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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : PIO explained PICOMITE

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Joined: 05/03/2018
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Posted: 11:55am 16 Jan 2023
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Hi Peter,

That is it. Now it works.

And yes, you are right. It is faster to poll the status. But that forces you to do so frequently. And if you use PIO just as another peripheral (i.e. a UART) it is convenient when you have the interrupts. Just take action when something happens...



p.s. Why is the restriction that FIFO should have been previously full ? What if the PIO can keep up with MMBasic (very likely given the speed of PIO), and the fifo never gets full ? Did I overlook something obvious. Please tell.

Joined: 11/12/2012
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Posted: 12:37pm 16 Jan 2023
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  Quote   Did I overlook something obvious. Please tell.

An interrupt has to happen on a state change otherwise it will continually trigger. I could change it so that it triggers whenever the FIFO has reduced by 1. Then you would only need to seed it with one value. I could trigger when it has gone from more than half full to half full... etc.

Since the focus of this release is PIO I might (but only might) next look at

PIO DMA IN nbr, A%()
PIO DMA OUT nbr, a%()

A%() would be integer arrays but you would need to use the PACK and UNPACK to convert 64 bit arrays to 32bit

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Posted: 12:50pm 16 Jan 2023
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  matherp said  
  Quote   Did I overlook something obvious. Please tell.

An interrupt has to happen on a state change otherwise it will continually trigger. I could change it so that it triggers whenever the FIFO has reduced by 1. Then you would only need to seed it with one value. I could trigger when it has gone from more than half full to half full... etc.

Since the focus of this release is PIO I might (but only might) next look at

PIO DMA IN nbr, A%()
PIO DMA OUT nbr, a%()

A%() would be integer arrays but you would need to use the PACK and UNPACK to convert 64 bit arrays to 32bit

Aha, that explains it. I was in the understanding that before starting interpreting a new MMBasic command you would look at the staus bit in FSTAT, and when 0 trigger the interrupt. But you need achange of state.... OK... Clear.

On DMA I am not educated. I know how it works, but not how it could work in MMBasic. If DMA is a means to handle data transfers at ARM / BUS speed in the background (not interpreter speed) then it will be very beneficial. Sending data to an array of WS2812 will be piece of cake then. Just prepare an array, and push the button. This will also allow the picomite to work as logic analyzer (with trigger programmed in PIO) or a suffisticated AWG (Arbitrary waveform generator).

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Posted: 02:55pm 16 Jan 2023
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  matherp said  
An interrupt has to happen on a state change otherwise it will continually trigger. I could change it so that it triggers whenever the FIFO has reduced by 1. Then you would only need to seed it with one value. I could trigger when it has gone from more than half full to half full... etc.

Since the focus of this release is PIO I might (but only might) next look at

PIO DMA IN nbr, A%()
PIO DMA OUT nbr, a%()

A%() would be integer arrays but you would need to use the PACK and UNPACK to convert 64 bit arrays to 32bit

Hi Peter,
My vote, if nothing else changes, is for interrupt to be at half empty, so when 2 (or 4) items left.
Otherwise your proposed, possible, changes look interesting, packing & unpacking are very fast & easy, would these transfer 'nbr' data items out of/into the FiFo to or from the array indicated? Would the array always be read/written from element 0? or would you envisage
PIO DMA in 3, a%(4)
being feasable, so the transfer starts at element 4 then 5 etc.
I appreciate this may not happen.
Regards Kevin.
Edited 2023-01-17 00:57 by Bleep

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Posted: 03:40pm 16 Jan 2023
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Please could you do me a version of this that returns an incrementing counter rather than zero. Needed for DMA testing - thanks

'PIO clear
 pio clear 1
'the PIO program
'address    code    mnemonics         comment
'  0      2000      WAIT GP0=0
'  1      2080      WAIT GP0=1
'  2      8000      PUSH noblock
'  3      0000      JMP 0
'program pio1
 pio program line 1,0,&h2000
 pio program line 1,1,&h2080
 pio program line 1,2,&h8000
 PIO program line 1,3,&h0000

Joined: 05/03/2018
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Posted: 04:26pm 16 Jan 2023
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Here you go.....

