryan
I just ordered 3 from here. They have i2c and non i2c versions. Just under 3 weeks to get them after order.

Latest F4 Latest H7


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Posted: 05:03am 19 May 2023
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Thanks for that link mate and just ordered half a dozen of them, I was just on before ordering half a dozen nano's and also got that nano expansion board.

So it does look like I'll have a heap of parcels around the same time and thats my budget for the week.

Cheers Bryan
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