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Fisher & Paykel Windmill. |
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With the windmill secured
in its normal upright position, slide in the 220mm long
16mm rod. |
Looking from the front, the
rod will point to the left and back from the windmill.
Weld in place, both top and bottom where it passes through
the 40mm box section. |
Cut a 60mm and 100mm lengths
of 22mm od 16mm id tube. Then cut one end of each as shown.
Click on the diagram to enlarge. |
The cut tube, note this photo
was taken during development, so the lengths appear wrong.
Slide the short tube over the rod till it hits bottom,
and weld around the base. The slotted end will be pointing
up. It dosn't matter which direction the slot is facing. |
Make a washer from some 6mm
( or thicker ) steel. id is 30mm, od 52mm. Weld this to
the top of the 50mm id tube ( yaw bearing ). This washer
stops the windmill sliding down the mast. You may see
I've also welded a small strip of scrap steel with a elongated
hole in it to the top of the windmill ( its upside down
in this photo ). This will be used later a a mounting
point for the rectifier. Any old bit of steel with a couple
of holes in it will do. |
Slide the 100mm length of
22mm tube onto the tail hinge, so that the two tangs we
made earlier engage. This is our tail hinge. Looking from
the top, rotate the hinge tube counter clockwise till
it stops. You should have about 90 degrees of rotation.
Grab you remaining length of 22mm tube ( the tail arm
) and tac it to the hinge so that the tail arm is level
AND pointing straight out from the back of the windmill. |
Once you have it tacked at
the right angle, fully weld. Add a small brace to give
more support. You can see here I used an old bolt as the
brace. |
When the windmill is held
level in a vice, the tail arm should sit directly out
from the back of the windmill. Rotate the arm and it will
swing up and over the windmill. You'll see here the stator
and hub are fitted, we'll get to this soon. |
This is the furled position.
With the tail at it normal rest position,
position your tail fin so it is vertical and mark/drill
the mounting holes for the tail fin. |
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