' demo program to deomnstrate the use of the PIO interrupt
' the PIO is programmed to push 1 word into FIFO at every rising edge of the GP0 pin.
' the GP0 pin is controlled from MMBasic in this demo, but could also be driven from
' an external source.
'-------------------------------- PIO state machine -----------------------------------
'PIO clear
 pio clear 1
'the PIO program
'address    code    mnemonics         comment
'  0      A02B      MOV X=-NULL
'  1      2000      WAIT GP0=0
'  2      2080      WAIT GP0=1
'  3      A0C9      MOV ISR=-X
'  4      8000      PUSH noblock
'  5      0041      JMP (X<>0) 1 X--
'  6      0000      JMP 0
'program pio1
 pio program line 1,0,&hA02B
 pio program line 1,1,&h2000
 pio program line 1,2,&h2080
 pio program line 1,3,&hA0C9
 pio program line 1,4,&h8000
 PIO program line 1,5,&h0041
 pio program line 1,6,&h0000
'write the configuration, running 100kHz (data in FIFO 10us after rising edge GP0)
 PIO init machine 1,0,1e5,0,,,0
'-------------------------------- MMBasic MAIN ---------------------------------------
'Halt the PIO from GP0 from MMBasic before it fills the FIFO out of control
 setpin gp0,dout
 dim d%
 dim newdata%=0
'start the pio1 code, state machine 1.0 will be waiting for a rising edge on the GP0 pin
'then it will push 1 word into fifo. Then it will wait for the falling edge. The cycle repeats.
 PIO start 1,0
'  PIO interrupt 1,0,GetIt,0
'freguently feed data into the fifo
 Settick 100,FeedFifo
'Main: check if data, when yes, then print
   loop while (pio(fstat 1) and 256)
   PIO READ 1,0,1,d%
   print d%
'----------------------------------- SUBS ---------------------------------------
'in this sub we toggle the GP0 pin to force the PIO to put data in the FIFO
sub FeedFifo
 pin(gp0)=1:pause 1:pin(gp0)=0:pause 1
end sub

For whatever reason the PIO INTERRUPT 1,0,RX,0 gives a "Line Error", even with an applicable SUB that does the reading of the fifo. Did not take the time to find out why. This version is polling the FSTAT. You are interested in the incrementing value only I guess.

Tomorrow I will look into why the RX Interrupt does not work.


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Posted: 05:20pm 16 Jan 2023
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I'm loving this  


Try these two examples (PicoMite only)

Reading data by DMA

' demo program to deomnstrate the use of the PIO interrupt
' the PIO is programmed to push 1 word into FIFO at every rising edge of the GP0 pin.
' the GP0 pin is controlled from MMBasic in this demo, but could also be driven from
' an external source.

'-------------------------------- PIO state machine -----------------------------------

'PIO clear
PIO clear 1

'the PIO program
'address    code    mnemonics         comment
'  0      A02B      MOV X=-NULL
'  1      2000      WAIT GP0=0
'  2      2080      WAIT GP0=1
'  3      A0C9      MOV ISR=-X
'  4      8000      PUSH noblock
'  5      0041      JMP (X<>0) 1 X--
'  6      0000      JMP 0

'program pio1
PIO program line 1,0,&hA02B
PIO program line 1,1,&h2000
PIO program line 1,2,&h2080
PIO program line 1,3,&hA0C9
PIO program line 1,4,&h8000
PIO program line 1,5,&h0041
PIO program line 1,6,&h0000

'write the configuration, running 100kHz (data in FIFO 10us after rising edge GP0)
PIO init machine 1,0,1e5,0,,,0

'-------------------------------- MMBasic MAIN ---------------------------------------

'Halt the PIO from GP0 from MMBasic before it fills the FIFO out of control
SetPin gp0,dout

Dim d%
Dim newdata%=0
Dim a%(15),b%(31)
'start the pio1 code, state machine 1.0 will be waiting for a rising edge on the GP0 pin
'then it will push 1 word into fifo. Then it will wait for the falling edge. The cycle repeats.
PIO DMA_IN 1,0,32,a%(),recvdone

'  PIO interrupt 1,0,GetIt,0

'freguently feed data into the fifo
SetTick 100,FeedFifo

'Main: check if data, when yes, then print
'   Do
'  Loop While (Pio(fstat 1) And 256)
'   PIO READ 1,0,1,d%
'   Print d%

Sub recvdone
Memory unpack Peek(varaddr a%()),Peek(varaddr b%()),32,32
For i=0 To 31
Print b%(i)
Next i
End Sub

'----------------------------------- SUBS ---------------------------------------

'in this sub we toggle the GP0 pin to force the PIO to put data in the FIFO
Sub FeedFifo
Pin(gp0)=1:Pause 1:Pin(gp0)=0:Pause 1
End Sub

And writing data by DMA

' demo program to demonstrate the use of the PIO interrupt
' the PIO is programmed to pull 1 word from FIFO at every rising edge of the GP pin.
' the LSB 5 bits are shown on GP1..GP5 (diagnostics)
' the GP0 pin is controlled from MMBasic in this demo, but could also be driven from
' an external source.

'-------------------------------- PIO state machine -----------------------------------

'PIO clear, and attach pins to PIO 1
PIO clear 1
SetPin gp1,pio1
SetPin gp2,pio1
SetPin gp3,pio1
SetPin gp4,pio1
SetPin gp5,pio1
Dim integer unpacked%(31),packed%(15)
Dim integer packedadd=Peek(varaddr packed%())
Dim integer unpackedadd=Peek(varaddr unpacked%())
For i=0 To 31
Memory pack unpackedadd,packedadd,32,32

'the PIO program
'address    code    mnemonics             comment
'  0      E09F      SET pindirs &b11111   GP1..GP5 out
'  1      2000      WAIT GP0=0            wait for external trigger on GP0 to pull
'  2      2080      WAIT GP0=1
'  3      8080      PULL noblock          pulls data off fifo
'  4      6005      OUT OSR > pins 5      shift 5 bits to GP1..5 pins
'  5      0001      JMP 1                 repeat

PIO program line 1,0,&hE09F
PIO program line 1,1,&h2000
PIO program line 1,2,&h2080
PIO program line 1,3,&h8080
PIO program line 1,4,&h6005
PIO program line 1,5,&h0001

'write the configuration, running 1MHz
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,5,5,gp0,,gp1,gp1)    'pins GP1...GP5 = out, GP0 = in
'  s=PIO(shiftctrl 0,0,0,0,1,1)        'default value
'  e=PIO(execctrl gp0,0,31)            'default value: wrap defaults, GP0 = cond JMP pin
'  PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,e,s,0      'PIO 1 SM 0 start adress = 0
PIO init machine 1,2,f,p,,,0         'PIO 1 SM 0 start adress = 0

'-------------------------------- MMBasic MAIN ---------------------------------------

'Halt the PIO from GP0 from MMBasic before it fills the FIFO out of control
SetPin gp0,dout

Dim d%=0

'start the pio1 code, state machine 1.0 will be waiting for a rising edge on the GP0 pin
'then it will pull 1 word from fifo. Then it will wait for the falling edge. The cycle repeats.

PIO DMA_OUT 1,2,32,packed%(),dmadone

'freguently PIO pull data from the fifo
SetTick 500,PullFifo

'Main: interrupt free loop polling the NOT TX_FULL flag in FSTAT
If a% Then
   SetTick 0,0


'----------------------------------- SUBS ---------------------------------------

'in this sub we toggle the GP0 pin to force the PIO to fetch data from the FIFO
Sub PullFifo
Pulse gp0,10
End Sub

Sub dmadone
Print "All done"
End Sub

Edited 2023-01-17 03:23 by matherp

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Posted: 08:09am 17 Jan 2023
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This is beta 3. There is something wrong with RX interrupt.

[50] PIO interrupt 1,0,RX_Int,0
Error : Line number
> ?mm.ver

This is the code (basically the same you use for DMA...)

' demo program to deomnstrate the use of the PIO interrupt
' the PIO is programmed to push 1 word into FIFO at every rising edge of the GP
0 pin.
' the GP0 pin is controlled from MMBasic in this demo, but could also be driven
' an external source.

'-------------------------------- PIO state machine ---------------------------

'PIO clear
 PIO clear 1

'the PIO program
'address    code    mnemonics         comment
'  0      A02B      MOV X=-NULL
'  1      2000      WAIT GP0=0
'  2      2080      WAIT GP0=1
'  3      A0C9      MOV ISR=-X
'  4      8000      PUSH noblock
'  5      0041      JMP (X<>0) 1 X--
'  6      0000      JMP 0

'program pio1
 PIO program line 1,0,&hA02B
 PIO program line 1,1,&h2000
 PIO program line 1,2,&h2080
 PIO program line 1,3,&hA0C9
 PIO program line 1,4,&h8000
 PIO program line 1,5,&h0041
 PIO program line 1,6,&h0000

'write the configuration, running 100kHz (data in FIFO 10us after rising edge G
 PIO init machine 1,0,1e5,0,,,0

'-------------------------------- MMBasic MAIN --------------------------------

'Halt the PIO from GP0 from MMBasic before it fills the FIFO out of control
 SetPin gp0,dout

 Dim d%
 Dim newdata%=0

'start the pio1 code, state machine 1.0 will be waiting for a rising edge on th
e GP0 pin
'then it will push 1 word into fifo. Then it will wait for the falling edge. Th
e cycle repeats.
 PIO start 1,0

 PIO interrupt 1,0,RX_Int,0

'freguently feed data into the fifo
 SetTick 100,FeedFifo

'Main: check if data, when yes, then print
   Pause 10
'    Do
'    Loop While (Pio(fstat 1) And 256)
'    PIO READ 1,0,1,d%
'    Print d%

'----------------------------------- SUBS -------------------------------------

'in this sub we toggle the GP0 pin to force the PIO to put data in the FIFO
Sub FeedFifo
 Pin(gp0)=1:Pause 1:Pin(gp0)=0:Pause 1
End Sub

Sub RX_int
 PIO read 1,0,1,d%
 Print d%
End Sub

When you remove the trailing ",0" it works. But that implies that you cannot stop the TX_Int when the RX_Int is running.

Today I will try the DMA stuff. Looks promising...
Edited 2023-01-17 18:21 by Volhout

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Posted: 09:03am 17 Jan 2023
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  Quote  When you remove the trailing ",0" it works. But that implies that you cannot stop the TX_Int when the RX_Int is running.

Easy fix. Will post b4 with the full DMA for both variants on the main thread in an hour or so


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Posted: 10:55am 17 Jan 2023
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  Pluto said  I am struggling with the PIO command IRQ (RP2040 datasheet p327).

Here is how I think the IRQ and WAIT interrupt flags work in regard to the "If the MSB is set, the state machine ID (0…3) is added to the IRQ index, by way of modulo-4 addition on the two LSBs" thing.

The following clues from the data sheet are relevant.
From the WAIT instruction:

The flag index is decoded in the same way as the  IRQ index field: if the MSB is set, the state machine ID (0…3) is added to the IRQ index, by way of modulo-4 addition on the two LSBs. For example, state machine 2 with a flag value of '0x11' will wait on flag 3, and a flag value of '0x13' will wait on flag 1. This allows multiple state machines running the same program to synchronise with each other.

From the IRQ instruction:

The modulo addition bit allows relative addressing of 'IRQ' and 'WAIT' instructions, for synchronising state machines
which are running the same program. Bit 2 (the third LSB) is unaffected by this addition.

I am looking at this from the point of view of compiling instructions for WAIT and IRQ. I initially thought I would need this Modulo-4 thing and apply it to the index, but I think this is not the case. This is a job for the PIO, NOT the programmer. This view is supported when I put instructions into the official PIOASM compiler. It doesn't know which State Machine it is compiling for, if you ask for interrupt 7, it gives you interrupt 7.

The MSB of the index (B4) is set when the rel parameter is added to IRQ instruction.
IRQ <irq-num> rel
B0 to B2 hold the IRQ number 0-7. I guess B3 is unused.
The programmer's/coder's job is not to modify the index, but just set B4 to tell the PIO State Machine it is running code that is shared by another state machine.

When a PIO State Machine sees B4 set it knows one of two things
a) the programmer is making life difficult for no good reason
b) it is running the same code as another (or more ) state machine.

So B4 set tells a State Machine it its sharing code, it can't literally use the interrupt in the instruction as SM0  (adding 0 doesn't change it) will use that interrupt. It must do the Modulo-4 thing and get another value. The WAIT does the same thing so they end up with the same new interrupt and all is well.

The only thing you would need to watch out for as a programmer would be when you want to use multiple interrupts when running shared code. Your just need to ensure any IRQ numbers selected don't resolve to the same IRQ as each other when the modulo-4 thing is done for any of the state machine sharing the code.
@Pluto's table above shows the various combinations that could result in the same IRQ value and have state machines confusing each other.
Latest F4 Latest H7

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Posted: 01:09pm 17 Jan 2023
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Thanks disco4now for your valuable comments and explanations.
My excercise is more about decoding existing PIO-instructions than creating. The target is to explain the instructions in more detail in order to make it easier (for me) to follow the PIO-program flow without having to constantly check the PR2040 datasheet for the instruction details.

The only nut that I so far couldn't crack is the IRQ & WAIT modulo-4 addition stuff.
I am also a bit suspicious about my understanding of the modulo-4 addition; strange that bit B3 in the index register is not used. Even when it seems that efforts are made to sqeeze in "more info than possible" into 5 bits.

I agree with you that as long as IRQ & WAIT Index B4 is 0, it is straight forward to understand the purpose of the instruction. B4=1 case is still a some kind of mystery. May be we will enter the B4=1 topic again when more PIO codes are created on the forum.

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Posted: 03:55pm 24 Mar 2023
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Update for PicoMite V5.07.07b28 and newer

Since PIO assembler is integrated in PicoMite V50707b28, the training can also be followed using the build in assembler. It is still usefull to understand manual assembly, but below programs show how to do things now.

Chapter 1
'disconnect ARM from GP0
setpin gp0,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,1,,,,gp0,)
f=2029 '2029Hz is compatible with picomite 133MHz

'pio program assemble and write to memory
pio assemble 1,".program chapter1"
pio assemble 1,".line 0"

pio assemble 1,"set pindirs,1"
pio assemble 1,"label:"
pio assemble 1,"set pins,1"
pio assemble 1,"set pins,0"
pio assemble 1,"jmp label"

pio assemble 1,".end program list"

'write the configuration: PIO, state machine, frequency,pincontrol,,,start address
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

Chapter 2 program 1
'disconnect ARM from GP0
setpin gp0,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,1,,,,gp0,)
f=2029 '2029Hz is compatible with picomite 133MHz

'pio program assemble and write to memory
pio assemble 1,".program chapter2a"
pio assemble 1,".line 0"

pio assemble 1,"set pindirs,1"
pio assemble 1,"label:"
pio assemble 1,"set pins,1 [1]"   '[1] means delay = 1
pio assemble 1,"set pins,0"
pio assemble 1,"jmp label"

pio assemble 1,".end program list"

'write the configuration: PIO, state machine, frequency,pincontrol,,,start address
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

' check the GP0 pin from MMbasic
setpin gp6,fin

'wait a bit
pause 1100

'measure frequency and show
print pin(gp6);" Hz"

'stop pio


Chapter 2 program 2
'disconnect ARM from GP0
setpin gp0,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,1,,,,gp0,)
f=2029 '2029Hz is compatible with picomite 133MHz

'pio program assemble and write to memory
pio assemble 1,".program chapter2b"
pio assemble 1,".line 0"

pio assemble 1,"set pindirs,1"
pio assemble 1,"label:"
pio assemble 1,"set pins,1 [1]"   '[1] means delay = 1
pio assemble 1,"set pins,0"
pio assemble 1,"jmp label"

pio assemble 1,".end program list"

'write the configuration: PIO, state machine, frequency,pincontrol,,,start address
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

' check the GP0 pin from MMbasic

'array to store 101 samples taken from GP0
dim v%(100)

'sample the GP0 pin into the array 101 samples
for i%=0 to 100
 pause 0.1         'limit the speed a bit
next i%

math v_print v%()   'print the whole array to the screen

'stop pio


Exercise chapter 2

'disconnect ARM from GP0
setpin gp0,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,1,,,,gp0,)
e=PIO(execctrl gp2,0,31)
f=1000 * 6 'Hz

'pio program assemble and write to memory
pio assemble 1,".program chapter3"
pio assemble 1,".line 0"

pio assemble 1,"set pindirs,1"        'gp0=out
pio assemble 1,"label1:"
pio assemble 1,"set pins,1 [2]"       'gp0=1 delay 2
pio assemble 1,"jmp pin label2"
pio assemble 1,"set pins,1"          
pio assemble 1,"label2:"
pio assemble 1,"set pins,0"           'gp0=0
pio assemble 1,"jmp label1"

pio assemble 1,".end program list"

'write the configuration (note we added "e")
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,e,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

'toggle GP2 in MMBasic
Setpin gp2,dout

 pin(gp2) = 1 - pin(gp2) 'toggle pin GP2
 pause 100


Chapter 3
'disconnect ARM from GP0
setpin gp0,pio1
setpin gp1,pio1

'configure pio1
p=Pio(pinctrl 0,2,,,,gp0,)
f=2000 * 5.4 'Hz

'pio program assemble and write to memory
pio assemble 1,".program chapter2a"
pio assemble 1,".line 0"

pio assemble 1,"set pindirs,&b11"     '&b11 = gp1=out, gp0=out
pio assemble 1,"label:"
pio assemble 1,"set pins,&b01 [1]"    '&b01 = gp1=0, gp0=1
pio assemble 1,"set pins,&b10"        '&b10 = gp1=1, gp0=0
pio assemble 1,"jmp label"

pio assemble 1,".end program list"

'write the configuration: PIO, state machine, frequency,pincontrol,,,start address
PIO init machine 1,0,f,p,,,0

'start the pio1 code
PIO start 1,0

' check the GP0 pin from MMbasic
setpin gp6,fin

'measure frequency and show
 pause 1100
 print pin(gp6);" Hz"
loop while inkey$=""

'stop pio


When time permits I will also prepare the other chapters. For now, you grasp the idea how things are easier thanks to Peter....

Edited 2023-03-25 02:03 by Volhout
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